
to be
Part of speech

Usages of adalah

Ini buku.
This is a book.
Itu rumah.
That is a house.
Itu anjing saya.
That is my dog.
Kucing kamu cantik.
Your cat is beautiful.
Ini kucing dia.
This is his/her cat.
Teman saya itu sangat baik.
That friend of mine is very kind.
Rumah baru itu sangat cantik.
That new house is very beautiful.
Dia sangat baik.
He/She is very kind.
Hari itu sangat cantik.
That day is very beautiful.
Saya tidak senang hari ini.
I am not happy today.
Dia senang belajar bahasa Indonesia.
He/She is happy to learn Indonesian.
Istri dia bukan guru di sekolah itu.
His/Her wife is not a teacher at that school.
Guru baru kami sangat pintar.
Our new teacher is very smart.
Libur ini sangat penting bagi suami saya.
This holiday is very important for my husband.
Dia pintar dan mudah mengerti pelajaran baru.
He/She is smart and easily understands new lessons.
Dia bukan teman saya, tapi saya senang bicara dengannya.
He/She is not my friend, but I am happy to talk with him/her.
Tugas saya hari ini adalah menulis cerita pendek.
My assignment today is to write a short story.
Cerita itu sangat penting bagi mereka.
That story is very important to them.
Saya bahagia karena kami punya sedikit waktu bersantai.
I am happy because we have a little time to relax.
Saya senang bersantai di sore hari sambil minum teh.
I am happy relaxing in the afternoon while drinking tea.
Dia bahagia karena dia mengerti pelajaran baru dengan cepat.
He/She is happy because he/she understands new lessons quickly.
Dapur ini bukan tempat bicara lama-lama.
This kitchen is not a place for talking for a long time.
Tugas itu tidak mudah, tapi saya suka tantangan baru.
That assignment is not easy, but I like new challenges.
Dia bahagia menyelesaikan tantangan itu dengan cepat.
He/She is happy to finish that challenge quickly.
Kalimat itu tidak sulit untuk dimengerti.
That sentence is not difficult to understand.
Ini penting bagi istri saya.
This is important for my wife.
Teman baru itu sangat penting baginya.
That new friend is very important to him/her.
Itu kalimat pendek.
That is a short sentence.
Rumah saya dekat kantor.
My house is near the office.
Tempat ini sangat penting bagi kami.
This place is very important to us.
Hari itu sangat sulit bagi kami.
That day is very difficult for us.
Teman baru itu datang dengan tersenyum karena dia bahagia.
That new friend comes smiling because he/she is happy.
Kami sedang pergi ke warung bersama karena kami lapar.
We are going to the stall together because we are hungry.
Rumah saya indah.
My house is beautiful.
Kucing saya kecil.
My cat is small.
Dapur itu bersih.
That kitchen is clean.
Saya lapar sekarang.
I am hungry now.
Saya siap pergi.
I am ready to go.
Kucing saya lembut.
My cat is soft.
Jika saya lapar, saya pergi ke warung kecil.
If I am hungry, I go to the small stall.
Kopi ini terlalu panas.
This coffee is too hot.
Lampu di kamar terang.
The lamp in the room is bright.
Istri saya yang bekerja di sekolah dekat rumah sangat baik.
My wife who works at a school near the house is very kind.
Kopi itu baik.
That coffee is good.
Walaupun saya sibuk, saya tetap makan sarapan pagi.
Although I am busy, I still eat breakfast in the morning.
Saya sibuk di kantor hari ini, tapi saya tetap mau minum teh siang.
I am busy at the office today, but I still want to drink afternoon tea.
Keadaan di kantor lebih tenang daripada di pasar sekarang.
The situation at the office is calmer than at the market now.
Rumah saya paling tenang di sore hari ketika keluarga saya sedang bersantai.
My house is the most peaceful in the late afternoon when my family is relaxing.
Walaupun makanan itu asin, saya tetap memakannya karena saya lapar.
Although that food is salty, I still eat it because I am hungry.
Teh ini lebih pahit daripada teh yang biasanya saya minum.
This tea is more bitter than the tea I usually drink.
Keadaan ini mungkin sederhana, tetapi kami tetap harus membuat keputusan cepat.
This situation may be simple, but we still have to make a quick decision.
Saya pikir jadwal rapat perlu diubah karena makanan di sana terlalu asin.
I think the meeting schedule needs to be changed because the food there is too salty.
Dia adalah orang paling sabar dalam keluarga kami.
He/She is the most patient person in our family.
Walaupun rapat ini sederhana, banyak keputusan penting bisa dibuat.
Although this meeting is simple, many important decisions can be made.
Tas ini lebih berat daripada tas yang saya bawa kemarin.
This bag is heavier than the bag I carried yesterday.
Kopi panas itu paling enak diminum sebelum rapat pagi.
That hot coffee is the most delicious to drink before a morning meeting.
Kami bersyukur keadaan sekarang cukup stabil dan tenang.
We are grateful that the situation now is stable enough and calm.
Meskipun situasi lancar, kita tetap harus berhati-hati.
Even though the situation is smooth, we still have to be careful.
Berhati-hati adalah kebiasaan yang paling berguna dalam keadaan sibuk.
Being careful is the most useful habit in a busy situation.
Walaupun kita sibuk, kita masih bisa berkumpul bersama keluarga setiap akhir pekan.
Although we are busy, we can still gather with family every weekend.
Saya makan pagi agar saya tidak lapar.
I eat in the morning so that I am not hungry.
Cerita itu singkat.
That story is short.
Semua kucing saya kecil.
All my cats are small.
Kalimat saya jelas.
My sentence is clear.
Jadwal rapat penting bagi saya.
That meeting schedule is important to me.
Buku itu berat.
That book is heavy.
Jadwal rapat saya stabil.
My meeting schedule is stable.
Situasi di kantor hari ini sangat baik.
The situation in the office today is very good.
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Kopi ini masih panas.
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