Selimut tebal ini membantu saya tidur lena walaupun cuaca sejuk.

Selimut tebal ini membantu saya tidur lena walaupun cuaca sejuk.
This thick blanket helps me sleep soundly even though the weather is cold.
Part of speech
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Questions & Answers about Selimut tebal ini membantu saya tidur lena walaupun cuaca sejuk.

What does selimut tebal mean in English?
Selimut tebal translates to thick blanket. Selimut means blanket and tebal means thick. Notice that in Malay adjectives usually come after the noun they describe.
What role does ini play in the sentence?
Ini is a demonstrative pronoun meaning this. It specifies or points out the particular selimut tebal being discussed, much like saying this thick blanket in English.
What does the phrase tidur lena indicate?
The phrase tidur lena means sleep soundly. Tidur is the verb to sleep, and lena functions as an adverb, describing the quality of the sleep as deep and peaceful.
How is walaupun used in the sentence?
Walaupun is a conjunction that means even though or although. It introduces the contrasting clause cuaca sejuk (cold weather), showing that despite the cold, the speaker still sleeps soundly.
How does the sentence structure differ from English, especially in terms of adjective placement?
In Malay, adjectives generally follow the noun they modify. For example, selimut tebal is literally blanket thick, which in English becomes thick blanket. This is a common structural difference that learners should be aware of when forming or translating sentences.
How is the verb phrase membantu saya tidur lena constructed, and what does it mean?
The verb membantu means helps, and saya means me/I. Combined with tidur lena (sleep soundly), the entire phrase means helps me sleep soundly. Notice that unlike English, Malay does not use an auxiliary word like to before the verb tidur.

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