Question | Answer |
to be | adalah |
the dog | anjing |
for | bagi |
happy | bahagia |
the language | bahasa |
kind | baik |
new | baru |
to work | bekerja |
to learn | belajar |
to study | belajar |
to relax | bersantai |
to talk | bicara |
the book | buku |
beautiful | cantik |
quickly | cepat |
the story | cerita |
and | dan |
the kitchen | dapur |
near | dekat |
with | dengan |
with/by | dengan |
in | di |
at | di |
he/she | dia |
the teacher | guru |
the day | hari |
today | hari ini |
this | ini |
the wife | istri |
that | itu |
the walk | jalan |
to walk | jalan |
the sentence | kalimat |
we | kami |
you | kamu |
the office | kantor |
because | karena |
the coffee | kopi |
the cat | kucing |
for a long time | lama-lama |
the holiday | libur |
to eat | makan |
the night | malam hari |
to understand | mengerti |
to write | menulis |
to finish | menyelesaikan |
they | mereka |
them | mereka |
to drink | minum |
easy | mudah |
easily | mudah |
him/her | nya |
the morning | pagi |
the morning | pagi hari |
hot | panas |
the lesson | pelajaran |
short | pendek |
important | penting |
smart | pintar |
to have | punya |
the house | rumah |
while | sambil |
very | sangat |
I | saya |
a | sebuah |
a little | sedikit |
now | sekarang |
the school | sekolah |
happy | senang |
every | setiap |
every day | setiap hari |
the afternoon | sore |
the afternoon | sore hari |
the husband | suami |
to like | suka |
difficult | sulit |
the challenge | tantangan |
but | tapi |
the tea | teh |
the friend | teman |
the place | tempat |
the assignment | tugas |
to | untuk |
for | untuk |
the time | waktu |
not | bukan |
not | tidak |