
Part of speech

Usages of di

Mereka minum teh panas di malam hari.
They drink hot tea at night.
Saya jalan di malam hari.
I walk at night.
Istri dia bukan guru di sekolah itu.
His/Her wife is not a teacher at that school.
Suami saya bekerja di kantor sekarang.
My husband works at the office now.
Dia tidak lama di kantor hari ini karena libur.
He/She is not at the office for long today because it is a holiday.
Istri saya sekarang bekerja di sekolah dekat rumah.
My wife now works at a school near the house.
Mereka menonton televisi di malam hari.
They watch television at night.
Dia suka makan siang di kantor.
He/She likes lunch at the office.
Mereka makan bersama di waktu istirahat.
They eat together at break time.
Saya tidur di malam hari.
I sleep at night.
Saya menghemat listrik di rumah.
I save electricity at home.
Saya belajar bahasa Indonesia di sekolah kota.
I study Indonesian at a city school.
Orang selalu belajar di sekolah.
People always study at school.
Istri saya yang bekerja di sekolah dekat rumah sangat baik.
My wife who works at a school near the house is very kind.
Saya sibuk di kantor hari ini, tapi saya tetap mau minum teh siang.
I am busy at the office today, but I still want to drink afternoon tea.
Keadaan di kantor lebih tenang daripada di pasar sekarang.
The situation at the office is calmer than at the market now.
Banyak pertanyaan muncul ketika keluarga besar kami berkumpul di rumah nenek.
Many questions arise when our extended family gathers at grandma’s house.
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