Usages of minum
Dia minum kopi.
He/She drinks coffee.
Mereka minum teh.
They drink tea.
Mereka minum teh panas di malam hari.
They drink hot tea at night.
Saya minum kopi panas setiap sore.
I drink hot coffee every afternoon.
Dia minum teh sekarang.
He/She drinks tea now.
Saya senang bersantai di sore hari sambil minum teh.
I am happy relaxing in the afternoon while drinking tea.
Mereka suka belajar di pagi hari sambil minum kopi.
They like to study in the morning while drinking coffee.
Dia suka minum teh di pagi hari setiap hari.
He/She likes drinking tea in the morning every day.
Dia membaca koran sambil minum kopi.
He/She reads the newspaper while drinking coffee.
Saya minum kopi tadi malam.
I drank coffee last night.
Saya selalu minum kopi di pagi hari.
I always drink coffee in the morning.
Saya membaca koran sebelum minum kopi.
I read the newspaper before drinking coffee.
Saya minum kopi lebih awal.
I drink coffee earlier.
Saya minum teh manis.
I drink sweet tea.
Saya sibuk di kantor hari ini, tapi saya tetap mau minum teh siang.
I am busy at the office today, but I still want to drink afternoon tea.
Teh ini lebih pahit daripada teh yang biasanya saya minum.
This tea is more bitter than the tea I usually drink.
Kopi panas itu paling enak diminum sebelum rapat pagi.
That hot coffee is the most delicious to drink before a morning meeting.
Saya punya kebiasaan minum kopi di pagi hari.
I have a habit of drinking coffee in the morning. is an online learning platform
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