Usages of sisi
Sisi ni wanafunzi.
We are students.
Sisi tunakula samaki.
We are eating fish.
Tunacheza nje.
We are playing outside.
Sisi tunakula samaki sokoni.
We are eating fish at the market.
Sisi ni wanafunzi leo.
We are students today.
Leo tunacheza na marafiki.
Today we are playing with friends.
Sisi tunacheza jioni nyumbani.
We are playing at home in the evening.
Hatujifunzi usiku.
We do not learn at night.
Sisi tunavaa mavazi mazuri wakati wa sherehe.
We wear beautiful clothes during celebrations.
Sisi tunapenda kujifunza sokoni.
We like to learn at the market.
Jana, tuliimba wimbo sokoni.
Yesterday, we sang a song at the market.
Jana usiku, tuliandika barua.
Last night, we wrote a letter.
Kesho asubuhi, tutapika chakula kitamu na kuandaa meza kwa wageni.
Tomorrow morning, we will cook delicious food and prepare the table for guests.
Sisi tutajaribu kupika chakula leo usiku, kabla ya mvua kuanza kunyesha.
We will try to cook food tonight, before it starts raining.
Upepo unavuma sana leo, kwa hiyo tunafunga madirisha.
The wind is blowing strongly today, so we are closing the windows.
Nitamwita kaka yangu, ili tuweze kufagia na kusafisha sebule pamoja.
I will call my brother, so that we can sweep and clean the living room together.
Dada anakaa mbali kidogo, lakini tutatembea kwenda kumtembelea.
Sister lives a bit far, but we will walk to visit her.
Wewe kweli unafikiri tutafagia chumba hiki haraka, au tutachelewa kumaliza?
Do you really think we will sweep this room quickly, or will we be late to finish?
Hatutaogelea baharini ikiwa upepo utavuma kwa kasi.
We will not swim in the ocean if the wind will blow strongly.
Tunapenda kuleta meza sokoni.
We like to bring the table to the market.
Tunapenda kutembelea marafiki sokoni.
We like to visit friends at the market.
Tutaenda sokoni kama baba anasema ni muhimu.
We will go to the market if father says it is important.
Juma anasema hatutapika chakula jioni kama tutachelewa sokoni.
Juma says we will not cook food in the evening if we are late at the market.
Je, unafikiri tutafika sokoni mapema?
Do you think we will arrive at the market early?
Tunapaswa kuondoka nyumbani mapema, ili tufike sokoni kabla ya mvua kuanza.
We should leave home early, so that we arrive at the market before it starts raining.
Sisi tunatembea karibu na mji.
We are walking near town.
Sisi tunapenda kwenda shamba na marafiki.
We like to go to the farm with friends.
Tumeshafanya mazoezi ya kukimbia asubuhi, sasa tunaandaa kiamsha kinywa kitamu.
We have already done running exercises this morning, now we are preparing a tasty breakfast.
Nimefurahi kwamba leo hatutachelewa shuleni, kwa kuwa tumeamka mapema.
I am happy that we will not be late to school today, because we have woken up early.
Sisi tunapumzika nyumbani ili kuondoa uchovu.
We are resting at home to remove tiredness.
Mama anapika samaki nyumbani kwa kuwa sisi tunapenda chakula kitamu.
Mother cooks fish at home because we like delicious food.
Sisi tunajadaliana na marafiki.
We discuss with friends.
Sisi tunacheza mpira nyumbani.
We are playing ball at home.
Ni lazima tuzingatie muda, ili tusikose mkutano wetu wa shule.
We must pay attention to time, so that we do not miss our school meeting.
Je, tunategemea kupata muda wa kupumzika kabla ya mtihani huo?
Are we depending on getting time to rest before that exam?
Tunahitaji kukaribisha watu wapya katika darasa letu ili wajisikie salama.
We need to welcome new people into our class so that they feel safe.
Sisi tunaamua kwenda shamba.
We decide to go to the farm.
Sisi tunaamua kupumzika baada ya jaribio.
We decide to rest after the test.
Sisi sote tunapenda kuimba.
We all like to sing.
Sisi tunakula chakula cha mchana nyumbani.
We are eating lunch at home.
Tuwe makini tusije tukaanguka, maana mlima huu unakuwa hatari wakati wa mvua.
Let us be careful so that we do not fall, because this mountain becomes dangerous during the rain.
Tusizime muziki huo bado, kwa sababu ni mapema kuondoka.
Let us not turn off that music yet, because it is still early to leave.
Sisi tunashirikiana kutafuta suluhisho pale tunapokosa njia rahisi ya kujifunza.
We cooperate with each other to find a solution whenever we lack an easy way to learn.
Baada ya mabishano hayo, hatukukumbatia hasira; badala yake, tuliamua kusameheana.
After that argument, we did not hold onto anger; instead, we decided to forgive each other.
Tulisherehekea ushindi kwa kukumbatia kicheko, ingawa wengine walilazimika kulia.
We celebrated the victory by embracing laughter, although others had to cry.
Sisi tunapanga shindano kesho.
We are planning a competition tomorrow.
Sisi tunaenda kikao.
We are going to a meeting.
Tumejadili mada ya kusaidia masikini katika kikundi chetu leo.
We have discussed the topic of helping the poor in our group today.
Tunatumia mtandao kupata fahamu zaidi kuhusu somo hili.
We are using the internet to get more knowledge about this subject.
Tunatumia kikapu kubeba mboga kutoka sokoni.
We use a basket to carry vegetables from the market.
Tunatumia unga huu wa ngano kutengeneza chapati.
We use this wheat flour to make chapati.
Tutakupigia simu baada ya dakika kumi.
We will call you after ten minutes.
Tunahitaji nyumba imara ili kukabiliana na upepo mkali.
We need a stable house to deal with strong wind.
Tunatumia chombo hiki kuweka mboga zilizobaki.
We use this container to store leftover vegetables.
Sisi tutajaribu kukabiliana na tatizo.
We will try to deal with the problem.
Sisi hutusisimua sana tunapoona onyesho la sarakasi, hasa linapokuja kijijini kwetu.
We get very excited when we see a circus show, especially when it comes to our village.
Tunapaswa kuchanganya maziwa na maji kidogo, kisha tutie sukari ili chai iwe tamu.
We should mix milk with a little water, then put in sugar so that the tea becomes sweet.
Tulijaribu kubeba kuni nyingi, lakini mvua ilinyesha na zikaanza kuharibika.
We tried to carry a lot of firewood, but it rained and they began to spoil.
Tuwe makini tunapobeba kuni, ili tusijeruhi miguu yetu.
Let us be careful when carrying firewood, so that we do not injure our feet.
Leo, sisi tunafanya mkutano maalum.
Today, we are having a special meeting.
Sisi tunapenda vyakula mbalimbali.
We like various foods.
Tulimwona kiongozi huyo akiwasilisha ripoti ya maendeleo jana.
We saw that leader presenting the development report yesterday.
Licha ya kilio hicho, tulimtuliza haraka akapata amani.
Despite that cry, we calmed him quickly, and he found peace.
Kumbukumbu hizo zimetufanya tufurahi sana tukiwa pamoja.
Those memories made us very happy while we were together.
Sisi tunajaribu kusuluhisha changamoto.
We are trying to resolve challenges.
Sisi tunafanya bidii kujifunza Kiswahili.
We are making an effort to learn Swahili.
Tulilazimika kuahirisha mkutano wetu kwa sababu ya mvua kubwa.
We were forced to postpone our meeting because of heavy rain.
Sisi tunasafisha takataka sokoni.
We are cleaning trash at the market.
Sisi tutatua tatizo leo.
We will solve the problem today.
Sisi tunasalimiana kila asubuhi.
We greet each other every morning.
Sisi tunatumia ndoo kubeba maji.
We use a bucket to carry water.
Tutakutana baadaye.
We will meet later.
Tunapaswa kuharakisha sasa, la sivyo tutachelewa kuingia darasani.
We must hurry now, otherwise we will be late to enter the classroom.
Nauli ya daladala imeongezeka, kwa hiyo tunahitaji kupanga bajeti vizuri.
The fare for the minibus has gone up, so we need to plan our budget carefully.
Hatutajua uwezo wetu, mpaka tujaribu kukabili matatizo kwa ujasiri.
We will not know our ability until we try to face problems courageously.
Kabla ya kusoma falsafa chuoni, tunahitaji matokeo mazuri ya shule ya sekondari.
Before studying philosophy at the university, we need good grades from secondary school.
Tafadhali usitusukume kuondoka mapema, tunahitaji muda wa kuandaa pakiti za zawadi.
Please do not push us to leave early—we need time to prepare the gift packets.
Tunapaswa kuyafanyia uchunguzi makosa yetu, ili tuweze kuyarekebisha kabla ya kufanya jaribio jipya.
We need to investigate our mistakes so that we can fix them before taking a new test.
Sisi tunapenda kuhudhuria mkutano.
We like to attend the meeting.
Sisi tunachangia pesa kwa shule.
We contribute money to the school.
Sisi tunajifunza kukabiliana na changamoto kila siku.
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