Question | Answer |
(air) temperature; (atmospheric) temperature | 気温kion |
(audio) speaker | スピーカーsupiikaa |
(both) parents | (ご)両親(go)ryousin |
(coat) hanger | ハンガーhangaa |
(computer) memory | メモリーmemorii |
(concrete) thing | 物mono |
(cow's) milk | 牛乳gyuunyuu |
(emotionally or personally) difficult to ...; uncomfortable to ... | 〜辛い〜durai |
(hard) candy | 飴ame |
(intangible) thing; matter | 事koto |
(official) document | 書類syorui |
(over) there | あそこasoko |
(physically or technically) difficult to ... | 〜難い〜nikui |
(pleasantly) warm (object, food, emotion) | 温かいatatakai |
(romantic) date | デートdeeto |
(service) counter | 窓口madoguti |
(someone else's) wife | 奥さんokusan |
(swimming) pool | プールpuuru |
(unintended and destructive) fire | 火事kazi |
(Western-style) clothes | 洋服youhuku |
(your own) husband | 夫otto |
(your own) wife | 妻tuma |
(your own) wife | 家内kanai This term is more old-fashioned and formal, and it's often used by older men when referring to their own wives, particularly in formal or public settings. It carries a more humble and traditional connotation. Note how the kanji in this word correspond to traditional gender roles. Therefore, younger people tend to prefer using the word 妻. |
... or something; something like ... | でもdemo |
1,000 | 一千issen |
100 | 百hyaku |
2,000 | 二千nisen |
20 | 二十nizyuu |
200 | 二百nihyaku |
3,000 | 三千sanzen |
30 | 三十sanzyuu |
300 | 三百sanbyaku |
4,000 | 四千yonsen |
40 | 四十yonzyuu |
400 | 四百yonhyaku |
5,000 | 五千gosen |
50 | 五十gozyuu |
500 | 五百gohyaku |
6,000 | 六千rokusen |
60 | 六十rokuzyuu |
600 | 六百roppyaku |
7,000 | 七千nanasen |
70 | 七十nanazyuu |
700 | 七百nanahyaku |
8,000 | 八千hassen |
80 | 八十hatizyuu |
800 | 八百happyaku |
9,000 | 九千kyuusen |
90 | 九十kyuuzyuu |
900 | 九百kyuuhyaku |
a crowd; a large number of people; many | 大勢oozei |
a few; a little, a bit | 少しsukosi 少し is a bit more formal than ちょっと. |
a few; a little; scarce; insufficient | 少ないsukunai |
a little bit | ちょっとtyotto |
a.m. | 午前gozen |
about; approximate time | ごろgoro |
about; approximately | ぐらいgurai |
accident | 事故ziko |
according to | に よる とni yoru to |
address | アドレスadoresu |
adult | 大人otona |
advice | アドバイスadobaisu |
Africa | アフリカahurika |
after; afterward | 後ato |
afternoon; p.m. | 午後gogo |
again; also | またmata |
ah, oh, uh | ああaa |
air | 空気kuuki |
air conditioning; air conditioner | エアコンeakon |
airplane | 飛行機hikouki |
album | アルバムarubamu |
alcohol | アルコールarukooru |
alcohol; rice wine | (お)酒(o)sake |
all; everything; entire | 全てsubete |
all; whole | 全部zenbu |
allergy | アレルギーarerugii |
already; more; again | もうmou |
always; never | 何時もitumo |
American football | アメフトamehuto |
American person | アメリカ人amerikazin |
and sentence conjunction | そしてsosite |
and; and then; since then | それからsorekara |
and; as well as | およびoyobi |
and; or not exhaustive | やya |
and; or; with | とto |
andnot exclusive; doing such things as ... | 〜たり〜tari |
Andrew | アンドリューandoryuu |
animal | 動物doubutu |
animation | アニメanime |
announcement; presentation; publication | 発表happyou |
answer | 答えkotae |
apartment | マンションmansyon |
apartment | アパートapaato |
app; application | アプリapuri |
apple | りんごringo |
approximate time (but not in a very narrow window of time) | 頃koro |
approximate time (but still pretty specific) | 頃goro |
April | 四月sigatu |
Arabic | アラビア語arabiago |
area | 辺hen |
around | 周mawari |
arrival | 到着toutyaku |
as ... as possible | できる だけdekiru dake |
ash; ashes | 灰hai |
ashtray | 灰皿haizara |
Asia | アジアazia |
assertion particle | よyo |
at; on; in; to; for [indirect object particle] | にni |
August | 八月hatigatu |
aunt | 伯母oba |
autumn, fall | 秋aki |
baby, infant | 赤ちゃんakatyan |
back (of the body) | 背中senaka |
bad (at), unskillful | 下手heta |
bad, evil | 悪いwarui |
bag | 鞄kaban This is a general term for a bag, often referring to various kinds of handbags, school bags, or briefcases. It is more traditional and may be used more commonly in daily conversations than バッグ. |
bag | バッグbaggu This word is typically used to describe more fashionable or trendy bags, such as designer handbags, clutches, and the like. It carries a modern or fashionable connotation. |
baggage, luggage | 荷物nimotu |
ball | 玉tama |
ball | ボールbooru |
ballpoint pen | ボールペンboorupen |
banana | バナナbanana |
band | バンドbando |
bank | 銀行ginkou |
bar | バーbaa |
barbecue | バーベキューbaabekyuu |
basement; underground | 地下tika |
bat | コウモリkoumori |
bath | (お)風呂(o)huro |
battery | バッテリーbatterii |
battery | 電池denti |
beach | ビーチbiiti |
bean soup | 豆 の スープmame no suupu |
bean; pea; legume | 豆mame |
beautiful | 美しいutukusii |
beautiful woman | 美人bizin |
beautifully; cleanly | きれいにkireini |
because, since | からkara |
because, since | のでnode |
bed | ベッドbeddo |
beef | 牛肉gyuuniku |
beer | ビールbiiru |
before long; soon; nearly | もうすぐmousugu |
beginning; start; first; initial | 初めhazime |
behind, back | 後ろusiro |
being high energy; being excited | テンション が 高いtensyon ga takai |
being low energy; being not excited | テンション が 低いtensyon ga hikui |
bell | ベルberu |
between | 間aida |
bicycle | 自転車zitensya |
big, large | 大きいookii |
bill; check | お会計okaikei |
bird | 鳥tori |
birthday | (お)誕生日(o)tanzyoubi |
bitter | 苦いnigai |
black | 黒kuro |
black | 黒いkuroi |
black and white | 白黒sirokuro |
black tea | 紅茶koutya |
blood | 血ti |
blue | 青ao |
blue | ブルーburuu |
bluealso green for traffic lights | 青いaoi |
body | 体karada |
Bon appétit. (Thank you for the meal) | 頂きます。itadakimasu. Literally: I humbly receive |
book | 本hon |
bookshelf | 本棚hondana |
bookstore | 本屋honya |
boring | 詰まらないtumaranai Usually written using only hiragana. |
boss; supervisor | 上司zyousi 上司 is a general term that means boss or supervisor and can refer to any person who holds a higher rank than you at work. |
both ~ | 両〜ryou〜 |
bottle; jar | 瓶bin |
bow | 弓yumi |
box | 箱hako |
boxed lunch | (お)弁当(o)bentou |
boy | 男 の 子otoko no ko |
boyfriend | 彼kare |
bracelet | ブレスレットburesuretto |
bread | パンpan |
breakfast | 朝ご飯asagohan |
breakfast | 朝食tyousyoku |
breath | 息iki |
bridge | 橋hasi |
bright; cheerful | 明るいakarui |
brown | 茶色tyairo |
brown | 茶色いtyairoi |
buffet | バイキングbaikingu |
building | 建物tatemono |
building | ビルbiru |
bus | バスbasu |
business | ビジネスbizinesu |
business suit | 背広sebiro |
busy | 忙しいisogasii |
but | がga |
but, however | でもdemo |
but, however | しかしsikasi |
butter | バターbataa |
button | ボタンbotan |
by himself; by herself | 自分 でzibun de |
by the window | 窓辺madobe |
by the 〜 | 〜辺〜be Can only be used after some nouns, so don't just randomly attach this after any noun. |
by; by the time | まで にmade ni |
cafe | カフェkafe |
café; coffee shop; tearoom | 喫茶店kissaten |
cake | ケーキkeeki |
calendar | カレンダーkarendaa |
camera | カメラkamera |
cameraman | カメラマンkameraman |
Canada | カナダkanada |
cancer | ガンgan |
candle | キャンドルkyandoru |
candy; sweets; snacks | お菓子okasi |
canoe | カヌーkanuu |
capital | 都miyako |
car | 車kuruma |
car; automobile | 自動車zidousya |
card | カードkaado |
casual | カジュアルkazyuaru |
cat | 猫neko |
cause; reason | 原因genin |
ceiling | 天井tenzyou |
center | 中心tyuusin |
chair | 椅子isu |
character; letter | 字zi |
cheap | 安いyasui |
cheese | チーズtiizu |
chemistry | 化学kagaku |
cherry | さくらんぼsakuranbo |
cherry tree | 桜sakura |
chicken | 鶏niwatori |
chicken (meat) | 鶏肉toriniku |
child | 子供kodomo |
child | 子ko |
child (polite) | お子さんokosan |
children | 子供達kodomotati |
chimpanzee | チンパンジーtinpanzii |
China | 中国tyuugoku |
Chinese character | 漢字kanzi |
Chinese language | 中国語tyuugokugo |
Chinese person | 中国人tyuugokuzin |
chocolate | チョコレートtyokoreeto |
chocolate bar | チョコレートバーtyokoreetobaa |
chocolate cake | チョコレートケーキtyokoreetokeeki |
chopsticks | 箸hasi |
Christmas | クリスマスkurisumasu |
cigarettes; tobacco | タバコtabako |
cinema | 映画館eigakan |
city | 市si 市 is a political term that designates a city as an administrative unit. It's equivalent to the English word city when used in the context of a municipality. |
city | 都市tosi 都市 is more generic than 市 and refers to the concept of a city as a populated and developed area. It doesn't necessarily imply a political or administrative boundary like 市 does. The term 都市 is more comparable to the English use of urban area or metropolis. |
city center | 都心tosin |
city; (urban area) | 都会tokai |
class | クラスkurasu |
class; lesson; instruction | 授業zyugyou |
classroom | 教室kyousitu |
cleaner; dry cleaner | クリーニング屋kuriininguya |
cleaning; dry cleaning | クリーニングkuriiningu |
cleaning; sweeping | 掃除souzi |
clear weather; sunny weather | 晴れhare |
close friend; best friend | 親友sinyuu |
clothes; outfit | 服huku |
cloud | 雲kumo |
cloudy weather; cloudiness | 曇りkumori |
club | クラブkurabu |
coat | コートkooto |
coat; jacket; outer garment | 上着uwagi |
coffee | コーヒーkoohii |
coffee beans | コーヒー豆koohiimame |
coffee cup | コーヒーカップkoohiikappu |
cold; flu | 風邪kaze |
coldthing | 冷たいtumetai |
coldweather | 寒いsamui |
color | 色iro |
comedy | コメディkomedhi |
company | 会社kaisya |
company president; manager; director | 社長syatyou The 社長 is the highest-ranking executive in a company. The 社長 is responsible for the overall management and direction of the company. This role is equivalent to the President or CEO in Western companies. |
completely, entirely | すっかりsukkari |
composition; essay | 作文sakubun |
computer | コンピューターkonpyuutaa |
computer | パソコンpasokon |
computer | コンピュータkonpyuuta Alternative spelling of コンピューター |
concerning; regarding | に つい てni tui te |
concert | コンサートkonsaato |
confirmation particle | ねne |
congratulation; celebration; congratulatory gift | (お)祝い(o)iwai |
congratulations | おめでとうomedetou |
congratulations | おめでとう ございますomedetou gozaimasu This is more polite and formal than just おめでとう |
convenience store | コンビニkonbini |
cook | 料理人ryourinin |
cookie | クッキーkukkii |
copy | コピーkopii |
corner | 角kado |
correct; right | 正しいtadasii |
corridor; hallway | 廊下rouka |
counter for flat, thin objects | 枚mai |
country | 国kuni |
countryside; (rural area) | 田舎inaka |
cow | 牛usi |
crab | カニkani |
cream | クリームkuriimu |
credit | クレジットkurezitto |
credit card | クレジット カードkurezitto kaado |
crocodile | ワニwani |
crow | カラスkarasu |
Cuba | キューバkyuuba |
cucumber | きゅうりkyuuri |
culture | 文化bunka |
cup | カップkappu |
cup counter | 〜杯〜hai Used to count cups, glasses, bowls, or servings of liquid, such as drinks and soups. It can also be used to count things that are typically served in a vessel, like scoops of ice cream or servings of rice. The pronunciation changes just as any other counter that starts with an h-sound, such as 本hon and 百hyaku. |
curry | カレーkaree |
cute | 可愛いkawaii |
dance; dancing | 踊りodori |
dangerous | 危ないabunai |
dark; gloomy | 暗いkurai |
data | データdeeta |
daughter | 娘musume |
day | 日hi |
day (of the week) | 曜日youbi |
day counter | 〜日〜niti |
day eight; eight days | 八日youka |
day five; five days | 五日ituka |
day four; four days | 四日yokka |
day fourteen; fourteen days | 十四日zyuuyokka |
day nine; nine days | 九日kokonoka |
day off | 休み の 日yasumi no hi |
day one | 一日tuitati |
day seven; seven days | 七日nanoka |
day seventeen; seventeen days | 十七日zyuusitiniti |
day six; six days | 六日muika |
day ten; ten days | 十日tooka |
day three; three days | 三日mikka |
day twenty-four; twenty-four days | 二十四日nizyuuyokka |
day twenty-seven; twenty-seven days | 二十七日nizyuusitiniti |
day twenty; twenty days | 二十日hatuka |
day two; two days | 二日hutuka |
dead body; corpse | 死体sitai |
death | 死si |
December | 十 二月zyuu nigatu |
deer | シカsika |
deer | 鹿sika Also written using katakana. |
definitely; necessarily; invariably | 必ずkanarazu 必ずexpresses a strong commitment or assurance that something will happen or is the case. It's often used to make promises or to express unwavering certainty. |
degrees counter | ~度~do This is the same counter as the times counter 〜度. |
delicious | おいしいoisii |
delicious | 美味しいoisii Alternative way to write おいしい |
department manager | 部長butyou A 部長 is responsible for overseeing an entire department within the company. This position typically involves managing multiple sections or teams within the department and making strategic decisions that align with the company’s broader goals. A 部長 ranks above a 課長. |
department store | デパートdepaato |
design | デザインdezain |
designer | デザイナーdezainaa |
desk | 机tukue |
dessert | デザートdezaato |
diamond | ダイヤモンドdaiyamondo |
diary; journal | 日記nikki |
dictionary | 辞書zisyo |
dictionary | 字引きzibiki |
difference | 違いtigai |
difficult; hard | 難しいmuzukasii |
dining hall; cafeteria | 食堂syokudou |
dinner | 夜ご飯yorugohan |
dinner | 晩ご飯bangohan 晩ご飯 is more commonly used than 夜ご飯. |
dinner | 夕食yuusyoku |
dinner; evening meal | 夕飯yuuhan |
direct object particle | をwo |
direction, way; side | 方hou |
dirty | 汚いkitanai |
disliked; hated | 嫌いkirai |
district in Tokyo that's famous for it's park | 上野ueno |
do imperative | なさいnasai |
dog | 犬inu |
dollar | ドルdoru |
doorbell | ドアベルdoaberu |
down; under; lower; below | 下sita |
draft beer | 生 ビールnama biiru |
drama | ドラマdorama |
drawer | 引き出しhikidasi |
dress (garment) | ドレスdoresu |
dress shirt | ワイシャツwaisyatu The term ワイシャツ is derived from the English word white shirt, but in Japanese, it generally refers to any formal dress shirt, not necessarily white. |
drink, beverage | 飲み物nomimono |
driving; operation (of a machine) | 運転unten |
duration suffix | 〜間〜kan |
ear | 耳mimi |
early; fast | 早いhayai |
early; fast | 早くhayaku |
earrings (for pierced ears) | ピアスpiasu |
earrings (wearable without pierced ears) | イヤリングiyaringu |
earthquake | 地震zisin |
east | 東higasi |
easy to ... | 〜易い〜yasui |
easy, simple | 簡単kantan |
easy; plain; simple | 易しいyasasii |
egg | 卵tamago |
eight | 八hati |
eight (objects) | 八つyattu |
eighty thousand | 八万hatiman |
electric train | 電車densya |
electricity; electric light | 電気denki |
elementary school | 小学校syougakkou |
elevator | エレベーターerebeetaa |
メールmeeru | |
email address | メール アドレスmeeru adoresu |
embassy | 大使館taisikan |
end | 終わりowari |
engine | エンジンenzin |
engineer | エンジニアenzinia |
England; United Kindom, Britain | イギリスigirisu |
English (language) | 英語eigo |
enjoyment; pleasure | 楽しみtanosimi |
entrance | 入り口iriguti |
entrance | 玄関genkan |
envelope | 封筒huutou |
era; period; age | 時代zidai |
escalator | エスカレーターesukareetaa |
et cetera, and so on, and the like | などnado |
Europe | ヨーロッパyooroppa |
Even if; even though; (after nouns and na-adjectives) | で もde mo |
Even if; even though; (after verbs and i-adjectives) | 〜て も〜te mo |
even; (extreme extent) | までmade |
evening | 晩ban 晩 represents the time from sunset to bedtime. |
evening; dusk | 夕方yuugata Typically refers to the time period in the late afternoon to early evening, around sunset. |
event | イベントibento |
every day | 毎日mainiti |
every evening, every night | 毎晩maiban |
every month | 毎月maituki |
every morning | 毎朝maiasa |
every week | 毎週maisyuu |
every year | 毎年maitosi |
every year | 毎年mainen |
every ~ | 毎mai |
everyone; everybody | 皆minna Often written using hiragana instead of kanji. Can also refer to things instead of people, but 全部 is more common in that case. |
exactly, precisely; just | 丁度tyoudo |
exam; test | 試験siken |
excitement; mood; energy | テンションtensyon |
exciting; much-anticipated | 楽しみtanosimi |
Excuse me for interrupting you; Used as a greeting when entering someone's home | お邪魔します。ozyamasimasu. |
Excuse me, are you free? | ちょっと いい です か?tyotto ii desu ka? |
Excuse me. | 失礼します。situreisimasu. |
exercise; movement | 運動undou |
exit | 出口deguti |
expensive; high, tall | 高いtakai |
experience | 経験keiken |
extremelyslang | めちゃmetya |
eye | 目me |
face | 顔kao |
family | 家族kazoku |
family photo | 家族写真kazokusyasin |
family trip | 家族旅行kazokuryokou |
famous | 有名yuumei |
far, distant | 遠いtooi |
far; distant; far away | 遠くtooku |
fashion | ファッションfassyon |
fast | 速いhayai While both 速い and 早い can mean fast, when referring purely to speed and not also implying earliness, it's more common to use 速い. |
fast | 速くhayaku |
fat | 太いhutoi |
father | お父さんotousan |
father | 父親titioya |
father plain | 父titi |
Father's Day | 父 の 日titi no hi |
fax | ファックスfakkusu |
feast | 馳走tisou |
February | 二月nigatu |
feeling | 気持ちkimoti |
feeling; mood | 気分kibun |
fence | フェンスfensu |
festival; celebration | (お)祭り(o)maturi |
fifty thousand | 五万goman |
film | フィルムfirumu |
finally, at last | ついにtuini |
fire | 火hi |
fireworks | 花火hanabi |
first of all; to start with | まずmazu |
first; best | 一番itiban |
fish | 魚sakana |
five | 五go |
five (objects) | 五つitutu |
flavor; taste | 味azi |
floor | 床yuka |
floor counter | 〜階〜kai |
flower | 花hana |
flowers | 花々hanabana |
flute | フルートhuruuto |
food | 食べ物tabemono |
food, cuisine | 料理ryouri |
foot; leg | 足asi |
for the first time; the first time | 初めてhazimete |
for the sake of; in order to; because of | ため にtame ni |
foreign country | 外国gaikoku |
foreign language | 外国語gaikokugo |
foreigner | 外国人gaikokuzin |
forestmanmade | 林hayasi |
forestnatural | 森mori |
fork | フォークfooku |
forty thousand | 四万yonman |
fountain pen | 万年筆mannenhitu |
four | 四yon |
four (objects) | 四つyottu |
fours | 四si |
fox | キツネkitune |
France | フランスhuransu |
free (of charge) | 無料muryou |
French (language) | フランス語huransugo |
Friday | 金曜日kinyoubi |
friend | 友だちtomodati |
friend | 友人yuuzin |
friend | 友達tomodati alternative spelling |
frog | カエルkaeru |
from; since; after | からkara |
front; before | 前mae |
fruit | 果物kudamono |
frying pan | フライパンhuraipan |
full | いっぱいippai |
fun; enjoyable | 楽しいtanosii |
funny; strange | おかしいokasii |
futon; traditional Japanese bedding | 布団huton A 布団 is a traditional Japanese bedding consisting of a mattress and a duvet. It is designed to be placed directly on tatami flooring and can be easily folded and stored away during the day to save space. |
future | 未来mirai |
future | 将来syourai |
game | ゲームgeemu |
game; playing | 遊びasobi |
garden, yard | 庭niwa |
gas | ガスgasu |
gas station; petrol station | ガソリンスタンドgasorinsutando |
gasoline; petrol | ガソリンgasorin |
gate | 門mon |
general object counter | つtu |
genre | ジャンルzyanru |
gentle, tender, kind, friendly | 優しいyasasii |
geography | 地理tiri |
German language | ドイツ語doitugo |
Germany | ドイツdoitu |
giraffe | キリンkirin |
girl | 女 の 子onna no ko |
girlfriend | 彼女kanozyo |
glass (material) | ガラスgarasu |
glasses | 眼鏡megane |
goal | ゴールgooru |
goat | 山羊yagi |
gold | 金kin |
golf | ゴルフgoruhu |
good | いいii |
good | 良いii alternative spelling |
good (at); skillful | 上手zyouzu |
Good day. | こんにち は。konniti ha. |
Good evening. | こんばん は。konban ha. |
Good morning. | おはよう ございます。ohayou gozaimasu. |
Good morning.casual | おはよう。ohayou. |
Good night. | おやすみ なさい。oyasumi nasai. |
Goodbye. | さようなら。sayounara. |
gorilla | ゴリラgorira |
gradually | だんだんdandan |
graduation | 卒業sotugyou |
gram | グラムguramu |
grammar for indicating an ongoing state or action | 〜て いる〜te iru |
grammar indicating remaining state intentionally brought about by someone | 〜て ある〜te aru |
grandfather | 祖父sohu 祖父 is a formal alternative for grandfather. You might encounter this word in written contexts or official documents. In most contexts it's advised to use お祖父さん instead, as it sounds more friendly and respectful. |
grandfather; old man | (お)祖父さん(o)ziisan |
grandmother | 祖母sobo 祖母 is a formal alternative for grandmother. You might encounter this word in written contexts or official documents. In most contexts it's advised to use お婆さん instead, as it sounds more friendly and respectful. |
grandmother; old lady | (お)婆さん(o)baasan |
grape | ぶどうbudou |
grass | 草kusa |
gray | 灰色haiiro |
gray | グレーguree |
green | 緑midori |
green tea | (お)茶(o)tya |
greengrocer | 八百屋yaoya |
guest; customer | (お)客(さん)(o)kyaku(san) |
guitar | ギターgitaa |
gum | ガムgamu |
gym | ジムzimu |
had better; should | 方 が いいhou ga ii |
half | 半han |
half | 半分hanbun |
ham | ハムhamu |
hammock | ハンモックhanmokku |
hamster | ハムスターhamusutaa |
handkerchief | ハンカチhankati |
handmade | 手作りtezukuri |
hands | 手te |
happiness | 幸せsiawase |
happy | 幸せsiawase |
Happy birthday! | 誕生日 おめでとう!tanzyoubi omedetou! |
Happy New Year! | 新年 おめでとう!sinnen omedetou! |
hat | 帽子bousi |
hated | 大嫌いdaikirai |
having; with | の あるno aru |
Hawaii | ハワイhawai |
he | 彼kare |
head | 頭atama |
headache | 頭痛zutuu |
heart; spirit, mind, soul | 心kokoro |
heat | 熱netu |
heat weather | 暑さatusa |
heavy | 重いomoi |
herbivore | 草食sousyoku |
here | ここkoko |
here you are | どうぞdouzo |
high school | 高校koukou |
hiking | ハイキングhaikingu |
Hiroshima | 広島hirosima |
hobby | 趣味syumi |
holiday, day off | 休日kyuuzitu |
home | うちuti |
home country, homeland | 母国bokoku |
hometown (area); local (area) | 地元zimoto |
homework | 宿題syukudai |
honorific postfix | さまsama Can be used after a noun or な-adjective prefixed with お- or ご- honorifics. |
honorific prefix | おo |
honorific prefix | ごgo |
hook | フックhukku |
horizontal | 横yoko |
horizontal writing | 横書きyokogaki |
horse | 馬uma |
hospital | 病院byouin |
hospitalization | 入院nyuuin |
hot | ホットhotto ホット is neither an い-adjective nor a な-adjective. It's a noun. When used to describe a hot drink like coffee, ホット コーヒー, it functions more like a noun as part of a compound noun. |
hotthing | 熱いatui |
hotweather | 暑いatui |
hotel | ホテルhoteru |
hour (counter) | 〜時〜zi |
house; home | 家ie |
household, family, home | 家庭katei |
how | いかがikaga |
How do you do? / Nice to meet you.When meeting for the first time | はじめまして。hazimemasite. |
how many | いくつikutu |
how many hours | 何時間nanzikan |
how many people | 何人nannin |
how many times | 何回nankai |
how many times, how often; many times | 何度nando |
how many years old | 何歳nansai |
how much | いくらikura |
how; by what means/method | どうやってdouyatte |
how; how about; what | どうdou The only difference between どう and いかが is that いかが is more polite than どう. |
how; what; (what with) | 何とnanto |
humor | ユーモアyuumoa |
hundred thousand | 十万zyuuman |
husband | (ご)主人(go)syuzin Note how, just as with 家内 the kanji in this word correspond to traditional gender roles. The problem is that though among friends you can use 夫, in a less casual setting there's not currently really a good alternative to ご主人 to politely refer to someone else's husband. |
hut; cabin; shed | 小屋koya |
I | 私watasi |
I beg your pardon; Excuse me. | ごめん なさい。gomen nasai. |
I wonder | かなkana |
I'm back. | ただいま。tadaima. Literally "just now", an abbreviation of "I've returned just now": ただいま帰りました |
I'm leaving (the house). | いってきます。ittekimasu. Literally: I'll go and come back. |
I'm pleased to meet you. Please treat me well | (どうぞ) よろしく お願いします。(douzo) yorosiku onegaisimasu. |
I'm pleased to meet you. Please treat me well | どうぞ よろしく。douzo yorosiku. |
I'm sorry for ... | 〜て すみません〜te sumimasen |
I'm sorry for ... | 〜て ごめん なさい〜te gomen nasai |
I'm sorry; pardon me; thank you | すみませんsumimasen |
ice cream | アイスクリームaisukuriimu |
ice tea | アイスティaisuthi |
ice; ice cream | アイスaisu |
Iceland | アイスランドaisurando |
idea | アイディアaidhia |
if | とto |
if | 〜ば〜ba |
if ... is the case | 。。。 なら... nara |
if not | 〜なければ〜nakereba |
if not; (after na-adjectives and nouns) | じゃ なければzya nakereba |
if not; (after na-adjectives and nouns) | で なければde nakereba |
if; (following na-adjective or noun) | ならばnaraba |
if; (following na-adjective or noun) | で あればde areba |
immediately; right away | 直ぐ にsugu ni |
important; precious | 大切taisetu |
important; significant | 重要zyuuyou |
in, inside; middle | 中naka |
inconvenience; inconvenient | 不便huben |
India | インドindo |
insect | 虫musi |
insult; slander, speaking ill | 悪口waruguti |
intelligent, smart | 頭 が いいatama ga ii |
intended for; aimed at | 〜向け〜muke |
intention | つもりtumori |
interesting; amusing | 面白いomosiroi |
international student; foreign exchange student | 留学生ryuugakusei |
internet | インターネットintaanetto |
intersection | 交差点kousaten |
interview | インタビューintabyuu |
iron | 鉄tetu |
island | 島sima |
island nation | 島国simaguni |
it is necessary to ...; it is needed to ... | 。。。 必要 が ある... hituyou ga aru |
it is not the case | じゃ ないzya nai |
it is not the case | じゃ ありませんzya arimasen |
it is not the case | で は ありませんde ha arimasen |
it is not the case; is not | で は ないde ha nai |
It is ok to 〜 | 〜て も いい (です)〜te mo ii (desu) |
It was a feast. (Thank you for the meal) | ご馳走さま でした。gotisousama desita. |
It was a feast. (Thank you for the meal) | ご馳走さま。gotisousama. |
It's ok not to; to not have to | 〜なくて も いい〜nakute mo ii |
Italy | イタリアitaria |
I’m glad that…; It’s good that… | ~て よかった~te yokatta |
jam; (as in the fruit preserve) | ジャムzyamu |
January | 一月itigatu |
Japan | 日本nihon |
Japanese (language) | 日本語nihongo |
Japanese (person) | 日本人nihonzin |
Japanese style door | 戸to |
Jewish person | ユダヤ人yudayazin |
Jim | ジムzimu |
jogging, jog | ジョギングzyogingu |
John | ジョンzyon |
Judea (southern Palestine) | ユダヤyudaya |
juice | ジュースzyuusu |
July | 七月sitigatu |
June | 六月rokugatu |
junior high school; middle school | 中学校tyuugakkou |
just a little | 少し だけsukosi dake |
just now | ただいまtadaima |
Karaoke | カラオケkaraoke |
karate | 空手karate |
key | 鍵kagi |
kilogram | キログラムkiroguramu |
kilometer | キロメートルkiromeetoru |
kind; kindness | 親切sinsetu |
king | 王ou |
kitchen | 台所daidokoro |
kitten | 子猫koneko |
knife | ナイフnaihu |
Kyoto | 京都kyouto |
label | ラベルraberu |
lake | 湖mizuumi |
language | 言語gengo |
language suffix | 〜語〜go |
laptop | ラップトップrapputoppu |
last month | 先月sengetu |
last night | 昨夜yuube |
last night | 昨夜sakuya A more formal or literary term for last night compared to 昨夜. |
last week | 先週sensyuu |
last year | 去年kyonen |
late | 遅くosoku |
late; slow | 遅いosoi |
Later!casual | また ね。mata ne. |
laundry; things to wash | 洗濯物sentakumono |
laundry; washing | 洗濯sentaku |
leaf | 葉ha |
learn | 習うnarau Learning through practice and repetition, often with a teacher or in a formal setting. |
left | 左hidari |
lemon | レモンremon |
length | 長さnagasa |
let me see; well; err | えっとetto You can use this interjection if you need time to think. |
let me see; well; err | ええとeeto Means the same as えっと |
letter | 手紙tegami |
library | 図書館tosyokan |
life | 人生zinsei |
light | 光hikari |
light blue | 水色mizuiro |
light rain | 小雨kosame |
light, (not heavy) | 軽いkarui |
like that | あんなanna |
like that, (referring to something close to the listener or something mentioned in the conversation) | そんなsonna |
like this, this kind of | こんなkonna |
liked; likeable; loved; lovable | 好きsuki |
lion | ライオンraion |
list | リストrisuto |
lively, bustling | 賑やかnigiyaka |
lizard | トカゲtokage |
location particle (for events and actions) | でde |
locker | ロッカーrokkaa |
London | ロンドンrondon |
long | 長いnagai |
long, cylindrical object counter | 〜本〜hon |
looking forward to; being excited about | 楽しみtanosimi |
Los Angeles | ロサンゼルスrosanzerusu |
love | 愛ai |
loved; very likeable | 大好きdaisuki |
low, short | 低いhikui |
lukewarm | 温いnurui |
lunch | 昼ご飯hirugohan |
magazine | 雑誌zassi |
mail; postal service | 郵便yuubin |
make | 作るtukuru |
makeup | メイクmeiku |
making, producing; make, construction, structure | 作りtukuri |
man | 男otoko |
manmade, artificial | 人工zinkou |
many times | 何度 もnando mo |
many, much, a lot | たくさんtakusan |
many, much, a lot | 沢山takusan Alternative way to write たくさん |
many, numerous | 多いooi |
many; most | 多くooku |
map | 地図tizu |
March | 三月sangatu |
mark | マークmaaku |
marriage | 結婚kekkon |
Mary | メアリーmearii |
mat | マットmatto |
match | マッチmatti A small stick used to light a fire or a competition. |
maternal side | 母方hahakata |
mathematics | 数学suugaku |
May | 五月gogatu |
May I come in; Please forgive me. | ごめん ください。gomen kudasai. |
meal | 食事syokuzi |
meaning; sense; significance | 意味imi |
meat | 肉niku |
medical doctor | 医者isya |
medicine | 薬kusuri |
meeting | ミーティングmiithingu |
memo | メモmemo |
memories; recollections | 思い出omoide |
menu | メニューmenyuu |
Mercedes | メルセデスmerusedesu |
message | メッセージmesseezi |
meter | メートルmeetoru |
method/means particle | でde |
Mexican | メキシカンmekisikan |
milk | ミルクmiruku |
million | 百万hyakuman |
mind, heart | 気ki |
minute (counter) | 〜分〜hun |
mistake; error | ミスmisu |
mobile phone | 携帯電話keitaidenwa |
model | モデルmoderu |
Monday | 月曜日getuyoubi |
money | (お)金(o)kane |
month of the year | 月gatu |
moon; month | 月tuki |
more | もっとmotto |
morning | 朝asa |
morning sun | 朝日asahi |
Morocco | モロッコmorokko |
mother | 母親hahaoya |
mother plain | 母haha |
mother polite | お母さんokaasan |
Mother's Day | 母 の 日haha no hi |
mountain | 山yama |
mouse; rat | ネズミnezumi |
mouth | 口kuti |
movie | 映画eiga |
music | 音楽ongaku |
must not | 〜ちゃ いけない〜tya ikenai |
must not | 〜ちゃ ダメ〜tya dame |
must not; is not allowed | 〜て は いけない〜te ha ikenai |
must not; is not allowed | 〜て は いけません〜te ha ikemasen |
Nagoya | 名古屋nagoya |
name | (お)名前(o)namae |
narrow; small | 狭いsemai |
near | 近いtikai |
near here | この 近く にkono tikaku ni |
near; beside | 側soba 側 is usually written using kana alone as そば, and indicates proximity or nearness to something or someone, without specifying a particular side. 側 specifies a particular side or aspect of something. Often used with direction words to indicate specific sides, such as right, left, this side, that side, etc. |
necessary; necessity | 必要hituyou |
neck | 首kubi |
necklace | ネックレスnekkuresu |
neighborhood, vicinity | 近くtikaku |
never again | 二度とnidoto |
new | 新しいatarasii |
New Year | 新年sinnen |
New Year's Day | 元日ganzitu |
New York | ニュー ヨークnyuu yooku |
news | ニュースnyuusu |
newspaper | 新聞sinbun |
next month | 来月raigetu |
next to | 隣tonari |
next week | 来週raisyuu |
next year | 来年rainen |
next, following, coming | 次tugi |
night | 夜yoru 夜 represents the time from sunset to sunrise. 夜 thus includes the time while you're asleep, whereas 晩 does not. |
night sky | 夜空yozora |
nine | 九kyuu |
nine (objects) | 九つkokonotu |
ninety thousand | 九万kyuuman |
no | いいえiie |
no good, useless | だめdame |
no one; nobody | 誰 もdare mo |
noisy; annoying | うるさいurusai |
noon; daytime | 昼hiru |
north | 北kita |
nose | 鼻hana |
not | ないnai |
not even once | 一度 もitido mo |
not limited to; not only | だけで は なくdakede ha naku |
not limited to; not only | だけで なくdakede naku |
not much; not very | 余りamari |
notebook | ノートnooto |
nothing, (not) anything | 何もnanimo |
novelist, writer | 作家sakka |
November | 十 一月zyuu itigatu |
now | 今ima |
number | 番号bangou |
obstacle; hindrance | 邪魔zyama |
occurrence counter; number of times | 〜回〜kai |
October | 十月zyuugatu |
office | オフィスofisu |
office worker | サラリーマンsarariiman |
often | よくyoku |
old | 古いhurui |
older brother plain | 兄ani |
older brother polite | お兄さんoniisan |
older sister plain | 姉ane |
older sister polite | お姉さんoneesan |
omurice; fried rice wrapped in an omelette | オムライスomuraisu |
on; above; up; top | 上ue |
once | 一回ikkai |
once | 一度itido |
one | 一iti |
one (object) | 一つhitotu |
one day | 一日itiniti |
one person; alone | 一人hitori |
oneself | 自分zibun |
onion | 玉ねぎtamanegi |
online | オンラインonrain |
only, just, merely | ただtada |
only, just; nothing but, no more than | しかsika Used together with a negative verb. |
only; just | だけdake |
opinion; view | 意見iken |
or exhaustive | かka |
orangefruit; color | オレンジorenzi |
orchid | ランran |
order | 注文tyuumon |
other side; over there, beyond | 向こうmukou |
other, another | 他hoka Often written using hiragana only. |
outside | 外soto |
overseas trip; travel abroad | 海外旅行kaigairyokou |
overseas, abroad, foreign | 海外kaigai |
owner (of a store); landlord | 主人syuzin |
package | 荷物nimotu |
page | ページpeezi |
painful, sore | 痛いitai |
paint; (the kind used for painting walls, buildings, and other surfaces) | ペンキpenki |
painter | 画家gaka |
painting | 絵画kaiga |
pancake | パンケーキpankeeki |
paper | 紙kami |
pardon; sorry | ごめんgomen |
parent(s) | 親oya |
Paris | パリpari |
park | 公園kouen |
part-time job | アルバイトarubaito Borrowed from the German word Arbeit, which means work or job. |
participation | 参加sanka |
particle for connecting nouns | でde |
particle used at the end of a sentence for explanation, confirmation, softening or emphasis | のno |
party | パーティーpaathii |
passing an exam or test | 合格goukaku |
passive form suffix | 〜あれる〜areru |
password | パスワードpasuwaado |
pasta | パスタpasuta |
patch of (typically long and dense) grass | 草むらkusamura |
paternal side | 父方titikata |
peace of mind; relief | 安心ansin |
pen | ペンpen |
pencil | 鉛筆enpitu |
people | 人々hitobito |
people counter | 〜人〜nin |
percent | パーセントpaasento |
period (of time) | 間aida |
person | 人hito |
person | 方kata |
person from ... (suffix for indicating nationality, race or origin) | 〜人〜zin |
pet | ペットpetto |
phone number | 電話番号denwabangou |
piano | ピアノpiano |
picnic | ピクニックpikunikku |
picture, photo | 写真syasin |
picture; drawing; painting; sketch | 絵e |
piece of music; song; tune; music | 曲kyoku |
pig | 豚buta |
pink | ピンクpinku |
pizza | ピザpiza |
place | 所tokoro |
place; location; spot | 場所basyo |
plan | プランpuran |
plan | 計画keikaku 計画 refers to a plan, project, or scheme that involves detailed planning and preparation. It often implies a more structured and strategic approach. |
plan; plans | 予定yotei 予定 refers to a single scheduled instance or arrangement. It implies a fixed or pre-determined plan, often involving time or dates. |
plate, dish | (お)皿(o)sara |
please | くださいkudasai |
Please go ahead; Please go first; After you | お先 に どうぞ。osaki ni douzo. |
Please go ahead; Please go first; After you | どうぞ お先 にdouzo osaki ni |
please; go ahead | どうぞdouzo |
pluralizing suffix | たちtati |
pluralizing suffix | らra |
pluralizing suffix | 〜達〜tati |
ポケットpoketto | |
Pokemon | ポケモンpokemon |
police box | 交番kouban A 交番 is a small neighborhood police station commonly found in Japan where police officers provide various services, such as giving directions, handling lost and found items, and responding to local incidents. |
police officer | 警官keikan |
police officer | お巡りさんomawarisan お巡りさん is a polite and somewhat affectionate term for a police officer. |
polite name ender | さんsan |
politician | 政治家seizika |
politics; government | 政治seizi |
pond | 池ike |
popcorn | ポップコーンpoppukoon |
popularity | 人気ninki |
population | 人口zinkou |
pork | 豚肉butaniku |
portable; cellphone | 携帯keitai |
possessive case particle | のno |
post office | 郵便局yuubinkyoku |
postage stamp | 切手kitte |
postbox; mailbox | ポストposuto |
postcard | 葉書hagaki |
potatoe | ポテトpoteto |
potential form | 〜える; 〜られる〜eru; 〜rareru For verbs in Group 1, change the final う-sound into an え-sound, and add -る as ending. For verbs in Group 2, change the -る ending into -られる. |
poundunit of weight; currency | ポンドpondo |
power, strength | 力tikara |
practice; training | 練習rensyuu |
present | プレゼントpurezento |
pretty, beautiful; clean | きれいkirei |
previous, past, after; ahead | 先saki |
probably, I think; isn't it, right? | でしょうdesyou |
probably, I think; isn't it, right? | だろうdarou |
probably, perhaps | 多分tabun |
probably, perhaps | おそらくosoraku Same degree of confidence as 多分, but more formal. |
problem; question; issue | 問題mondai |
professional, pro | プロpuro |
project | プロジェクトpurozyekuto |
puppy | 子犬koinu |
quality | クオリティkuorithi |
queen | 女王zyoou |
question | 質問situmon |
question particle | かka |
quiet | 静かsizuka |
rabbit | ウサギusagi |
radio | ラジオrazio |
radio cassette player | ラジカセrazikase |
radio cassette player | ラジオカセットraziokasetto |
rain | 雨ame |
ramen | ラーメンraamen |
raw; fresh | 生nama |
reading | 読書dokusyo |
real thing | 本物honmono |
really, truly | 本当 にhontou ni |
reason particle | でde |
reason suffix | 〜te |
recipe | レシピresipi |
record | レコードrekoodo |
red | 赤いakai |
red | 赤aka |
refreshing; cool | 涼しいsuzusii |
refrigerator | 冷蔵庫reizouko |
relax | リラックスrirakkusu |
report | レポートrepooto |
rest, break; holiday | 休みyasumi |
restaurant | レストランresutoran |
restful, peaceful | 安らかyasuraka |
rice; meal | ご飯gohan |
riceuncooked | 米kome |
right | 右migi |
river | 川kawa |
road, street, way | 道miti |
roast | ローストroosuto |
robot | ロボットrobotto |
room | 部屋heya |
rose | バラbara |
round, circular | 丸いmarui |
rudeness, impoliteness | 失礼siturei |
rule; regulation | 規則kisoku |
runner | ランナーrannaa |
running as exercise | ランニングranningu |
Russia | ロシアrosia |
safe | 安全anzen |
safe; alright, okay | 大丈夫daizyoubu |
sake | 日本酒nihonsyu |
salad | サラダsarada |
salesman | セールスマンseerusuman |
salt | 塩sio |
same | 同じonazi |
sand | 砂suna |
sandal | サンダルsandaru |
sandwich | サンドイッチsandoitti |
Saturday | 土曜日doyoubi |
scary, frightening | 怖いkowai |
school | 学校gakkou |
school library | 学校図書館gakkoutosyokan |
screen | スクリーンsukuriin |
screw | ネジnezi |
sea, ocean | 海umi |
section chief | 課長katyou The 課長 is responsible for managing a specific section or team within a department. This role involves overseeing the daily operations of the team, guiding staff, and ensuring that the team's objectives align with the department’s overall strategy. |
See ya.casual | じゃあ ね。zyaa ne. |
See you later.casual | じゃあ また。zyaa mata. |
sense; taste | センスsensu |
sentence | 文章bunsyou |
separate, individual | 別々betubetu |
September | 九月kugatu |
sequential conditional | 〜たら〜tara |
serious, terrible; difficult, hard, tough | 大変taihen |
seven | 七nana |
seven | 七siti |
seven (objects) | 七つnanatu |
seventy thousand | 七万nanaman |
she | 彼女kanozyo |
sheep | 羊hituzi |
shelf | 棚tana |
shellfish; shell | 貝kai |
shirt | シャツsyatu |
shock | ショックsyokku |
shoes | 靴kutu |
shop, store | (お)店(o)mise |
shopping | 買い物kaimono |
short (in length) | 短いmizikai |
shower | シャワーsyawaa |
shrimp | エビebi |
sibling | 兄弟kyoudai |
sickness, illness, disease | 病気byouki |
side | 側gawa |
side; beside; alongside | 横yoko |
silver | 銀gin |
singer | 歌手kasyu |
single word; brief comment | 一言hitokoto |
situation | 状況zyoukyou |
six | 六roku |
six (objects) | 六つmuttu |
sixty thousand | 六万rokuman |
size | サイズsaizu |
size | 大きさookisa 大きさ is more general than サイズ. For shoes, clothes and other items that come in standardized sizes, it's more common to hear サイズ. |
skin; peel; bark | 皮kawa |
skirt | スカートsukaato |
sky; air | 空sora |
skydiving | スカイダイビングsukaidaibingu |
slippers | スリッパsurippa |
slowly; leisurely | ゆっくりyukkuri |
small | 小さいtiisai |
smell; scent; odor | 匂いnioi |
snack | おやつoyatu |
snake | ヘビhebi |
snow | 雪yuki |
so, such | そうsou |
soap | 石鹸sekken |
soccer | サッカーsakkaa |
sock | 靴下kutusita |
software | ソフトsohuto |
solo | ソロsoro |
Somalia | ソマリアsomaria |
someone; somebody | 誰かdareka |
something | 何かnanika |
something urgent; urgency | 急kyuu |
sometimes; at times | 時々tokidoki |
son | 息子musuko |
song | 歌uta |
soon | そろそろsorosoro |
soon; right away, at once | すぐsugu |
sound | 音oto |
soup | スウプsuupu |
south | 南minami |
soy sauce | 醤油syouyu |
Spain | スペインsupein |
Spanish language | スペイン語supeingo |
spare time; day off; leisure | 暇hima |
special; extraordinary | 特別tokubetu |
speed | 速さhayasa |
spicy; painful; harsh; hard | 辛いkarai |
spider | クモkumo |
splendid; magnificent; fine; admirable | 立派rippa |
splendid; nice; sufficient; no thank you; that's fine | 結構kekkou |
spoon | スプーンsupuun |
sports | スポーツsupootu |
spring, springtime | 春haru |
stage | ステージsuteezi |
stairs | 階段kaidan |
star | 星hosi |
start, beginning | 開始kaisi |
station | 駅eki |
stature; height | 背se |
steak | ステーキsuteeki |
steam train | 汽車kisya |
step | 一歩ippo |
step; grade | 段dan |
sticker | ステッカーsutekkaa |
still, yet | まだmada |
stomach; belly | お腹onaka |
story; talk | 話hanasi |
stove; heater | ストーブsutoobu |
straight, direct | まっすぐmassugu |
strange | 変hen |
street; avenue | 通りtoori |
strong wind | 強風kyouhuu |
strong; powerful | 強いtuyoi |
strongly | 強くtuyoku |
student | 学生gakusei |
student; pupil | 生徒seito |
study | 勉強benkyou |
sturdy; strong; durable | 丈夫zyoubu |
subject particle | がga |
subway | 地下鉄tikatetu |
sudden; urgent | 急kyuu |
suddenly; unexpectedly | 急 にkyuu ni |
suffix to indicate profession or expertise | 〜家〜ka |
sugar | 砂糖satou |
suit | スーツsuutu |
suitable, appropriate | ふさわしいhusawasii |
suitcase | スーツケースsuutukeesu |
summer | 夏natu |
summer vacation | 夏休みnatuyasumi |
sun | 日hi |
Sunday | 日曜日nitiyoubi |
sunglasses | サングラスsangurasu |
sunlight | 日光nikkou |
supermarket | スーパーsuupaa |
sure, certain; reliable | 確かtasika |
surely, certainly | きっとkitto |
surely; certainly; indeed | 確か にtasika ni Where きっと expresses a strong belief or confidence that something will happen or is the case, 確か に often additionally implies that the speaker has evidence or reasoning to support the certainty, or has personally verified the fact. |
surfing | サーフィンsaafin |
sushi | 寿司susi |
sushi restaurant | 寿司屋susiya |
sweater, jumper | セーターseetaa |
sweet | 甘いamai |
swimming | 泳ぎoyogi |
swimsuit, bathing suit | 水着mizugi |
sword | 刀katana |
table | テーブルteeburu |
Take care. Come back safely. | いってらっしゃい。itterassyai. Literally: go and come back |
tale, story | 物語monogatari |
Tanaka surname | 田中tanaka |
tape | テープteepu |
tape recorder | テープレコーダーteepurekoodaa |
taxi | タクシーtakusii |
tea bowl; rice bowl | 茶碗tyawan |
teacher | 先生sensei |
telephone | 電話denwa |
temperature | 温度ondo |
temple | (お)寺(o)tera |
ten | 十zyuu |
ten (objects) | 十つtoo |
ten million | 一千万issenman |
ten thousand | 一万itiman |
ten thousands counter | 万man |
tennis | テニスtenisu |
tennis court | コートkooto |
test | テストtesuto |
text(book) | テキストtekisuto |
Thailand | タイtai |
than; from; more | よりyori |
thank you neutral | ありがとうarigatou |
Thank you very much. formal | どうも ありがとう ございます。doumo arigatou gozaimasu. |
Thank you very much. neutral | どうも ありがとう。doumo arigatou. |
Thank you. formal | ありがとう ございます。arigatou gozaimasu. |
thanks casual | どうもdoumo |
that (one) pronoun | それsore |
that (one) over there pronoun | あれare |
that ... (over there) adnominal | あのano |
that ... adnominal | そのsono |
that formal; that person; that way | そちらsotira |
that over there formal; that person over there; that way over there | あちらatira |
that person over there; that way over there; that (one) over there | あっちatti |
that person; that way; that (one) | そっちsotti |
the day after tomorrow | 明後日asatte |
the day before yesterday | 一昨日ototoi |
the explanation is that...; it is that.... | んですndesu |
the explanation is that...; it is that.... | んだnda |
the explanation is that...; it is that.... | の ですno desu |
the month after next | 再来月saraigetu |
the month before last | 先々月sensengetu |
The Netherlands | オランダoranda |
the week after next | 再来週saraisyuu |
the week before last | 先々週sensensyuu |
the year after next | 再来年sarainen |
the year before last | 一昨年ototosi |
theme; topic | テーマteema |
then; well; so; well then | じゃあzyaa |
therenear the listener | そこsoko |
these | これらkorera |
these days; recently; nowadays | このごろkonogoro |
they; them | 彼らkarera |
they; them (female only) | 彼女たちkanozyotati |
thick; generous; deep | 厚いatui |
thief; burglar | 泥棒dorobou |
thin, slender, slim; narrow | 細いhosoi Primarily used to describe the thinness in diameter or width of something long and narrow, like a thread, hair, or a road. It can also describe slender physical features. |
thin; light; weak | 薄いusui Used to describe the physical thinness of something flat (like paper or cloth), the lightness of color or taste, or the diluteness of a liquid. It can also imply something is superficial or not profound. |
thing; situation; verb nominalizer | 〜こと〜koto |
thirty thousand | 三万sanman |
this (one) pronoun | これkore |
this ... adnominal | このkono |
this formal; this person; this way | こちらkotira |
this month | 今月kongetu |
this morning | 今朝kesa |
this person; this way; this (one) | こっちkotti |
this week | 今週konsyuu |
this year | 今年kotosi |
those; they | それらsorera |
though, although | けどkedo |
though, although | けれどkeredo |
though/although | けれどもkeredomo |
thousand | 千sen |
thousands | 何千nanzen |
thread | 糸ito |
three | 三san |
three (objects) | 三つmittu |
throughout, duringused after a noun | 〜中〜tyuu Sometimes the initial t-sound changes into a d-sound due to rendaku, a phenomenon where the initial consonant of the second part of a compound word becomes voiced. Unfortunately, there are no clear rules for when rendaku applies. |
thunder; thunderbolt | 雷kaminari |
Thursday | 木曜日mokuyoubi |
ticket | チケットtiketto |
ticket | 切符kippu |
tie; necktie | ネクタイnekutai |
time | 時間zikan |
time | 時toki |
times counter | 〜度〜do This counter is regular. |
tip, point | 先saki |
to (hang to) dry; to air | 干すhosu |
to announce; to present; to publish | 発表するhappyousuru |
to answer, to reply | 答えるkotaeru |
to apply paint; to paint | ペンキ を 塗るpenki wo nuru |
to arrive formal | 到着するtoutyakusuru |
to arrive, to reach | 着くtuku |
to ask | 聞くkiku |
to ask (humbly) | 伺うukagau |
to ask a question | 質問するsitumonsuru |
to ask for ...; to order | 頼むtanomu |
to ask for directions | 道 を 聞くmiti wo kiku |
to attach; to apply; to put | 付けるtukeru |
to be | ですdesu |
to be | だda |
to be very polite | ございますgozaimasu |
to be able to do | できるdekiru |
to be able to; to be possible to | 〜こと が できる〜koto ga dekiru |
to be absent; to take a day off | 休むyasumu |
to be audible; to be able to hear | 聞こえるkikoeru |
to be born | 生まれるumareru |
to be contained in | 入って いるhaitte iru |
to be curved; to be bent | 曲がって いるmagatte iru |
to be decided | 決まるkimaru |
to be done | されるsareru |
to be due to; to be caused by | よるyoru |
to be hospitalized | 入院するnyuuinsuru |
to be hungry | お腹 が 空くonaka ga suku |
to be in time (for); to catch (e.g. a train) | 間に合うmaniau |
to be involved in; to affect; to concern | 関わるkakawaru |
to be late; to be delayed; to be overdue | 遅れるokureru |
to be lined up; to line up | 並ぶnarabu |
to be made of | で 出来て いるde dekite iru Usually written using only hiragana |
to be made; to be built | 出来るdekiru Often written using hiragana only |
to be old; to have aged | 年 を 取って いるtosi wo totte iru |
to be popular | 人気 が あるninki ga aru |
to be promoted; to advance | 上がるagaru |
to be ready | できるdekiru |
to be rude, to be impolite | 失礼するsitureisuru |
to be sensitive to; to be susceptible to | 〜 に 弱い〜 ni yowai |
to be short | 背 が 低いse ga hikui |
to be sufficient, to be enough | 足りるtariru |
to be tall | 背 が 高いse ga takai |
to be tired | 疲れて いるtukarete iru |
to be troubled; to have difficulty | 困るkomaru |
to be understood; to understand; to be known | 分かるwakaru |
to be visible; to be able to see | 見えるmieru |
to become | なるnaru |
to begin (something) | 始めるhazimeru |
to begin, to start intransitive | 始まるhazimaru |
to believe; to trust | 信じるsinziru |
to bend; to turn | 曲がるmagaru |
to bite; to chew | 噛むkamu |
to bloom; to blossom | 咲くsaku |
to blow; to breathe out; to play (a wind instrument) | 吹くhuku |
to borrow | 借りるkariru |
to breathe | 息 を するiki wo suru |
to build; to construct | 建てるtateru |
to buy | 買うkau |
to call, to telephone | 電話するdenwasuru |
to call; to invite; to summon | 呼ぶyobu |
to carry; to hold; to take; to have | 持つmotu |
to carry; to transport | 運ぶhakobu |
to catch a cold | 風邪 を 引くkaze wo hiku |
to cause | 起こすokosu |
to celebrate | (お)祝いわいする(o)iwaisuru |
to change intransitive | 変るkawaru |
to change transitive | 変えるkaeru |
to chirp; to cry; to sing; to meow; to bark; (animal making sound) | 鳴くnaku |
to clean; to sweep | 掃除するsouzisuru |
to clear up; to be sunny | 晴れるhareru |
to climb | 登るnoboru |
to closeintransitive | 閉まるsimaru |
to closetransitive | 閉めるsimeru |
to come | 来るkuru |
to come down with (a disease); to catch (a disease) | かかるkakaru |
to come in; to come into | 入って くるhaitte kuru |
to come off, to be removed | 取れるtoreru |
to come to a halt, to stopintransitive | 止まるtomaru |
to come to an end | 暮れるkureru |
to comehonorific | いらっしゃるirassyaru |
to commute, to go (somewhere regularly) | 通うkayou |
to cook | 料理するryourisuru |
to copy | コピーするkopiisuru |
to cross over | 渡るwataru |
to cut | 切るkiru |
to dance | 踊るodoru |
to dance; to flutter | 舞うmau 舞う primarily means to flutter, to swirl, or to dance in a graceful, often floating manner. It conveys a sense of elegance, lightness, and sometimes a more traditional or poetic quality. It is frequently used in the context of nature, such as leaves fluttering in the wind, snowflakes falling gently, or birds dancing in the air. When referring to human dancing, 舞う often implies a more traditional or ritualistic dance, such as those found in classical Japanese arts like Noh or Kabuki. |
to decide | 決めるkimeru |
to decide on ~ | 〜 に する〜 ni suru |
to descend; to go down | 下るkudaru |
to die | 死ぬsinu |
to differ; to be wrong | 違うtigau |
to disappear; to vanish; to go out; to be extinguished | 消えるkieru |
to disconnect; to hang up (the phone); to turn off (an appliance) | 切るkiru 切る is not used for turning off lights. For lights, use 消す instead. |
to disturb; to interrupt | 邪魔するzyamasuru |
to divide; to share (by dividing) | 分けるwakeru |
to do | するsuru |
to do | やるyaru やる has a more casual tone compared to する and is often used in everyday conversation. It's also often used when talking about doing a task, especially a chore. |
to do laundry; to wash clothes | 洗濯するsentakusuru |
to drink | 飲むnomu |
to drive; to operate (a machine) | 運転するuntensuru |
to eat | 食べるtaberu |
to encounter; to meet (by chance) | 出会うdeau |
to enjoy, to have a good time | 楽しむtanosimu |
to enter | 入るhairu |
to erase; to extinguish; to turn off, to switch off | 消すkesu |
to escort; to see off | 送るokuru |
to exceed; to pass | 過ぎるsugiru |
to exercise; to move | 運動するundousuru |
to exist; to have; (used for non-living entities) | あるaru |
to exist; to stay; to have (used for living beings) | いるiru |
to experience | 経験するkeikensuru |
to fail (for example an exam) | 落ちるotiru |
to fall (from the sky) | 降るhuru |
to fall; to drop | 落ちるotiru |
to feel relieved | 安心するansinsuru |
to find; to discover | 見つけるmitukeru |
to finish (something), to end (something) | 終えるoeru |
to finish; to endintransitive | 終わるowaru |
to fly | 飛ぶtobu |
to forget | 忘れるwasureru |
to gain weight; to become fat | 太るhutoru |
to gather (something); to collect (something); to assemble (something) | 集めるatumeru |
to gather; to come together; to assemble | 集まるatumaru |
to get cloudy; to cloud up; to become gloomy | 曇るkumoru |
to get dark; to setthe sun | 日 が 暮れるhi ga kureru |
to get empty | 空くsuku |
to get off; to disembark; to dismount | 降りるoriru |
to get up; to wake up | 起きるokiru |
to get; to receive; to take; to have (as in taking) | 貰うmorau Usually written without kanji. |
to give (humbly); to offer (humbly) | 差し上げるsasiageru |
to give (something intangible); to bestow; to grant | 与えるataeru |
to give as a present | プレゼントするpurezentosuru |
to go | 行くiku |
to go for a walk; to stroll | 散歩するsanposuru |
to go out, to leave | 出かけるdekakeru 出かける is more specific than 出る, as it implies going out specifically for a purpose, such as shopping, dining or visiting someone. |
to go straight | まっすぐ いくmassugu iku |
to go to see; to visit | 見 に 行くmi ni iku |
to graduate | 卒業するsotugyousuru |
to hand over; to pass | 渡すwatasu |
to hang; to suspend | 掛けるkakeru |
to hate, to detest | 嫌うkirau |
to have a headache | 頭痛 が するzutuu ga suru |
to have done (before) | 〜こと が ある〜koto ga aru |
to have to do 〜 | 〜ない と いけない〜nai to ikenai |
to have to do 〜 | 〜ない と ダメ (です)〜nai to dame (desu) |
to have to do 〜 | 〜なくて は いけない〜nakute ha ikenai |
to have to do 〜 | 〜なくて は ならない〜nakute ha naranai |
to have to do 〜 | 〜なくて は ダメ〜nakute ha dame |
to have to do 〜 | 〜なくちゃ〜nakutya |
to help | 手伝うtetudau |
to hold up (an umbrella) | 差すsasu |
to hurry | 急ぐisogu |
to hurt, to ache | 痛むitamu |
to hurt; to injure; to straintransitive | 痛めるitameru |
to insert | 入れるireru |
to know | 知るsiru |
to learn; to study | 学ぶmanabu Studying or learning broadly, often through self-study or academic pursuit. |
to leave, to go out, to exit | 出るderu |
to lend | 貸すkasu |
to light; to ignite | 火 を つけるhi wo tukeru |
to line up something; to arrange | 並べるnaraberu |
to listen; to hear | 聞くkiku |
to live in, to reside | 住むsumu |
to look like | に 見えるni mieru |
to lose something | 無くすnakusu |
to make a call | 掛けるkakeru |
to make a copy (of) | コピー を 取るkopii wo toru |
to mark | マークするmaakusuru |
to marry | 結婚するkekkonsuru |
to meet, to see | 会うau |
To move (house) | 引っ越すhikkosu |
to move; to run used for a machine | 動くugoku |
to need; to want | 要るiru |
to not do 〜 and ...; to not do 〜 so ... | 〜なくて〜nakute |
to obtain; to procure; to get | 手 に 入れるte ni ireru |
to occur; to happen | 起こるokoru |
to openintransitive | 開くaku |
to opentransitive | 開けるakeru |
to order | 注文するtyuumonsuru |
to paint; to plaster; to spread; to apply | 塗るnuru |
to participate, to take part in | 参加するsankasuru |
to pass an exam or test | 合格するgoukakusuru |
to pass away; to die | 亡くなるnakunaru |
to paste; to stick; to affix | 貼るharu |
to pay | 払うharau |
to play (a game) | 遊ぶasobu |
to play a string instrumente.g. guitar, piano | 弾くhiku |
to polish; to grind; to brush (teeth) | 磨くmigaku |
to practice; to train | 練習するrensyuusuru |
to praise; to compliment | 褒めるhomeru |
to prefer; to be fond of | 好むkonomu |
to pull; to draw; to catch (a cold) | 引くhiku |
to push, to press | 押すosu |
to put on; to wear | 掛けるkakeru |
to put out; to produce; to take out; to release | 出すdasu |
to put, to place; to leave | 置くoku |
to raise; to give | 上げるageru |
to read | 読むyomu |
to recall, to remember | 思い出すomoidasu |
to receive (humbly) | 頂くitadaku |
to receive; to undergo; to take | 受けるukeru |
to relax | リラックスするrirakkususuru |
to remember; to memorize | 覚えるoboeru |
to remove; to take off; to detach; to unfasten | 外すhazusu |
to request; to wish; to hope | (お)願いする(o)negaisuru |
to rest; to take a break | 休むyasumu |
to return | 帰るkaeru |
to return (something); to give back | 返すkaesu |
to ride; to get on (a vehicle) | 乗るnoru |
to rise; to go up | 上がるagaru |
to rise; to increase | 高まるtakamaru |
to run | 走るhasiru |
to run | ランニングするranningusuru |
to run out | 切れるkireru |
to say | 言うiu |
to say (humbly); to offer (words) (humbly) | 申し上げるmousiageru |
to see; to look at; to watch | 見るmiru |
to sell | 売るuru |
to send | 送るokuru |
to send; to submit | 出すdasu |
to serve (food) | 出すdasu |
to shine | 差すsasu |
to shine; to glitter; to glow | 光るhikaru |
to show; to display | 見せるmiseru |
to sing | 歌うutau |
to sit | 座るsuwaru |
to sleep; to lie down; to go to bed | 寝るneru |
to smoke | 吸うsuu |
to sound; to ring | 鳴るnaru |
to speak | 話すhanasu |
to spread; to stretchintransitive | 広がるhirogaru |
to stand; to stand up | 立つtatu |
to start up, to boot up; to launch | 立ち上げるtatiageru |
to start, to begin | 開始するkaisisuru |
to steal | 盗むnusumu |
to stop | 止むyamu 止む is used when something stops on its own. It's often used for weather phenomena, such as rain or snow. 止まる is a broader term that can be used for any sort of cessation of movement or action. |
to stop (an activity); to give up; to quit | やめるyameru |
to stop (an activity); to give up; to quit | 辞めるyameru Alternative spelling of やめる |
to stop ... | 止めるtomeru |
to study | 勉強するbenkyousuru |
to sweep; to brush; to clean | 掃くhaku |
to swim | 泳ぐoyogu |
to take | 取るtoru |
to take (a bath or shower); to bask (in the sunlight) | 浴びるabiru |
to take (time to do something) | かかるkakaru |
to take a bath | (お)風呂 に 入る(o)huro ni hairu |
to take a photo | 撮るtoru |
to take care; to be careful | 気 を 付けるki wo tukeru |
to take lightly; to underestimate | 甘く 見るamaku miru |
to take notes | メモするmemosuru |
to take off; to remove clothing | 脱ぐnugu |
to take/bring something with you | 持って 行くmotte iku |
to take/bring something with you | 持って 来るmotte kuru Whether you say 持って 行く or 持って 来る depends on the perspective of the speaker. For movement away from the speaker, use 行く. For movement towards the speaker, use 来る. |
to tasteintransitive | 味 が するazi ga suru |
to tastetransitive | 味 を 見るazi wo miru |
to teach; to inform | 教えるosieru |
to test | テストするtesutosuru |
to think about; to ponder; to consider | 考えるkangaeru |
to think; to believe | 思うomou |
to throw away; to discard | 捨てるsuteru |
to tire | 疲れるtukareru |
to touch; to feel | 触るsawaru |
to travel | 旅行するryokousuru |
to travel abroad | 海外旅行 を するkaigairyokou wo suru |
to turn left | 左 に 曲がるhidari ni magaru |
to turn on; to switch on | つけるtukeru |
to turn right | 右 に 曲がるmigi ni magaru |
to use | 使うtukau |
to visit | 訪ねるtazuneru |
to wait | 待つmatu |
to wake someone up | 起こすokosu |
to walk | 歩くaruku |
to wash | 洗うarau |
to wear; to put on (something on feet or legs) | 履くhaku |
to wearon upper body | 着るkiru |
to work | 働くhataraku |
to work | 仕事するsigotosuru |
to work for; to be employed at; to serve | 勤めるtutomeru |
to write | 書くkaku |
to [destination particle] | へhe |
today | 今日kyou |
together with | と 一緒 にto issyo ni |
together; at the same time; simultaneously | 一緒 にissyo ni |
together; same | 一緒issyo |
toilet | トイレtoire |
toilet; restroom; lavatory; bathroom | お手洗いotearai |
Tokyo | 東京toukyou |
Tokyo City | 東京市toukyousi |
tomato | トマトtomato |
tomorrow | 明日asita |
tonight | 今夜konya |
tonight, this evening | 今晩konban |
too; also | もmo |
tooth | 歯ha |
topic particle | はha |
town | 町mati |
Toyota | トヨタtoyota |
traditional Japanese dress | 着物kimono |
traffic | トラフィックtorafikku |
traffic accident | 交通事故koutuuziko |
traffic light; signal | 信号singou |
traffic situation | 交通状況koutuuzyoukyou |
traffic; transportation | 交通koutuu |
train | 列車ressya |
trash can; garbage bin | ゴミ箱gomibako |
trash; garbage; rubbish | 塵gomi Usually written using katakana. |
travel, traveling, trip, tour | 旅行ryokou |
travel, trip, journey | 旅tabi |
tree; wood | 木ki |
trees | 木々kigi |
trousers | ズボンzubon |
trumpet | トランペットtoranpetto |
trust | 信頼sinrai |
trustworthy; able to be trusted | 信頼 できるsinrai dekiru The structure [noun] + できる is a common way to express the ability or possibility related to the noun. This construction turns the noun into an adjective describing the noun that follows. |
truth, right | 本当hontou |
Tuesday | 火曜日kayoubi |
tunnel | トンネルtonneru |
TV | テレビterebi |
twenty thousand | 二万niman |
twenty years old | 二十歳hatati |
twice | 二回nikai |
two | 二ni |
two (objects) | 二つhutatu |
two people | 二人hutari |
two times; twice | 二度nido |
type, kind | 種類syurui |
typhoon | 台風taihuu |
U.S.A. | アメリカamerika |
Ueno Park | 上野 公園ueno kouen |
um, uh; excuse me | あのうanou |
umbrella | 傘kasa |
unappetizing; bad-tasting; unpleasant | 不味いmazui |
uncle | 伯父ozi |
United Kingdom; England | 英国eikoku |
United States | 米国beikoku |
university | 大学daigaku |
university student | 大学生daigakusei |
unpalatable; bad-tasting | まずいmazui |
unpleasant; disagreeablei | 嫌(な)iya(na) |
until, till, to | までmade |
useful, convenient | 便利なbenrina |
vanilla | バニラbanira |
various | 色々iroiro Alternative spelling of いろいろ. |
various | いろいろiroiro |
vase | 花瓶kabin |
vegetable | 野菜yasai |
vegetarian | ベジタリアンbezitarian |
verb group 1 | 五段godan |
verb group 2 | 一段itidan |
verb nominalizer | のno |
verb suffix for forming the imperative, among other things | 〜て〜te |
verb suffix to express desire | 〜たい〜tai |
versatile and expressive particle often used in conversational Japanese to convey a range of emotions, from reflection and emphasis to longing and admiration | なあnaa |
vertical writing | 縦書きtategaki |
vertical; lengthwise | 縦tate |
very popular | 大人気daininki |
very, extremely | とてもtotemo |
very; greatly; terribly; extremely; awfully | 大変taihen |
videogame | テレビゲームterebigeemu |
village | 村mura |
village; hometown | 里sato |
violin | バイオリンbaiorin |
virus | ウイルスuirusu |
visiting someone who is ill or injured; a visit to express sympathy; sending a gift or card to someone who is unwell as a gesture of concern and well-wishing | お見舞いomimai |
voice | 声koe |
volcano | 火山kazan |
volitional form | 〜おう、 〜よう〜ou, 〜you |
walk, stroll | 散歩sanpo |
wall | 壁kabe |
wallet | 財布saihu |
wanted | ほしいhosii |
war | 戦争sensou |
warm | 暖かいatatakai 暖かい is a mild and comfortable warmth, and can be used for weather, for object that make you physically warm such as clothes and blankets, and also for things that make you metaphorically warm such as a song. |
washing-up, dish-washing | 皿洗いsaraarai |
watch (time piece) | 時計tokei |
Watch out! | 危ない!abunai! |
water | 水mizu |
water buffalo | 水牛suigyuu |
watermelon | 西瓜suika |
wax | ワックスwakkusu |
way of; method of | 〜方〜kata |
we | 私たちwatasitati |
weak | 弱いyowai Refers to the lack of physical strength, durability, or robustness. It can also describe a low level of ability, influence, or intensity in non-physical contexts, such as a weak argument or being weak against cold temperatures. |
weather | 天気tenki |
website | ウェブサイトwebusaito |
Wednesday | 水曜日suiyoubi |
week | 週syuu |
weekend | 週末syuumatu |
Welcome home. | お帰り なさい。okaeri nasai. Literally: do return |
well, properly; best regards | よろしくyorosiku |
well; lively, vigorous; health | 元気genki |
west | 西nisi |
Western style door | ドアdoa |
what | 何nan |
what | 何nani |
what day (of the month); how many days | 何日nanniti |
what day (of the week) | 何曜日nanyoubi |
What does X mean? | X は 何 の 意味 です か?X ha nan no imi desu ka? |
what floor | 何階nankai |
What happened?; What's wrong? | どう しました か。dou simasita ka. |
What is it? | 何 です か?nan desu ka? |
what month | 何月nangatu |
what time | 何時nanzi |
what year | 何年nannen |
what, what kind of | どんなdonna |
when | いつitu |
where | どこdoko |
whether or not | か どう かka dou ka |
which (one) | どれdore |
which ... | どのdono |
which one; who | どちらdotira |
which person; which way; which (one) | どっちdotti |
while ... | 〜ながら〜nagara |
whisky | ウイスキーuisukii |
whiteadjective | 白いsiroi |
whitenoun | 白siro |
who | 誰dare |
whovery polite | どなたdonata |
why; for what reason | 何故naze |
why; for what reason | なぜnaze Same as 何故. This word is often written using hiragana alone. |
why; how | どうしてdousite |
wide; spacious | 広いhiroi |
wind | 風kaze |
window | 窓mado |
wine | ワインwain |
winter | 冬huyu |
wish, hope | (お)願い(o)negai |
without doing | 〜ないで〜naide |
woman | 女onna |
woman | 女 の 人onna no hito |
woman, girl | 女子zyosi The term 女子 in Japanese refers to a girl or young woman, but the specific age range it covers can vary depending on the context. Generally, 女子 is used to refer to females from early childhood up to their late twenties. In schools, 女子学生 refers to female students of any age, from elementary through university. In sports and other activities, 女子 might be used to distinguish female participants, again without strict age limits. However, in more formal or official contexts, 女子 might be more closely associated with younger females, particularly those in the schooling age range up to young adulthood. |
word; language | 言葉kotoba |
work, job | 仕事sigoto |
Yamada surname | 山田yamada |
Yamashitaname | 山下yamasita |
year counter | 年nen |
year; age | 年tosi |
years of age (counter) | 〜歳〜sai |
yellow | 黄色kiiro |
yellow | 黄色いkiiroi |
yen | 円en |
yes | はいhai |
yes | ええee |
yesterday | 昨日kinou |
yoghurt | ヨーグルトyooguruto |
Yokohama | 横浜yokohama |
you | あなたanata |
you (plural) | あなたたちanatatati |
young | 若いwakai |
younger brother | 弟(さん)otouto(san) |
younger sister | 妹(さん)imouto(san) |
zebra | シマウマsimauma |
zero | ゼロzero |
zero | 零rei |
Nihon-shiki romanizationwatasi ha tyuugoku kara kimasita
Hepburn romanizationwatashi wa chuugoku kara kimashita