Usages of sangat
Teman saya itu sangat baik.
That friend of mine is very kind.
Rumah baru itu sangat cantik.
That new house is very beautiful.
Dia sangat baik.
He/She is very kind.
Hari itu sangat cantik.
That day is very beautiful.
Guru baru kami sangat pintar.
Our new teacher is very smart.
Libur ini sangat penting bagi suami saya.
This holiday is very important for my husband.
Cerita itu sangat penting bagi mereka.
That story is very important to them.
Teman baru itu sangat penting baginya.
That new friend is very important to him/her.
Tempat ini sangat penting bagi kami.
This place is very important to us.
Hari itu sangat sulit bagi kami.
That day is very difficult for us.
Istri saya yang bekerja di sekolah dekat rumah sangat baik.
My wife who works at a school near the house is very kind.
Situasi di kantor hari ini sangat baik.
The situation in the office today is very good. is an online learning platform
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