Usages of kwenye
Wao wako nyumbani.
They are at home.
Mimi ninapenda kusoma kitabu nyumbani.
I like to read a book at home.
Sisi tunakula samaki sokoni.
We are eating fish at the market.
Wao wanakunywa chai sokoni.
They are drinking tea at the market.
Yeye anapika nyumbani jioni.
He/She cooks at home in the evening.
Mimi nina pesa sokoni.
I have money at the market.
Sisi tunacheza jioni nyumbani.
We are playing at home in the evening.
Asha anapenda chai sokoni.
Asha likes tea at the market.
Baba anakuja nyumbani jioni.
Father is coming home in the evening.
Kesho, mimi ninataka kununua shati sokoni.
Tomorrow, I want to buy a shirt at the market.
Ninyi mnafanya kazi sokoni kila siku?
Do you all do work at the market every day?
Sisi tunapenda kujifunza sokoni.
We like to learn at the market.
Gari yako iko sokoni.
Your car is at the market.
Sherehe ni nzuri sokoni.
The celebration is nice at the market.
Jana, tuliimba wimbo sokoni.
Yesterday, we sang a song at the market.
Ninyi mnapika samaki sokoni.
You all are cooking fish at the market.
Je, utapiga simu kwa dada yako leo, au unaenda kumwona nyumbani?
Will you call your sister today, or are you going to see her at home?
Mtoto anapenda kulala usiku.
The child likes to sleep at night.
Samaki ni kitamu sokoni.
The fish is delicious at the market.
Meza ni nzuri sokoni.
The table is nice at the market.
Mgeni anakula chakula kitamu sokoni.
The guest is eating delicious food at the market.
Wao watapumzika nyumbani baada ya kufunga madirisha.
They will rest at home after closing the windows.
Wao wanapika chakula pamoja nyumbani.
They are cooking food together at home.
Tunapenda kutembelea marafiki sokoni.
We like to visit friends at the market.
Kumbuka, ni muhimu kufika mapema sokoni.
Remember, it is important to arrive early at the market.
Mbwa wetu anapenda kula samaki sokoni.
Our dog likes to eat fish at the market.
Mimi ninaweza kupata samaki sokoni.
I can get fish at the market.
Juma anasema hatutapika chakula jioni kama tutachelewa sokoni.
Juma says we will not cook food in the evening if we are late at the market.
Wao watafurahi baada ya kumaliza kazi sokoni.
They will be happy after finishing work at the market.
Je, unafikiri tutafika sokoni mapema?
Do you think we will arrive at the market early?
Mbwa wetu anaonekana mzuri sokoni.
Our dog looks nice at the market.
Mimi ninaweza kuimba wimbo huu sokoni.
I can sing this song at the market.
Samaki ni kitamu bila mafuta sokoni.
The fish is delicious without oil at the market.
Katika mgahawa huu, mimi ninasubiri mhudumu ambaye atanihudumia kitunguu na karoti vilivyopikwa jikoni.
In this restaurant, I am waiting for the waiter who will serve me onion and carrot that were cooked in the kitchen.
Mnunuzi ambaye alifika sokoni leo taratibu alikagua mboga kabla ya kulipia.
The buyer who arrived at the market today slowly inspected the vegetables before paying.
Tunapaswa kuondoka nyumbani mapema, ili tufike sokoni kabla ya mvua kuanza.
We should leave home early, so that we arrive at the market before it starts raining.
Nimemwalika mwandishi huyu kwenye chakula cha jioni ili tujadili gazeti lake jipya.
I have invited this writer to dinner so that we can discuss his new newspaper.
Mimi ninapenda kubadilisha mavazi nyumbani.
I like to change clothes at home.
Mimi ninapenda kuongeza mboga kwenye chakula.
I like to add vegetables to the food.
Mhudumu anapenda kuimba wimbo nyumbani.
The waiter likes to sing a song at home.
Mama anapenda kupeleka watoto sokoni.
Mother likes to take the children to the market.
Mimi ninatoka nyumbani asubuhi.
I leave home in the morning.
Mimi ninapenda kwenda sokoni kulipia chakula.
I like to go to the market to pay for food.
Wao wanafurahi sokoni.
They are happy at the market.
Mimi naona mboga zinakuzwa shambani.
I see vegetables growing on the farm.
Mimi nina kitu nyumbani.
I have a thing at home.
Mama anapika chakula kitamu sana nyumbani.
Mother cooks very delicious food at home.
Mimi ninapenda huduma nzuri sokoni.
I like good service at the market.
Leo asubuhi, nimeamka mapema ili kuepuka kuchelewa kazini.
This morning, I have woken up early to avoid being late to work.
Nimefanya mazoezi nyumbani leo asubuhi, na sasa ninajisikia mwenye nguvu.
I have done exercises at home this morning, and now I feel strong.
Kaka yangu alipomaliza mazoezi, alioga haraka kabla ya kwenda dukani.
My brother, after finishing exercises, took a quick shower before going to the shop.
Nimefurahi sana leo kwa sababu sikuchelewa kazini, na nimepata zawadi ndogo.
I am very happy today because I was not late to work, and I have received a small gift.
Nimeenda dukani kununua nyama na kuku, ili tuandae mlo mzuri jioni.
I have gone to the shop to buy meat and chicken, so that we can prepare a good meal in the evening.
Wazazi wangu wanapenda kujadiliana kuhusu masuala ya familia wakiwa wameketi kwenye kiti kikubwa sebuleni.
My parents like to discuss family matters while seated on a large chair in the living room.
Nimefurahi kwamba leo hatutachelewa shuleni, kwa kuwa tumeamka mapema.
I am happy that we will not be late to school today, because we have woken up early.
Mimi ninakula nyama sokoni leo.
I am eating meat at the market today.
Mimi ninapika kuku nyumbani.
I cook chicken at home.
Mama ni makini nyumbani kila siku.
Mother is careful at home every day.
Sisi tunapumzika nyumbani ili kuondoa uchovu.
We are resting at home to remove tiredness.
Mzazi anapenda kwenda shambani.
The parent likes to go to the farm.
Mama anapenda kuandaa meza nyumbani.
Mother likes to set the table at home.
Ninataka kuongeza mboga zaidi kwenye supu hii ili iwe na ladha bora.
I want to add more vegetables to this soup so that it has a better taste.
Shughuli za leo sokoni ni nyingi, lakini tutajaribu kumaliza mapema.
Today’s activities at the market are many, but we will try to finish early.
Tafadhali, usisahau kuongeza chumvi kidogo kwenye chakula chako.
Please, do not forget to add a little salt to your food.
Mimi ninawasha taa nyumbani jioni.
I am turning on the light at home in the evening.
Kitabu changu kiko nyumbani.
My book is at home.
Mama anapika supu nyumbani.
Mother cooks soup at home.
Mimi nina picha nzuri nyumbani.
I have a nice picture at home.
Mimi ninakula tunda nyumbani.
I am eating fruit at home.
Mama anawasha jiko nyumbani.
Mother is turning on the stove at home.
Mimi sipendi kwenda sokoni, badala yake ninaenda shuleni.
I do not like to go to the market, instead I go to school.
Usiku, nitakwenda mtoni kuona kama chura wanarukaruka kando ya maji.
At night, I will go to the river to see if frogs are hopping by the water.
Mama alinunua mahindi sokoni, ili tuyaandae kwa chakula cha mchana.
Mother bought maize at the market so that we can prepare it for lunch.
Mimi ninarekodi wimbo nyumbani.
I am recording a song at home.
Mimi ninunua pilipili sokoni.
I am buying chili pepper at the market.
Mimi nazoea kwenda shuleni.
I am used to going to school.
Mimi ninunua nguo nzuri sokoni.
I am buying nice clothes at the market.
Mimi ninaona jani nyumbani.
I see a leaf at home.
Sisi tunakula chakula cha mchana nyumbani.
We are eating lunch at home.
Basi kubwa inakwenda mjini.
The big bus is going to town.
Mimi huonekana kwenye video mpya.
I appear in the new video.
Mimi ninunua sabuni sokoni.
I buy soap at the market.
Kabla ya kuondoka nyumbani, ninahitaji kupangusa kioo dirishani.
Before leaving home, I need to wipe the mirror on the window.
Baba amekataa kuzima taa sebuleni, kwa sababu anaendelea kusoma.
Father has refused to turn off the light in the living room because he is still reading.
Mgongo wa baba uliumia jana, kwa hiyo anatakiwa kupumzika nyumbani leo.
Father’s back was hurt yesterday, so he is required to rest at home today.
Lete kijiko kile kidogo, ili niongeze sukari kwenye chai yangu.
Bring me that small spoon, so that I may add sugar to my tea.
Vijana wengine wanaona ugali ni bora zaidi kuliko wali kwenye chakula cha mchana.
Some young people think ugali is better than rice for lunch.
Vitabu vyetu viko kwenye meza.
Our books are on the table.
Kile nilipata sokoni ni zawadi.
That which I got at the market is a gift.
Mimi ninahifadhi pesa nyumbani.
I store money at home.
Walimu wanasema kushirikiana darasani hutusaidia kusamehe makosa madogo pia.
Teachers say that cooperating in class helps us to forgive small mistakes too.
Mama ametutayarishia sherehe ndogo ili tusherehekee dada yangu aliyeshinda mashindano ya hesabu shuleni.
Mother has prepared a small party so that we can celebrate my sister who won the math competition at school.
Mama anapenda kuona ndege sokoni.
Mother likes to see a bird at the market.
Njia ya kwenda shuleni ni rahisi.
The way to go to school is easy.
Mimi nakubali kwenda shambani na marafiki.
I agree to go to the farm with friends.
Mama anachemsha maji nyumbani.
Mother boils water at home.
Mimi na Juma tunatumia jembe shambani.
Juma and I use a hoe on the farm.
Mimi ninapika nyanya na karoti jikoni.
I am cooking tomatoes and carrots in the kitchen.
Dereva wetu anajaribu kuepuka trafiki asubuhi, ili tufike kazini mapema.
Our driver is trying to avoid traffic in the morning, so that we arrive at work early.
Mwalimu wa shule ya msingi anahitaji sahihi ya mzazi kwenye ripoti za wanafunzi.
The primary school teacher needs a parent’s signature on the students’ reports.
Teknolojia imeleta mabadiliko makubwa katika shule ya msingi, hasa kwenye ufundishaji.
Technology has brought big changes in primary school, especially in teaching.
Mwananchi anatembea sokoni kila asubuhi.
The citizen walks to the market every morning.
Mimi ninashiriki sherehe nyumbani.
I participate in a celebration at home.
Kuna samaki nyingi baharini.
There are many fish in the sea.
Tusaidie kubeba sufuria nzito hii jikoni, tafadhali.
Help us carry this heavy cooking pot to the kitchen, please.
Mama anununua ngano sokoni.
Mother is buying wheat at the market.
Upepo mkali unavuma sokoni.
The strong wind is blowing at the market.
Wateja hupenda bidhaa bora sokoni, hasa pale wanapohitaji usalama wa afya.
Customers like quality goods at the market, especially when they need health safety.
Kaka yangu alipaswa kuingiza makaratasi kwenye faili, lakini amesahau kutia baadhi ya nyaraka muhimu.
My brother was supposed to insert papers into a file, but he forgot to put in some important documents.
Mpishi mpya ameajiriwa hotelini, na wateja wanasema chakula chake ni cha kusisimua.
A new cook has been employed at the hotel, and customers say his food is thrilling.
Afisa yule akasema ni vyema kuweka nyaraka zote muhimu kwenye kabrasha moja ili zisipotee.
That officer said it is good to put all the important documents in one folder so they do not get lost.
Mkulima anatembea shambani.
The farmer is walking at the farm.
Mwanakijiji anatembea sokoni.
The villager is walking at the market.
Mama ananunua kikombe sokoni.
Mother is buying a cup at the market.
Mimi ninapotea sokoni.
I get lost at the market.
Mama anununua barafu sokoni.
Mother buys ice at the market.
Mama anasafisha paa nyumbani.
Mother is cleaning roof at home.
Mimi ninapenda kukata karoti nyumbani.
I like to cut carrots at home.
Mtoto alitoa kilio kikubwa baada ya kuanguka uwanjani.
The child let out a loud cry after falling in the yard.
Leo nimepata kumbukumbu nzuri ya utoto wangu nilipofika baharini.
Today I got a pleasant memory of my childhood when I arrived at the ocean.
Simba ambao tuliyowaona hifadhini ni wanyama ninaowaheshimu kwa nguvu zao.
The lions we saw in the reserve are animals that I respect for their strength.
Mtoto anaanguka nyumbani jioni.
The child is falling at home in the evening.
Hizo meza nzuri ziko nyumbani.
Those nice tables are at home.
Mimi ninapenda kuwepo nyumbani.
I like being at home.
Jinsi ya kwenda sokoni ni rahisi.
The way to go to the market is easy.
Wao wanakusanyika sokoni.
They are gathering at the market.
Kitabu hiki kinafaa darasani.
This book is suitable for the classroom.
Vitabu vingi viko darasani.
Many books are in the classroom.
Mimi ninasikiliza wimbo nyumbani.
I am listening to a song at home.
Wanafunzi waliondoa uchafu darasani kabla ya somo kuanza.
The students removed dirt from the classroom before the lesson began.
Ni muhimu uepuke uchafu sokoni ili ubaki na afya njema.
It is important that you avoid dirt at the market so that you remain healthy.
Ni lazima utunze mazingira nyumbani ili usipate magonjwa.
You must take care of the environment at home so you do not get diseases.
Ni vizuri usimulia kile kilichotokea shuleni, ili tuelewe kila jambo.
It is good that you narrate what happened at school, so we understand everything.
Unapaswa kuinua mkono wako darasani ikiwa unataka kuuliza swali.
You should raise your hand in class if you want to ask a question.
Ningependa utengeneze mchoro mzuri ili uvutie wageni wanaotembelea darasani.
I would like you to create a beautiful drawing to attract the visitors who come to the classroom.
Sisi tunasafisha takataka sokoni.
We are cleaning trash at the market.
Daktari anafanya upasuaji hospitalini.
The doctor performs surgery in the hospital.
Mimi ninapenda kufikiria kabla ya kuandaa meza nyumbani.
I like to think before setting the table at home.
Mwalimu anainua kitabu darasani.
The teacher lifts a book in class.
Mimi ninataka kuhamia mjini.
I want to move to town.
Rahma anacheza mpira nyumbani.
Rahma is playing ball at home.
Samaki huyu sokoni ni ghali kuliko mboga tulizonunua jana.
This fish at the market is more expensive than the vegetables we bought yesterday.
Wanafunzi wanajifunza tabia njema shuleni, ili wawe na heshima wakati wote.
Students are learning good behavior at school, so that they have respect at all times.
Tabia ya kusoma kila siku inamsaidia Asha kupata mafanikio darasani.
The habit of reading every day helps Asha achieve success in class.
Ni muhimu kupata ruhusa kutoka kwa mwalimu kabla ya kuondoka darasani.
It is important to get permission from the teacher before leaving the classroom.
Nimekutana na bwana yule sokoni, tukazungumza kuhusu bei ya mboga.
I met that gentleman at the market, and we talked about the price of vegetables.
Mwalimu anatoa maelezo muhimu darasani.
The teacher gives important explanations in the class.
Mimi ninapenda utulivu nyumbani.
I like calmness at home.
Leo ninataka kufua soksi zangu, kwa sababu zimechafuka sokoni.
I want to wash my socks today, because they got dirty at the market.
Tafadhali usisahau kunyunyiza maji bustanini kila asubuhi.
Please do not forget to sprinkle water in the garden each morning.
Je, utachuma matunda zaidi, kama mapera na parachichi, ukirudi nyumbani jioni?
Will you pick more fruits, such as guavas and avocados, when you return home in the evening?
Ninahitaji nauli ya kwenda mjini kesho asubuhi, tafadhali naomba pesa kidogo.
I need bus fare to go to town tomorrow morning; can I please have a little money?
Mbuzi anakimbia barabarani.
The goat runs on the road.
Wanafunzi wanacheza mpira uwanjani.
The students are playing ball in the field.
Daladala inakuja sokoni.
The minibus is coming to the market.
Samahani, siwezi kuja darasani leo.
Excuse me, I cannot come to class today.
Je, ungependa kunisukuma mbele kidogo, ili nione vizuri dirishani?
Would you like to push me forward a bit, so that I can see better at the window?
Kabla ya kusoma falsafa chuoni, tunahitaji matokeo mazuri ya shule ya sekondari.
Before studying philosophy at the university, we need good grades from secondary school.
Tulipofika ghorofani, tuliangalia namna utawala wa shule unavyosimamia mpangilio wa vyumba.
When we reached the upper floor, we looked at how the school administration manages the arrangement of rooms.
Mimi nina shida nyumbani.
I have a problem at home.
Mwalimu anasaidia wanafunzi kufanya uchunguzi muhimu darasani.
The teacher helps the students do an important investigation in class.
Vitabu vyote viko kwenye meza.
All the books are on the table.
Mimi ninataka kujiandikisha shuleni.
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