Breakdown of Kita duduk di sini dan berbual perlahan.
Questions & Answers about Kita duduk di sini dan berbual perlahan.
"Kita" means "we" or "us" in an inclusive sense, meaning it includes both the speaker and the listener.
"Kami" also means "we" or "us" but excludes the listener. If you are talking to someone who is not part of your group, use "kami". In this sentence, "kita" is used to show that everyone present is included in the activity.
Both "berbual" and "bercakap" can mean "to chat" or "to talk."
• "Berbual" often implies a more casual, friendly conversation.
• "Bercakap" is more general and can be used for any kind of speaking or talking.
You could shorten it to something like "Kita duduk sini dan berbual perlahan", omitting the preposition "di," and many native speakers would still understand you. However, it's more grammatically proper to include "di" when indicating location.
You could also say "Kita duduk sini, berbual perlahan", but omitting "dan" changes the sentence flow slightly, making it sound more like sequential actions rather than two simultaneous actions.