Breakdown of kagi
The key to getting gold is to build your own wealth.
Usages of kagi
昨晩、 鍵 を 無くした。yuube, kagi wo nakusita.
Last night, I lost the key.
この ドア に は 鍵 が 必要 です。kono doa ni ha kagi ga hituyou desu.
This door needs a key.
鍵 を なくして 困る。kagi wo nakusite komaru.
I'm in trouble because I lost my keys.
鍵 を フック に 掛ける。kagi wo hukku ni kakeru.
(I)'ll hang the key on the hook.
昨夜、 近く の 家 で 火事 が ありました。yuube, tikaku no ie de kazi ga arimasita.
Last night, there was a fire at a nearby house.
The particle で is used here because the fire is an event and not a static object. is an online learning platform
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