Usages of ni
Mimi ni Asha.
I am Asha.
Wewe ni Juma.
You are Juma.
Yeye ni rafiki.
He/She is a friend.
Yeye pia ni rafiki.
He/She is also a friend.
Sisi ni wanafunzi.
We are students.
Wao ni marafiki.
They are friends.
Sisi ni wanafunzi leo.
We are students today.
Wimbo wa mtoto ni mzuri.
The child's song is nice.
Sherehe ni nzuri sokoni.
The celebration is nice at the market.
Mji ni mzuri usiku.
The town is nice at night.
Huu ni mji mzuri.
This is a nice town.
Barua ni nzuri.
The letter is nice.
Nyumba ni nzuri usiku.
The house is nice at night.
Mama anasema huyo ni mtoto mzuri.
Mother says that is a good child.
Kitanda hicho ni kizuri kwa kulala.
That bed is good for sleeping.
Samaki ni kitamu sokoni.
The fish is delicious at the market.
Meza ni nzuri sokoni.
The table is nice at the market.
Sebule ni nzuri kwa kupumzika.
The living room is nice for resting.
Nyumba ni nzuri mbali na mji.
The house is nice far from the town.
Kumbuka, ni muhimu kufika mapema sokoni.
Remember, it is important to arrive early at the market.
Baba yetu ni mgonjwa leo.
Our father is sick today.
Mama anafikiri mtoto ni mzuri.
Mother thinks the child is good.
Mama anafikiri kutoogelea baharini mchana ni muhimu.
Mother thinks not swimming in the ocean in the afternoon is important.
Je, hicho ni kitabu chako?
Is that your book?
Nyumba yetu ni mbali na bahari.
Our house is far from the ocean.
Samaki ni kitamu bila mafuta sokoni.
The fish is delicious without oil at the market.
Ni muhimu kufunga mlango kabla ya kuondoka, ili vitu vyetu viwe salama.
It is important to lock the door before leaving, so that our things are safe.
Watoto watatumia pikipiki ndogo kwenda shule, kwani barabara ni salama sasa.
The children will use a small motorcycle to go to school, because the road is safe now.
Barabara ni nzuri.
The road is nice.
Baba ni mwenye nguvu.
Father is strong.
Ahadi yako ni muhimu.
Your promise is important.
Mimi ninapenda samaki kwa sababu ni kitamu.
I like fish because it is delicious.
Mti ni mkubwa.
The tree is big.
Kitabu ambacho mimi ninaandika ni kizuri.
The book that I am writing is good.
Mama ni makini nyumbani kila siku.
Mother is careful at home every day.
Mwezi ni mzuri.
The month is nice.
Vitu visivyotumika viko nyumbani.
The unused things are at home.
Ni muhimu upangilie mpango wako wa kujifunza mapema.
It is important that you organize your learning plan early.
Ni lazima tuzingatie muda, ili tusikose mkutano wetu wa shule.
We must pay attention to time, so that we do not miss our school meeting.
Hili ni jaribio la pili, lakini nina hamu kubwa ya kufanikiwa.
This is the second attempt, but I have a great desire to succeed.
Tafadhali, kualika wageni ni muhimu ili tuongeze furaha ndani ya nyumba.
Please, inviting guests is important so that we add happiness inside the house.
Shughuli za leo sokoni ni nyingi, lakini tutajaribu kumaliza mapema.
Today’s activities at the market are many, but we will try to finish early.
Ikiwa unataka kupika usiku, ni lazima uwashe jiko kwanza.
If you want to cook at night, you must turn on the stove first.
Je, mzigo wako ni mzito sana, au unaweza kuubeba pekee yako?
Is your luggage very heavy, or can you carry it by yourself?
Mpango wetu wa mwisho leo ni kuchora ramani, ili tuelewe vizuri eneo la shamba.
Our final plan for today is to draw a map, so that we can better understand the farm area.
Kitabu changu ni bora.
My book is better.
Kitabu pili ni changu.
The second book is mine.
Nyumba wako ni nzuri.
Your house is nice.
Mbwa wangu ni mzito.
My dog is heavy.
Eneo ni kubwa.
The area is big.
Mahindi yaliochemshwa ni tamu, hasa ukiongeza chumvi kidogo.
Boiled maize is delicious, especially if you add a little salt.
Kabla ya kula, ni vyema tuoshe mikono yetu kwa sabuni.
Before eating, it is good that we wash our hands with soap.
Mtihani ni mgumu.
The exam is difficult.
Wingu ni kubwa.
The cloud is big.
Chakula cha jioni ni tamu.
Dinner is delicious.
Mbwa wangu ni dogo.
My dog is small.
Gharama ni kubwa.
The cost is high.
Baiskeli yangu ni maridadi.
My bicycle is elegant.
Kuaga marafiki wetu ni jambo gumu, lakini tutarudi kuwatazama hivi karibuni.
Saying goodbye to our friends is difficult, but we will come back to see them soon.
Ni vizuri kuheshimu kila mtu unayekutana naye, hata ikiwa ana mtazamo tofauti.
It is good to respect everyone you meet, even if he has a different perspective.
Vijana wengine wanaona ugali ni bora zaidi kuliko wali kwenye chakula cha mchana.
Some young people think ugali is better than rice for lunch.
Tusizime muziki huo bado, kwa sababu ni mapema kuondoka.
Let us not turn off that music yet, because it is still early to leave.
Ni busara kupangusa vumbi kabla ya wageni kufika, ili nyumba ionekane safi.
It is wise to wipe the dust before guests arrive, so that the house looks clean.
Kabla ya kulala, ninatumia kioo kidogo kuona ikiwa uso wangu ni safi.
Before sleeping, I use a small mirror to see if my face is clean.
Mimi ninakwenda shuleni, maana hatari ni dogo.
I am going to school because the danger is small.
Mlima ni mkubwa.
The mountain is big.
Gari ni hatari.
The car is dangerous.
Vitabu vyetu viko kwenye meza.
Our books are on the table.
Kazi ni ngumu.
Work is hard.
Kitabu changu ni tofauti.
My book is different.
Mbwa wangu ni dogo, lakini mwingine ni mkubwa.
My dog is small, but the other is big.
Kile nilipata sokoni ni zawadi.
That which I got at the market is a gift.
Juma ni busara sana.
Juma is very wise.
Uso ni mzuri.
The face is nice.
Mwalimu anasema suluhisho ni muhimu.
The teacher says the solution is important.
Njia ya kwenda shuleni ni rahisi.
The way to go to school is easy.
Kitabu cha Juma ni kizuri.
Juma's book is good.
Hii ni sinema yangu ya kwanza, na ninatarajia kufurahia filamu nzuri.
This is my first cinema experience, and I hope to enjoy a good movie.
Hii ni safari yangu ya pili leo, kwa sababu trafiki ilikuwa ndefu sana.
This is my second trip today, because the traffic was very long.
Leo ni siku yangu ya nne ya mazoezi, lakini bado najisikia mwenye nguvu.
Today is my fourth day of exercise, but I still feel strong.
Kesho itakuwa mara yetu ya tano kukutana katika kikundi hiki.
Tomorrow will be our fifth time meeting in this group.
Hii ni mechi yetu ya sita ya mpira wa miguu, na tunajitahidi kushinda.
This is our sixth soccer match, and we are striving to win.
Subira ni muhimu wakati trafiki inapokuwa kubwa, ili kuepuka ajali.
Patience is important when traffic is heavy, in order to avoid accidents.
Gari yangu ni kisasa.
My car is modern.
Daraja ni ndefu.
The bridge is long.
Baba ni tajiri.
Father is rich.
Badiliko ni muhimu.
Change is important.
Ufundishaji ni muhimu.
Teaching is important.
Maisha ni safari.
Life is a journey.
Kitabu chetu ni kizuri.
Our book is good.
Ni muhimu kuchagua muda mwafaka wa kupumzika.
It is important to choose the right time to rest.
Ni bora usikaange vyakula vingi mara nyingi, ili kudumisha afya.
It is better not to fry many foods often, in order to maintain health.
Maji ni baridi.
The water is cold.
Kalamu ni rahisi kutumika.
The pen is easy to use.
Tatizo ni kubwa, lakini lina suluhisho.
The problem is big, but it has a solution.
Nyumba yangu ni imara.
My house is strong.
Ukweli ni muhimu.
Truth is important.
Mfuko wangu ni nzito.
My bag is heavy.
Pesa zake ni nyingi.
His money is a lot.
Ni muhimu tufanye jitihada tusijisalimishe kwa uvivu wakati tunajifunza masomo mapya.
It is important that we make an effort not to surrender to laziness when learning new subjects.
Wakati mwingine mimi hushangaa ni kwa jinsi gani watu hukubali kuingiza mifano migumu katika mijadala rahisi.
Sometimes I am surprised by how people agree to insert difficult examples into simple discussions.
Ni bora tusikubali roho mbaya itubomoe ndoto zetu, hata kama tunakabiliwa na changamoto.
It is better that we do not allow bad intentions to demolish our dreams, even if we face challenges.
Huyu ni mpishi mzuri, lakini kifaa chake cha kupikia kimeharibika, hivyo ana wasiwasi kubomoa jiko lake lote.
This is a good cook, but his cooking tool is broken, so he is worried about demolishing his entire stove.
Mpishi mpya ameajiriwa hotelini, na wateja wanasema chakula chake ni cha kusisimua.
A new cook has been employed at the hotel, and customers say his food is thrilling.
Afisa yule akasema ni vyema kuweka nyaraka zote muhimu kwenye kabrasha moja ili zisipotee.
That officer said it is good to put all the important documents in one folder so they do not get lost.
Iwapo unaumwa, ni vyema uende hospitali mapema ili upumzike haraka.
If you are unwell, it is good that you go to the hospital early so you can rest quickly.
Vitabu hivi ni vipya.
These books are new.
Ubora ni muhimu.
Quality is important.
Jiko kwetu ni safi.
Our stove is clean.
Mtihani huu ni ngumu.
This exam is difficult.
Mjadala ni muhimu.
Discussion is important.
Maisha ni tamu.
Life is sweet.
Suti yangu ni mbadala.
My suit is alternative.
Changamoto ni ngumu.
Challenge is difficult.
Iwapo unacheza mpira, ni lazima uwe na viatu vya michezo.
If you play ball, you must have sports shoes.
Jamii ni muhimu.
Community is important.
Mara nyingi, kusikiliza muziki ni burudani nzuri baada ya kazi ndefu.
Often, listening to music is good entertainment after a long job.
Mkate ninaoupenda zaidi ni ule unaookwa na mama asubuhi.
The bread that I like the most is the one that mother bakes in the morning.
Simba ambao tuliyowaona hifadhini ni wanyama ninaowaheshimu kwa nguvu zao.
The lions we saw in the reserve are animals that I respect for their strength.
Matunda hayo ni mazuri.
Those fruits are nice.
Nchi ni kubwa.
The country is big.
Daraja ni mrefu.
The bridge is long.
Vitabu hao ni vipya.
Those books are new.
Mwalimu ni mwenye furaha.
The teacher is happy.
Jinsi ya kwenda sokoni ni rahisi.
The way to go to the market is easy.
Hatua ni muhimu.
A step is important.
Mandhari ni nzuri asubuhi.
The view is beautiful in the morning.
Chakula ambacho mama anapika ni kitamu.
The food that mother cooks is delicious.
Ukubwa wa nyumba yangu ni muhimu.
The size of my house is important.
Ni vyema utoe takataka hizi ili zisije kuwa kero kwa majirani.
It is good that you remove this trash so it does not become a nuisance to the neighbors.
Ni muhimu uepuke uchafu sokoni ili ubaki na afya njema.
It is important that you avoid dirt at the market so that you remain healthy.
Ni lazima utunze mazingira nyumbani ili usipate magonjwa.
You must take care of the environment at home so you do not get diseases.
Ni vizuri usimulia kile kilichotokea shuleni, ili tuelewe kila jambo.
It is good that you narrate what happened at school, so we understand everything.
Ni heri uonyeshe usikivu, ili upate matokeo mazuri katika mtihani.
It is better for you to show attentiveness so you get good results in the exam.
Ni muhimu kusalimiana asubuhi kabla ya kuanza mazungumzo.
It is important to greet each other in the morning before starting a conversation.
Ni bora usificha ukweli, hivi kila mtu ataelewa tatizo hili mapema.
It is better that you do not hide the truth, so that everyone will understand this problem early.
Ni vizuri uahirishe safari yako ikiwa barabara imefungwa.
It is good that you postpone your journey if the road is closed.
Mwanzo wa kitabu hiki ni mgumu, lakini hadithi inavutia zaidi baadaye.
The beginning of this book is difficult, but the story becomes more interesting later.
Ni vyema usubiri kidogo, ili huzuni ipungue kabla ya kuzungumza naye.
It is good that you wait a little, so that the sadness decreases before speaking to him.
Mwonekano wako ni mzuri leo, umevaa nguo zilizopendeza sana.
Your appearance is nice today; you are wearing very lovely clothes.
Ugonjwa ni hatari.
Disease is dangerous.
Kitabu hiki ni nzuri kabisa.
This book is completely beautiful.
Jina langu ni Rahma.
My name is Rahma.
Daktari ni mwangalifu.
The doctor is careful.
Samaki yake ni kitamu.
His fish is delicious.
Mimi ninataka kununua shati, lakini bei yake ni ghali sana.
I want to buy a shirt, but its price is very expensive.
Samaki huyu sokoni ni ghali kuliko mboga tulizonunua jana.
This fish at the market is more expensive than the vegetables we bought yesterday.
Kupika mkate ni mchakato unaohitaji uvumilivu na umakini.
Baking bread is a process that requires patience and focus.
Ni muhimu kupata ruhusa kutoka kwa mwalimu kabla ya kuondoka darasani.
It is important to get permission from the teacher before leaving the classroom.
Kipindi cha kwanza leo ni somo la hesabu.
The first lesson today is math.
Tumeangalia michezo mingi, na mpira wa miguu ni mojawapo ninayopenda.
We have watched many sports, and soccer is one of them that I like.
Wanyama wengi wanaishi msituni, na tembo ni mojawapo mwenye nguvu kubwa.
Many animals live in the forest, and the elephant is one of them with great strength.
Bwana Khalid ni jirani yetu, naye anapenda kulima bustani.
Mr. Khalid is our neighbor, and he loves to cultivate the garden.
Dunia ni kubwa zaidi kuliko mji wetu mdogo.
The world is larger than our small town.
Uaminifu ni msingi mzuri wa urafiki na familia.
Honesty is a good foundation for friendship and family.
Leo, hali ya hewa ni yenye baridi zaidi kuliko jana.
Today, the weather is colder than yesterday.
Shati langu ni nyekundu.
My shirt is red.
Hizi meza ni mipya.
These tables are new.
Ukuta ni ndefu.
The wall is long.
Yeye ni mwenye maswali mengi.
He/She is one with many questions.
Utamaduni wa shule ni muhimu.
The culture of the school is important.
Ushirikiano ni muhimu.
Cooperation is important.
Hali ya hewa ni baridi leo.
The weather is cold today.
Samahani, soksi hizi ni safi sasa baada ya kufua, unaweza kuzivaa.
Sorry, these socks are now clean after washing; you can wear them.
Parachichi lina mafuta mazuri, hivyo ni zuri kwa afya.
Avocado has healthy fats, so it is good for one’s health.
Maendeleo ni muhimu.
Progress is important.
Kitabu changu ni kipekee.
My book is unique.
Mimi ni chipukizi katika somo la falsafa, lakini ninatumia juhudi kubwa kuyafahamu mawazo magumu.
I am a beginner in philosophy, but I am putting in a lot of effort to understand the complex ideas.
Matumaini yangu ni kwamba mimi nitaweza kudhibiti muda wangu, ili nihudhurie vipindi vyote.
My hope is that I will be able to control my time, so that I can attend all classes.
Mwalimu anasema ni bora tujiandikishe kwa ada mapema, ili baadaye tusikose nafasi ya kusoma chuo kikuu.
The teacher says it is better to register for fees early, so that we do not lose the chance to study at the university later.
Ni vizuri kukabiliana na utawala kandamizi kwa umoja, badala ya kumruhusu atudhibiti.
It is good to confront oppressive administration with unity, rather than allowing it to control us.
Vitabu vyote viko kwenye meza.
All the books are on the table.
Nyumba zilizo karibu na shule ni za bei nafuu.
The houses that are near the school are cheap.
Utaratibu ni muhimu.
Order is important.
Mpangilio wa darasa ni mzuri.
The classroom arrangement is good.
Mawasiliano ni muhimu.
Communication is important.
Matokeo ni mazuri.
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