Usages of adalah
Ini nasi.
This is rice.
Itu air.
That is water.
Nasi ini sedap.
This rice is delicious.
Itu roti sedap.
That bread is delicious.
Kita di sini.
We are here.
Dia di sana sekarang.
He/She is over there now.
Kita sedang berbual dengan teman baru di sini.
We are chatting with a new friend here.
Sekarang, saya sedang mendengar muzik perlahan.
Right now, I am listening to slow music.
Kucing saya sedang tidur di dalam kelas kosong.
My cat is sleeping in an empty classroom.
Dia sedang membaca buku sejarah sebelum tidur malam ini.
He/She is reading a history book before sleeping tonight.
Mereka sedang berehat di rumah selepas kerja panjang.
They are resting at home after a long day of work.
Perjalanan saya dengan kereta ini sangat menyeronokkan.
My trip by this car is very enjoyable.
Pengalaman ini menyeronokkan.
This experience is enjoyable.
Saya sedang mendengar muzik sekarang.
I am listening to music now.
Muzik itu sangat perlahan.
That music is very slow.
Saya suka pejabat yang tenang untuk bekerja.
I like an office that is calm for working.
Laptop saya rosak ketika pejabat terlalu bising.
My laptop broke when the office was too noisy.
Sekarang saya guna laptop baru untuk bekerja di rumah yang tenang.
Now I use a new laptop to work at home that is calm.
Kita juga boleh berjalan ke kedai yang murah kalau mahu beli roti.
We can also walk to a shop that is cheap if we want to buy bread.
Saya sedang baca buku yang menarik sambil menunggu kedai buka.
I am reading an interesting book while waiting for the shop to open.
Rumah saya besar.
My house is big.
Kereta saya rosak sekarang.
My car is broken now.
Rumah saya terlalu besar.
My house is too big.
Rumah saya di seberang taman.
My house is across the park.
Saya rasa kereta baru itu cepat.
I feel the new car is fast.
Buku ini seperti majalah.
This book is like a magazine.
Saya rasa udara tenang.
I feel the air is calm.
Saya sedang tidur di katil.
I am sleeping in bed.
Kucing saya comel.
My cat is cute.
Cuaca sekarang tenang.
The weather is calm now.
Semua buku penting.
All books are important.
Buku itu menarik.
That book is interesting.
Kereta pejabat rosak.
The office car is broken.
Di hotel itu, biliknya agak panas, namun saya masih suka tinggal di situ.
At that hotel, the room is quite hot, however I still like staying there.
Latihan ini penting, namun saya letih kerana cuaca terlalu panas di luar.
This practice is important, however I am tired because the weather is too hot outside.
Dia letih semalam, jadi dia tidak memulakan latihan pada pukul tujuh.
He/She was tired yesterday, so he/she did not start practice at seven o’clock.
Saya suka bermalam di sana kerana suasananya sejuk dan saya tidak perlukan kipas.
I like to stay overnight there because the atmosphere is cold and I do not need a fan.
Saya akan memandu kereta baru ke tempat kerja esok, supaya saya tidak letih.
I will drive a new car to work tomorrow, so I won’t be tired.
Teman serumah saya masih mahu memasak kari panas walaupun dia sibuk pada malam ini.
My roommate still wants to cook hot curry even though he/she is busy tonight.
Kereta saya rosak, jadi saya naik bas ke pejabat.
My car is broken, so I take the bus to the office.
Bilik saya sejuk.
My room is cold.
Saya sedang memandu di jalan.
I am driving on the road.
Walaupun saya letih, saya masih belajar.
Even though I am tired, I still study.
Anak saya pandai bermain bola di taman sebelum waktu senja.
My child is clever at playing ball in the park before dusk.
Bangku panjang di taman itu dibersihkan setiap pagi, jadi orang ramai gembira duduk di sana.
The long bench in the park is cleaned every morning, so people are happy sitting there.
Jika saya sedih, saya akan bermain di tepi sungai untuk menenangkan fikiran.
If I am sad, I will play by the river to calm my mind.
Sungai itu agak besar, tetapi lantai jambatannya masih kemas dan selamat untuk dilalui.
That river is quite large, but the floor of its bridge is still neat and safe to cross.
Laporan syarikat itu disiapkan pantas dan akan dibawa ke pejabat pusat esok.
That company report is completed quickly and will be taken to the head office tomorrow.
Rumah saya hijau.
My house is green.
Badan saya letih selepas berjalan di taman.
My body is tired after walking in the park.
Bilik saya kemas.
My room is tidy.
Rumah saya kotor.
My house is dirty.
Fikiran saya tenang.
My mind is calm.
Rumah saya selamat.
My house is safe.
Kami sedang duduk di taman sambil mendengar muzik.
We are sitting in the park while listening to music.
Teman saya tinggi.
My friend is tall.
Buku saya berlainan.
My book is different.
Saya sedang menonton video sekarang.
I am watching video now.
Sarapan pagi sedap.
The morning breakfast is delicious.
Kakak saya gemar membaca buku dekat dinding bilik yang penuh dengan gambar keluarga.
My older sister loves reading books near the wall of the room that is full of family photos.
Basikal saya rosak, jadi saya berjalan kaki ke taman bersama ibu untuk bersenam.
My bicycle is broken, so I walk to the park with Mother to exercise.
Saya perlukan tuala baharu kerana yang lama sudah koyak.
I need a new towel because the old one is torn.
Kadangkala, saya fikir sup ini terlalu masam untuk ayah, tetapi dia masih menikmatinya.
Sometimes, I think this soup is too sour for Father, but he still enjoys it.
Saiz baju saya besar.
The size of my shirt is big.
Saya menunggang basikal di taman supaya saya sihat.
I ride a bicycle in the park so that I am healthy.
Baju saya kering.
My shirt is dry.
Baju saya koyak.
My shirt is torn.
Pejabat ini agak tenang.
This office is somewhat calm.
Selera saya tinggi.
My appetite is high.
Bilik pejabat itu kemas dengan dinding hiasan.
That office room is neat with decorative walls.
Siapakah orang di sebelah awak?
Who is the person next to you?
Saya tinggal di pangsapuri dekat bandar, dan pangsapuri itu sangat selesa.
I live in an apartment near the city, and that apartment is very comfortable.
Kerusi di dapur pangsapuri saya agak kukuh, jadi saya suka duduk di situ.
The chair in my apartment’s kitchen is quite sturdy, so I like sitting there.
Bagaimana awak pergi ke pasar jika kunci kereta awak hilang?
How do you go to the market if your car key is lost?
Selimut tebal ini membantu saya tidur lena walaupun cuaca sejuk.
This thick blanket helps me sleep soundly even though the weather is cold.
Ibu saya suka berjalan di taman bunga pada waktu senja kerana udaranya nyaman.
My mother likes walking in the flower garden at dusk because the air is pleasant.
Saya rasa kita harus berangkat awal pagi esok, kerana perjalanan ke pejabat agak jauh.
I think we should depart early tomorrow morning, because the trip to the office is rather far.
Saya sedar kunci saya hilang ketika menaiki tangga, lalu saya terus cari di sekitar taman bunga.
I realized my key was missing when going up the stairs, so I immediately searched around the flower garden.
Bantal yang saya guna agak keras, jadi saya ingin bertanya kawan jika saya boleh pinjam bantalnya.
The pillow I use is quite hard, so I want to ask my friend if I can borrow his/her pillow.
Rumah saya kukuh.
My house is sturdy.
Saya sedang mendengar lagu.
I am listening to a song.
Buku kegemaran saya menarik.
My favorite book is interesting.
Langit senja indah.
The dusk sky is beautiful.
Teman saya cantik.
My friend is beautiful.
Bantal saya lembut.
My pillow is soft.
Dia bukan guru.
He/She is not a teacher.
Cuaca hari ini agak panas.
The weather today is rather hot.
Saya sedar kelas itu kosong.
I realize the class is empty.
Meja ini keras.
This table is hard.
Taman itu indah.
That park is beautiful. is an online learning platform
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