
Part of speech

Usages of dia

Dia minum kopi.
He/She drinks coffee.
Dia suka kopi di pagi hari.
He/She likes coffee in the morning.
Dia punya anjing cantik.
He/She has a beautiful dog.
Dia makan pagi.
He/She eats in the morning.
Dia sangat baik.
He/She is very kind.
Dia minum teh sekarang.
He/She drinks tea now.
Dia senang belajar bahasa Indonesia.
He/She is happy to learn Indonesian.
Dia tidak lama di kantor hari ini karena libur.
He/She is not at the office for long today because it is a holiday.
Dia pintar dan mudah mengerti pelajaran baru.
He/She is smart and easily understands new lessons.
Dia bukan teman saya, tapi saya senang bicara dengannya.
He/She is not my friend, but I am happy to talk with him/her.
Dia bahagia karena dia mengerti pelajaran baru dengan cepat.
He/She is happy because he/she understands new lessons quickly.
Dia bahagia menyelesaikan tantangan itu dengan cepat.
He/She is happy to finish that challenge quickly.
Dia suka kopi dan teh.
He/She likes coffee and tea.
Dia menyelesaikan tugas itu dengan mudah.
He/She finishes the assignment easily.
Dia suka belajar di pagi hari.
He/She likes to study in the morning.
Dia suka minum teh di pagi hari setiap hari.
He/She likes drinking tea in the morning every day.
Dia sedang memasak sarapan di kamar bersih itu.
He/She is cooking breakfast in that clean room.
Teman baru itu datang dengan tersenyum karena dia bahagia.
That new friend comes smiling because he/she is happy.
Dia menunggu di kamar itu sambil mendengar musik pelan.
He/She waits in that room while listening to soft music.
Dia datang ke taman itu sambil tersenyum, tapi mungkin dia belum siap bermain.
He/She comes to that park while smiling, but maybe he/she is not yet ready to play.
Dia selalu mematikan televisi sebelum tidur untuk menghemat listrik.
He/She always turns off the television before sleeping to save electricity.
Dia sedang mencoba resep baru untuk memasak kue manis.
He/She is in the process of trying a new recipe to cook a sweet cake.
Dia suka makan siang di kantor.
He/She likes lunch at the office.
Dia membaca koran sambil minum kopi.
He/She reads the newspaper while drinking coffee.
Dia adalah orang paling sabar dalam keluarga kami.
He/She is the most patient person in our family.
Dia menambahkan gula ke teh.
He adds sugar to the tea.
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