Question | Answer |
to accept | accepter |
to welcome | accueillir |
to buy | acheter |
to love | adorer |
to help | aider |
to like | aimer |
like that | ainsi |
to go | aller |
to go to | aller |
to go to | aller à |
so | alors |
to improve | améliorer |
to call | appeler |
to bring | apporter |
to learn | apprendre |
after | après |
to arrive | arriver |
to wait | attendre |
to catch | attraper |
to the | au |
today | aujourd'hui |
today | aujourd’hui |
also | aussi |
too | aussi |
as well | aussi |
so much | autant |
around | autour de |
other | autre |
to move forward | avancer |
before | avant |
before | avant de |
before | avant que |
with | avec |
to have | avoir |
to have need | avoir besoin |
to need | avoir besoin de |
to have seen | avoir vu |
low | basse |
to chat | bavarder |
beautiful | beau |
many | beaucoup |
a lot | beaucoup |
a lot of | beaucoup de |
well | bien |
soon | bientôt |
white | blanc |
blue | bleu |
to drink | boire |
hello | bonjour |
to shine | briller |
briefly | brièvement |
calmly | calmement |
because | car |
this | ce |
sure | certain |
these | ces |
to stop | cesser |
this | cet |
this | cette |
each one | chacun |
warm | chaleureux |
welcoming | chaleureux |
to change | changer |
to sing | chanter |
every | chaque |
warm | chaud |
hot | chaud |
each | chacun |
each | chaque |
to choose | choisir |
to start | commencer |
to begin | commencer |
how | comment |
to understand | comprendre |
understood | compris |
to drive | conduire |
confident | confiant |
comfortable | confortable |
to know | connaître |
to advise | conseiller |
to continue | continuer |
friendly | convivial |
correctly | correctement |
to correct | corriger |
to run | courir |
covered | couvert |
to believe | croire |
to cook | cuisiner |
it | c’ |
in | dans |
into | dans |
to dance | danser |
more | davantage |
from | de |
about | de |
a | de |
with | de |
some | de l' |
some | de la |
tomorrow | demain |
to ask | demander |
since | depuis |
for | depuis |
some | des |
to go down | descendre |
to draw | dessiner |
in front of | devant |
to become | devenir |
must | devoir |
to have to | devoir |
difficult | difficile |
to say | dire |
directly | directement |
to discuss | discuter |
so | donc |
of | de |
some | de |
some | du |
of | du |
to decide | décider |
to describe | décrire |
the lunch | déjeuner |
already | déjà |
delicious | délicieux |
to move | déménager |
to hurry | dépêcher |
by | d’ici |
she | elle |
to wrap | emballer |
to borrow | emprunter |
to prevent | empêcher |
in | en |
of it | en |
by | en |
to | en |
late | en retard |
again | encore |
still | encore |
to encourage | encourager |
together | ensemble |
sunny | ensoleillé |
sunny | ensoleillée |
afterward | ensuite |
then | ensuite |
desire | envie |
to send | envoyer |
to hope | espérer |
and | et |
to exist | exister |
to explain | expliquer |
to build | fabriquer |
to make | fabriquer |
easy | facile |
to do | faire |
to make | faire |
to let in | faire entrer |
to be necessary | falloir |
it is necessary | falloir |
tired | fatigué |
to close | fermer |
to work | fonctionner |
formal | formel |
strong | fort |
fresh | frais |
France | France |
cold | froid |
to keep | garder |
tall | grand |
big | grand |
great | grand |
large | grand |
to grow | grandir |
free | gratuit |
awesome | génial |
to hinder | gêner |
happy | heureux |
yesterday | hier |
to hesitate | hésiter |
here | ici |
ideal | idéal |
he | il |
they | ils |
immediately | immédiatement |
important | important |
to include | inclure |
interesting | intéressant |
never | jamais |
I | je |
him | l' |
the air | l'air |
the friend | l'ami |
the friend | l'amie |
the year | l'an |
the birthday | l'anniversaire |
the year | l'année |
the apartment | l'appartement |
the elevator | l'ascenseur |
the attention | l'attention |
the water | l'eau |
the effort | l'effort |
the child | l'enfant |
the entrance | l'entrée |
the staircase | l'escalier |
the stairs | l'escalier |
the space | l'espace |
the experience | l'expérience |
the story | l'histoire |
the winter | l'hiver |
the idea | l'idée |
the building | l'immeuble |
the unknown | l'inconnu |
the instant | l'instant |
the invitation | l'invitation |
the occasion | l'occasion |
the scent | l'odeur |
the computer | l'ordinateur |
the writer | l'écrivaine |
the spice | l'épice |
the step | l'étape |
the summer | l'été |
the egg | l'œuf |
the library | la bibliothèque |
the chair | la chaise |
the song | la chanson |
the shoe | la chaussure |
the color | la couleur |
the tie | la cravate |
the kitchen | la cuisine |
the shower | la douche |
the decoration | la décoration |
the determination | la détermination |
the family | la famille |
the mistake | la faute |
the communication mistake | la faute de communication |
the window | la fenêtre |
the end | la fin |
the end of the month | la fin du mois |
the flower | la fleur |
France | la France |
the grandmother | la grand-mère |
the bookstore | la librairie |
the light | la lumière |
the house | la maison |
the crumb | la miette |
the mountain | la montagne |
the music | la musique |
the weather | la météo |
the peace | la paix |
the share | la part |
the paint | la peinture |
the fear | la peur |
the sentence | la phrase |
the apple | la pomme |
the door | la porte |
the walk | la promenade |
the question | la question |
the recipe | la recette |
the meeting | la réunion |
the season | la saison |
the week | la semaine |
the soup | la soupe |
the sister | la sœur |
the table | la table |
the size | la taille |
the task | la tâche |
the meat | la viande |
the city | la ville |
the neighbor | la voisine |
the car | la voiture |
the voice | la voix |
the truth | la vérité |
on | le |
the need | le besoin |
the wood | le bois |
the office | le bureau |
the bus | le bus |
the coffee | le café |
the couch | le canapé |
the cat | le chat |
the dog | le chien |
the colleague | le collègue |
the corridor | le couloir |
the lunch | le déjeuner |
the dinner | le dîner |
the snowflake | le flocon |
the French | le français |
French | le français |
the cold | le froid |
the cheese | le fromage |
the fruit | le fruit |
the brother | le frère |
the grandfather | le grand-père |
the garden | le jardin |
the day | le jour |
the lake | le lac |
the place | le lieu |
the book | le livre |
the vegetable | le légume |
the store | le magasin |
the coat | le manteau |
the market | le marché |
the morning | le matin |
the message | le message |
the moment | le moment |
the word | le mot |
the wall | le mur |
the bread | le pain |
the umbrella | le parapluie |
the park | le parc |
the landscape | le paysage |
the breakfast | le petit-déjeuner |
the cupboard | le placard |
the pleasure | le plaisir |
the dish | le plat |
the most | le plus |
the project | le projet |
the neighborhood | le quartier |
the daily life | le quotidien |
the meal | le repas |
the restaurant | le restaurant |
the bag | le sac |
the living room | le salon |
the Saturday | le samedi |
the favor | le service |
the care | le soin |
the evening | le soir |
the floor | le sol |
the sun | le soleil |
the rug | le tapis |
the technician | le technicien |
the text | le texte |
the work | le travail |
the job | le travail |
the phone | le téléphone |
the cell phone | le téléphone portable |
the wine | le vin |
the neighbor | le voisin |
the trip | le voyage |
the weekend | le week-end |
the route | le chemin |
the route | le trajet |
slowly | lentement |
them | les |
their | leur |
to get up | lever |
to read | lire |
far away | loin |
far | loin |
long | long |
him | lui |
her | l' |
her | la |
the apartment | l’appartement |
my | ma |
beautiful | magnifique |
magnificent | magnifique |
now | maintenant |
but | mais |
despite | malgré |
to eat | manger |
to walk | marcher |
the market | marché |
Marie | Marie |
me | me |
to lie | mentir |
me | moi |
I | moi |
fewer | moins |
less | moins |
to climb | monter |
to show | montrer |
to wet | mouiller |
my | mes |
my | mon |
even | même |
not | n'... pas |
right | n'est-ce pas |
natural | naturel |
never | ne ... jamais |
to snow | neiger |
to clean | nettoyer |
black | noir |
our | nos |
our | notre |
we | nous |
ourselves | nous |
us | nous |
new | nouveau |
not | n' ... pas |
not | ne ... pas |
necessary | nécessaire |
not | n’... pas |
to observe | observer |
we | on |
to dare | oser |
to forget | oublier |
to open | ouvrir |
where | où |
to appear | paraître |
because | parce que |
sometimes | parfois |
to speak | parler |
to talk | parler |
to share | partager |
to leave | partir |
to set off | partir |
to go | passer |
fascinating | passionnant |
fascinating | passionnante |
Paul | Paul |
to pay | payer |
during | pendant |
while | pendant que |
to think | penser |
small | petit |
maybe | peut‑être |
to rain | pleuvoir |
more | plus |
most | plus |
later | plus tard |
to wear | porter |
possible | possible |
for | pour |
in order to | pour |
so as not to | pour ne ... pas |
why | pourquoi |
yet | pourtant |
to be able to | pouvoir |
to be able | pouvoir |
can | pouvoir |
practical | pratique |
to take | prendre |
next | prochain |
to proceed | procéder |
to enjoy | profiter |
to take a walk | promener |
to propose | proposer |
near | près de |
to prefer | préférer |
to prepare | préparer |
when | quand |
to question | questionner |
daily | quotidien |
that | qui |
that | que |
that | qu’ |
that they | qu’ils |
to tell | raconter |
fast | rapide |
quickly | rapidement |
rarely | rarement |
to gather | rassembler |
to receive | recevoir |
to recommend | recommander |
to reach | rejoindre |
to notice | remarquer |
to thank | remercier |
to meet | rencontrer |
to repaint | repeindre |
to rest | reposer |
to feel | ressentir |
to stay | rester |
to remain | rester |
to return | retourner |
to meet | retrouver |
to meet again | retrouver |
to see again | revoir |
red | rouge |
to realize | réaliser |
recently | récemment |
to reduce | réduire |
to think | réfléchir |
renovated | rénové |
to fix | réparer |
to repair | réparer |
to answer | répondre |
to summarize | résumer |
to succeed | réussir |
to get dressed | s'habiller |
please | s'il te plaît |
without | sans |
oneself | se |
to get up | se lever |
to go for a walk | se promener |
to take a walk | se promener |
dry | sec |
to feel | sentir |
alone | seul |
if | si |
simply | simplement |
otherwise | sinon |
to go out | sortir |
to step out | sortir |
suddenly | soudain |
relieved | soulagé |
to smile | sourire |
often | souvent |
on | sur |
his | son |
your | ta |
late | tard |
yourself | te |
you | toi |
always | toujours |
every | tous |
everything | tout |
every | toute |
toxic | toxique |
quiet | tranquille |
to work | travailler |
to cross | traverser |
too | trop |
to find | trouver |
very | très |
you | te |
your | tes |
your | ton |
you | tu |
early | tôt |
a book | un livre |
a little | un peu |
a tie | une cravate |
a | une |
to have just | venir de |
to have just finished | venir de finir |
to visit | visiter |
fast | vite |
quickly | vite |
to live | vivre |
to see | voir |
to want | vouloir |
to travel | voyager |
truly | vraiment |
there | y |
to give | donner |
wonderful | formidable |
it | il |
it | l' |
it | le |
the gift | le cadeau |
wonderful | magnifique |
to watch | observer |
to give | offrir |
to suggest | proposer |
to watch | regarder |
to suggest | suggérer |
the gift | un cadeau |
it | c' |
to | à |
at | à |
in | à |
how | à quel point |
to listen | écouter |
to write | écrire |
to study | étudier |
to avoid | éviter |
to be | être |