
Part of speech

Usages of itu

Itu rumah.
That is a house.
Kamu suka rumah itu.
You like that house.
Itu anjing saya.
That is my dog.
Teman saya itu sangat baik.
That friend of mine is very kind.
Rumah baru itu sangat cantik.
That new house is very beautiful.
Hari itu sangat cantik.
That day is very beautiful.
Istri dia bukan guru di sekolah itu.
His/Her wife is not a teacher at that school.
Sekolah itu tidak punya guru lama lagi.
That school does not have old teachers anymore.
Cerita itu sangat penting bagi mereka.
That story is very important to them.
Tugas itu tidak mudah, tapi saya suka tantangan baru.
That assignment is not easy, but I like new challenges.
Dia bahagia menyelesaikan tantangan itu dengan cepat.
He/She is happy to finish that challenge quickly.
Kalimat itu tidak sulit untuk dimengerti.
That sentence is not difficult to understand.
Dia menyelesaikan tugas itu dengan mudah.
He/She finishes the assignment easily.
Teman baru itu sangat penting baginya.
That new friend is very important to him/her.
Itu kalimat pendek.
That is a short sentence.
Hari itu sangat sulit bagi kami.
That day is very difficult for us.
Dia sedang memasak sarapan di kamar bersih itu.
He/She is cooking breakfast in that clean room.
Teman baru itu datang dengan tersenyum karena dia bahagia.
That new friend comes smiling because he/she is happy.
Dia menunggu di kamar itu sambil mendengar musik pelan.
He/She waits in that room while listening to soft music.
Dia datang ke taman itu sambil tersenyum, tapi mungkin dia belum siap bermain.
He/She comes to that park while smiling, but maybe he/she is not yet ready to play.
Apakah kamu menyalakan televisi itu tadi malam?
Did you turn on that television last night?
Dapur itu bersih.
That kitchen is clean.
Kopi itu baik.
That coffee is good.
Walaupun makanan itu asin, saya tetap memakannya karena saya lapar.
Although that food is salty, I still eat it because I am hungry.
Saya menambahkan gula agar teh pahit itu menjadi cukup manis.
I add sugar so that bitter tea becomes sweet enough.
Rapat itu akan cukup singkat supaya semua orang bisa segera pulang.
That meeting will be short enough so that everyone can go home soon.
Saya menjawab pertanyaan itu dengan tenang dan jelas.
I answer that question calmly and clearly.
Kopi panas itu paling enak diminum sebelum rapat pagi.
That hot coffee is the most delicious to drink before a morning meeting.
Cerita itu singkat.
That story is short.
Buku itu berat.
That book is heavy. is an online learning platform
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