Usages of di
Saya juga mahu beli roti di sana.
I also want to buy bread there.
Dia beli nasi di sini.
He/She buys rice here.
Awak kerja di sana sampai malam?
Do you work there until night?
Kita sedang berbual dengan teman baru di sini.
We are chatting with a new friend here.
Dia membaca majalah itu di rumah.
He/She reads that magazine at home.
Mereka sedang berehat di rumah selepas kerja panjang.
They are resting at home after a long day of work.
Pagi tadi, dia duduk di sini.
This morning, he/she sat here.
Anjing saya duduk di luar rumah sekarang.
My dog is sitting outside the house now.
Saya duduk di sini untuk berehat sebentar.
I sit here to rest for a while.
Kita duduk di sini dan berbual perlahan.
We sit here and chat quietly.
Saya beli majalah di pasar.
I buy a magazine at the market.
Dia duduk di luar sekarang.
He/She is sitting outside now.
Saya rasa harga nasi di sini tidak mahal seperti di pejabat itu.
I feel the price of rice here is not expensive like at that office.
Saya akan siapkan tugasan ini dan hantar kepada bos di pejabat.
I will complete this task and send it to the boss at the office.
Anjing saya yang comel suka tidur di jendela apabila cuaca tenang.
My cute dog likes to sleep at the window when the weather is calm.
Saya ada kucing dan anjing di rumah.
I have a cat and a dog at home.
Dia menulis laporan di pejabat.
He/She writes a report at the office.
Saya beli surat khabar di kedai.
I buy a newspaper at the shop.
Pagi ini, saya sudah membeli buah di pasar yang sibuk.
This morning, I have already bought fruit at the busy market.
Di hotel itu, biliknya agak panas, namun saya masih suka tinggal di situ.
At that hotel, the room is quite hot, however I still like staying there.
Latihan ini penting, namun saya letih kerana cuaca terlalu panas di luar.
This practice is important, however I am tired because the weather is too hot outside.
Namun, jika saya sudah keluar awal, saya mungkin tiba di pejabat sebelum orang lain.
However, if I have already left early, I might arrive at the office before everyone else.
Kita akan berjumpa di tempat lapang itu esok, sejauh mana pun kita perlu pergi.
We will meet at that spacious place tomorrow, no matter how far we need to travel.
Saya masak hidangan sedap di rumah.
I cook a delicious dish at home.
Dia duduk di situ sekarang.
He/She sits there now.
Saya buat tugasan penting di pejabat.
I do an important task at the office.
Saya memulakan tugasan penting di pejabat.
I start an important task at the office.
Saya tinggal di rumah.
I live at home.
Saya akan bermalam di hotel esok.
I will stay overnight at the hotel tomorrow.
Saya sedang memandu di jalan.
I am driving on the road.
Saya duduk di tempat kerja sambil menulis laporan.
I sit at the workplace while writing a report.
Dia tiba di pasar sekarang.
He/She arrives at the market now.
Saya berjumpa dengan bos di pejabat.
I meet with the boss at the office.
Saya duduk di taman pada waktu malam.
I sit in the park at night.
Pada waktu petang, saya berasa gembira kerana saya sudah selesai kerja di pejabat.
In the evening, I feel happy because I have finished my work at the office.
Bangku panjang di taman itu dibersihkan setiap pagi, jadi orang ramai gembira duduk di sana.
The long bench in the park is cleaned every morning, so people are happy sitting there.
Di tepi sungai, saya suka duduk di bangku sambil menikmati udara pagi yang nyaman.
By the river, I like sitting on the bench while enjoying the comfortable morning air.
Di pasar, ramai orang beli nasi.
At the market, many people buy rice.
Saya duduk di meja dapur bersama teman saya.
I sit at the kitchen table with my friend.
Saya kerja di syarikat.
I work at a company.
Ibu saya memasak nasi setiap pagi, manakala ayah saya bekerja di pejabat.
My mother cooks rice every morning, while my father works at the office.
Ayah saya membeli baju baru di kedai yang murah.
My father buys a new shirt at the cheap shop.
Marilah kita jemput kakak untuk makan kek di rumah baharu ayah dan ibu.
Let’s invite older sister to eat cake at Father and Mother’s new house.
Abang saya mencuba seluar baru di kedai, kemudian dia pulang untuk menukar kasut sebelum mesyuarat.
My older brother tried on new pants at the store, then he returned home to change his shoes before the meeting.
Saya beli nasi di pasar manakala dia beli roti di kedai.
I buy rice at the market while he/she buys bread at the shop.
Saya beli roti manis di pasar.
I buy sweet bread at the market.
Saya ubah fail penting di pejabat.
I change the important file at the office.
Saya berehat di rumah hujung minggu.
I rest at home on the weekend.
Kerusi di dapur pangsapuri saya agak kukuh, jadi saya suka duduk di situ.
The chair in my apartment’s kitchen is quite sturdy, so I like sitting there.
Bilakah kita akan melawat taman bunga di tepi sungai itu?
When will we visit the flower garden by that river?
Saya belum makan tengahari, jadi saya rasa kita harus membeli nasi atau kari sayur di kantin.
I haven’t eaten lunch yet, so I feel we must buy rice or vegetable curry at the canteen.
Mengapa awak duduk di sini dan bersiul, sedangkan kita ada tugasan penting untuk disiapkan?
Why are you sitting here whistling, whereas we have an important task to complete?
Mereka belum tiba di pangsapuri itu, jadi mungkin saya akan turun tangga untuk menyambut mereka.
They have not arrived at that apartment yet, so maybe I will go down the stairs to greet them.
Saya sedar kunci saya hilang ketika menaiki tangga, lalu saya terus cari di sekitar taman bunga.
I realized my key was missing when going up the stairs, so I immediately searched around the flower garden.
Saya akhirnya tiba di pejabat.
I finally arrive at the office.
Saya makan nasi di kantin.
I eat rice at the canteen.
Saya sampai di pejabat sekitar pukul tujuh.
I arrive at the office around seven o'clock. is an online learning platform
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