Usages of ili
Nitamwita kaka yangu, ili tuweze kufagia na kusafisha sebule pamoja.
I will call my brother, so that we can sweep and clean the living room together.
Mimi ninasoma kitabu ili niweze kujifunza.
I am reading a book so that I can learn.
Mimi nitajaribu kuuza baiskeli yangu ya zamani wiki hii, ili niwe mnunuzi wa pikipiki ndogo.
I will try to sell my old bicycle this week, so that I can be a buyer of a small motorcycle.
Tunapaswa kuondoka nyumbani mapema, ili tufike sokoni kabla ya mvua kuanza.
We should leave home early, so that we arrive at the market before it starts raining.
Ni muhimu kufunga mlango kabla ya kuondoka, ili vitu vyetu viwe salama.
It is important to lock the door before leaving, so that our things are safe.
Nimemwalika mwandishi huyu kwenye chakula cha jioni ili tujadili gazeti lake jipya.
I have invited this writer to dinner so that we can discuss his new newspaper.
Tukimaliza chakula, tutasubiri mgahawa ufunguliwe tena ili tuchukue karoti na kahawa.
When we finish our meal, we will wait for the restaurant to open again so that we can take carrots and coffee.
Nimeenda dukani kununua nyama na kuku, ili tuandae mlo mzuri jioni.
I have gone to the shop to buy meat and chicken, so that we can prepare a good meal in the evening.
Mama anasema tunapaswa kuondoa vitu visivyotumika ili nyumba yetu iwe safi.
Mother says we should remove unused things so that our house can be clean.
Tupange mkutano mchana, ili tukaribishe rafiki zetu.
Let’s schedule a meeting in the afternoon, so that we welcome our friends.
Tafadhali uwashe taa ili tuweze kusoma kitabu changu kipya.
Please turn on the light so that we can read my new book.
Kabla ya safari, mimi nitaandaa mzigo wangu ili nisikose kitu muhimu.
Before the trip, I will prepare my luggage so that I do not miss anything important.
Ni lazima tuzingatie muda, ili tusikose mkutano wetu wa shule.
We must pay attention to time, so that we do not miss our school meeting.
Ninataka kuongeza mboga zaidi kwenye supu hii ili iwe na ladha bora.
I want to add more vegetables to this soup so that it has a better taste.
Tafadhali, kualika wageni ni muhimu ili tuongeze furaha ndani ya nyumba.
Please, inviting guests is important so that we add happiness inside the house.
Je, unataka kuchora ramani ya mji wetu mpya ili watu waweze kuelewa?
Do you want to draw a map of our new town so that people can understand?
Tunahitaji kukaribisha watu wapya katika darasa letu ili wajisikie salama.
We need to welcome new people into our class so that they feel safe.
Unapaswa kupangilia ratiba yako vizuri ili usiwe na wasiwasi wakati unafanya zoezi.
You should organize your schedule well so that you are not worried when doing the exercise.
Katika jaribio hili la ujenzi, tunahitaji zana bora ili kazi iwe rahisi.
In this construction attempt, we need good tools so that the work becomes easier.
Mpango wetu wa mwisho leo ni kuchora ramani, ili tuelewe vizuri eneo la shamba.
Our final plan for today is to draw a map, so that we can better understand the farm area.
Nataka ulete sahani hii mezani, ili sote tule pamoja.
I want you to bring this plate to the table, so that we all eat together.
Nataka unisaidie kutundika chandarua juu ya kitanda ili nisiumwe na mbu usiku.
I want you to help me hang the mosquito net over the bed so that I do not get bitten by mosquitoes at night.
Mama alinunua mahindi sokoni, ili tuyaandae kwa chakula cha mchana.
Mother bought maize at the market so that we can prepare it for lunch.
Nataka tukodishe basi dogo ili kusafiri pamoja na marafiki zetu.
I want us to rent a small bus so that we can travel with our friends.
Tafadhali, nipe ufunguo wa mlango huu ili nifungue chumba.
Please, give me the key to this door so that I can open the room.
Kamusi inatusaidia kufafanua maneno, ili tuelewe vema sarufi.
The dictionary helps us define words, so that we can better understand grammar.
Tunahitaji kujipanga kabla ya kuvuka barabara kuu, ili tusiumie.
We need to get ready before crossing the main road, so that we do not get hurt.
Nitachukua kijiko kikubwa ili niweze kutenga wali kwa urahisi.
I will take a big spoon so that I can separate the rice easily.
Lete kijiko kile kidogo, ili niongeze sukari kwenye chai yangu.
Bring me that small spoon, so that I may add sugar to my tea.
Ni busara kupangusa vumbi kabla ya wageni kufika, ili nyumba ionekane safi.
It is wise to wipe the dust before guests arrive, so that the house looks clean.
Ninapenda kutembea karibu na msitu asubuhi, ili nione wanyama wadogo wanavyoamka.
I like to walk near the forest in the morning, so that I can see the small animals waking up.
Mama ametutayarishia sherehe ndogo ili tusherehekee dada yangu aliyeshinda mashindano ya hesabu shuleni.
Mother has prepared a small party so that we can celebrate my sister who won the math competition at school.
Mama anataka kununua jembe jipya kabla ya msimu wa kilimo, ili aweze kulima shamba vizuri.
Mother wants to buy a new hoe before the farming season, so that she can cultivate the farm well.
Ningependa kupendekeza tukutane mapema kesho, ili tushirikiane kufanya mazoezi ya somo letu la hesabu.
I would like to suggest that we meet early tomorrow, so that we can cooperate in doing practice for our math subject.
Wanafunzi wengine walipendekeza tufanye kikao cha maswali na majibu, ili kila mtu asikose uelewa.
Other students suggested that we hold a question and answer session, so that nobody misses understanding.
Dereva wetu anajaribu kuepuka trafiki asubuhi, ili tufike kazini mapema.
Our driver is trying to avoid traffic in the morning, so that we arrive at work early.
Masikini wanaweza kujifunza mada muhimu, ili wajipatie ujuzi mpya.
Poor people can learn important topics so that they gain new skills.
Usisahau kufunika sufuria hii ili chakula kipikike haraka.
Do not forget to cover this cooking pot so that the food cooks quickly.
Tafadhali funika chakula ili harufu yake isienee chumbani.
Please cover the food so that its smell does not spread in the room.
Tafadhali badilisha ratiba yako ili tuweze kusafiri pamoja.
Please change your schedule so that we can travel together.
Mimi ninahitaji muda kamili wa mkutano wetu ili niweze kupanga ratiba.
I need the exact time of our meeting so that I can plan the schedule.
Mlete baba kikapu ili aweke mboga zake.
Bring father the basket so that he can put his vegetables in it.
Tunapaswa kuchanganya maziwa na maji kidogo, kisha tutie sukari ili chai iwe tamu.
We should mix milk with a little water, then put in sugar so that the tea becomes sweet.
Usisahau kugeuza upande wa karatasi hiyo, ili usome maelekezo yaliyoandikwa nyuma.
Do not forget to turn over that paper so that you read the instructions written on the back.
Ikiwa una maumivu makali, sharti uende hospitali mapema ili upate matibabu sahihi.
If you have severe pain, you must go to the hospital early so that you can get proper treatment.
Sharti uwasilishe ripoti hii kesho asubuhi, ili tusikose muda wa kuirekebisha.
You must present this report tomorrow morning, so that we do not lack time to correct it.
Afisa yule akasema ni vyema kuweka nyaraka zote muhimu kwenye kabrasha moja ili zisipotee.
That officer said it is good to put all the important documents in one folder so they do not get lost.
Iwapo unaumwa, ni vyema uende hospitali mapema ili upumzike haraka.
If you are unwell, it is good that you go to the hospital early so you can rest quickly.
Tuwe makini tunapobeba kuni, ili tusijeruhi miguu yetu.
Let us be careful when carrying firewood, so that we do not injure our feet.
Baba anataka tugeuze mtazamo wetu, ili tusishindwe kuboresha maisha ya jamii.
Father wants us to change our perspective, so that we do not fail to improve the community’s life.
Nataka uweke kitabu changu mahali pa usalama daima, ili kisipotee.
I want you to always place my book in a safe location, so it does not get lost.
Ni vyema utoe takataka hizi ili zisije kuwa kero kwa majirani.
It is good that you remove this trash so it does not become a nuisance to the neighbors.
Ni muhimu uepuke uchafu sokoni ili ubaki na afya njema.
It is important that you avoid dirt at the market so that you remain healthy.
Ni lazima utunze mazingira nyumbani ili usipate magonjwa.
You must take care of the environment at home so you do not get diseases.
Nataka ufuate maagizo haya ili upone kabisa.
I want you to follow these instructions so that you recover completely.
Ni vizuri usimulia kile kilichotokea shuleni, ili tuelewe kila jambo.
It is good that you narrate what happened at school, so we understand everything.
Tafadhali, nakusihi utoe daftari lako ili tuandike majina ya wageni.
Please, I beg you to bring out your notebook so we can write the names of the visitors.
Ni heri uonyeshe usikivu, ili upate matokeo mazuri katika mtihani.
It is better for you to show attentiveness so you get good results in the exam.
Asha anafikiri kuficha pipi zake chini ya meza, ili zisiliwe na wadogo zake.
Asha is thinking of hiding her candies under the table, so they are not eaten by her younger siblings.
Nataka uanze mwanzo mpya katika masomo yako, ili ufaulu vizuri.
I want you to start a new beginning in your studies, so that you succeed well.
Ni vyema usubiri kidogo, ili huzuni ipungue kabla ya kuzungumza naye.
It is good that you wait a little, so that the sadness decreases before speaking to him.
Wanafunzi wanajifunza tabia njema shuleni, ili wawe na heshima wakati wote.
Students are learning good behavior at school, so that they have respect at all times.
Tafadhali usiwe umechelewa katika kipindi cha mwisho ili usipoteze maelezo muhimu.
Please do not be late to the last lesson so that you do not miss important explanations.
Unapaswa kuwa mfano mzuri, ili wengine wasiweze kuiga tabia mbaya.
You should be a good example, so that others cannot imitate bad behavior.
Walimu wanatuambia tupange malengo ili tufikie mafanikio makubwa.
Teachers tell us to set goals so that we achieve great success.
Ninataka kusafiri duniani ili nijifunze tamaduni mbalimbali.
I want to travel the world so that I can learn different cultures.
Nitaenda kufua nguo zote kesho asubuhi ili ziwe safi wakati wa mchana.
I will wash all the clothes tomorrow morning so that they are clean by midday.
Baba anasema tutenge zizi jipya kwa mbuzi wetu, ili wasikae nje usiku.
Father says we should set up a new pen for our goats, so that they do not stay outside at night.
Mama anachanganya kitunguu saumu na tangawizi ili chakula kiwe na ladha nzuri.
Mother mixes garlic and ginger so that the food has a nice flavor.
Tafadhali usiketi vibaya; unaweza kuegemea ukuta ili mgongo usiume.
Please do not sit awkwardly; you can lean against the wall so your back does not hurt.
Mama anapopika, anapenda kuegemea meza fupi ili awe makini na mapishi.
When Mother cooks, she likes to lean on a short table so that she can be attentive to the cooking.
Mwalimu alipendekeza tuboreshe mwandiko wetu, ili tuweze kuandika inavyoeleweka.
The teacher suggested that we improve our handwriting so that we can write clearly.
Tafuta kitabu chenye kurasa nyingi, ili uweze kusoma kwa muda mrefu.
Look for a book that has many pages, so that you can read for a long time.
Mimi ninakusaidia kusuka nywele zake ili aonekane nadhifu.
I am helping you braid her hair so that she looks neat.
Je, ungependa kunisukuma mbele kidogo, ili nione vizuri dirishani?
Would you like to push me forward a bit, so that I can see better at the window?
Ninatumia akili yangu kupanga matumizi ya hela, ili nisipate shida baadaye.
I am using my mind to plan my use of money, so that I do not have problems later.
Baba anatutuma kuchunguza hali ya utawala wa shule, ili tujue jinsi ada inavyotolewa.
Father is sending us to investigate the school’s administration, so that we know how fees are provided.
Ninapopata hela kidogo, ninajaribu kuweka akiba ili nisiumizwe na gharama za ada ghafla.
When I get a little money, I try to save it so that I am not hurt by sudden fee expenses.
Matumaini yangu ni kwamba mimi nitaweza kudhibiti muda wangu, ili nihudhurie vipindi vyote.
My hope is that I will be able to control my time, so that I can attend all classes.
Tunapaswa kuyafanyia uchunguzi makosa yetu, ili tuweze kuyarekebisha kabla ya kufanya jaribio jipya.
We need to investigate our mistakes so that we can fix them before taking a new test.
Mwalimu anasema ni bora tujiandikishe kwa ada mapema, ili baadaye tusikose nafasi ya kusoma chuo kikuu.
The teacher says it is better to register for fees early, so that we do not lose the chance to study at the university later.
Ninampa dada hela kidogo, ili aweze kulipa ada yake bila mkopo mkubwa.
I am giving my sister a little money so that she can pay her fee without a large loan. is an online learning platform
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