Usages of rumah
Itu rumah.
That is a house.
Kamu suka rumah itu.
You like that house.
Rumah baru itu sangat cantik.
That new house is very beautiful.
Istri saya sekarang bekerja di sekolah dekat rumah.
My wife now works at a school near the house.
Rumah saya dekat kantor.
My house is near the office.
Rumah saya indah.
My house is beautiful.
Saya makan di depan rumah.
I eat in front of the house.
Saya menghemat listrik di rumah.
I save electricity at home.
Istri saya yang bekerja di sekolah dekat rumah sangat baik.
My wife who works at a school near the house is very kind.
Rumah saya paling tenang di sore hari ketika keluarga saya sedang bersantai.
My house is the most peaceful in the late afternoon when my family is relaxing.
Banyak pertanyaan muncul ketika keluarga besar kami berkumpul di rumah nenek.
Many questions arise when our extended family gathers at grandma’s house.
Saya bersyukur hari ini karena saya punya rumah yang cantik.
I am grateful today because I have a beautiful house. is an online learning platform
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