Usages of karena
Dia tidak lama di kantor hari ini karena libur.
He/She is not at the office for long today because it is a holiday.
Saya bahagia karena kami punya sedikit waktu bersantai.
I am happy because we have a little time to relax.
Dia bahagia karena dia mengerti pelajaran baru dengan cepat.
He/She is happy because he/she understands new lessons quickly.
Teman baru itu datang dengan tersenyum karena dia bahagia.
That new friend comes smiling because he/she is happy.
Kami sedang pergi ke warung bersama karena kami lapar.
We are going to the stall together because we are hungry.
Saya memasak makan siang sekarang karena sudah waktu istirahat.
I am cooking lunch now because it is already break time.
Saya akan pergi ke kantor lebih awal karena mungkin macet.
I will go to the office earlier because it might be jammed (with traffic).
Walaupun makanan itu asin, saya tetap memakannya karena saya lapar.
Although that food is salty, I still eat it because I am hungry.
Saya suka pertanyaan yang sederhana, karena saya bisa menjawabnya dengan cepat.
I like simple questions, because I can answer them quickly.
Saya pikir jadwal rapat perlu diubah karena makanan di sana terlalu asin.
I think the meeting schedule needs to be changed because the food there is too salty.
Saya bersyukur hari ini karena saya punya rumah yang cantik.
I am grateful today because I have a beautiful house. is an online learning platform
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