
Usages of kita

Kita di sini.
We are here.
Kita duduk di sini sekarang.
We sit here now.
Kita juga suka nasi.
We also like rice.
Kita sedang berbual dengan teman baru di sini.
We are chatting with a new friend here.
Selepas perjalanan panjang di bandar, kita berehat sebentar sebelum makan malam.
After a long trip in the city, we rest for a while before dinner.
Kita duduk di sini dan berbual perlahan.
We sit here and chat quietly.
Kita juga boleh berjalan ke kedai yang murah kalau mahu beli roti.
We can also walk to a shop that is cheap if we want to buy bread.
Kita boleh hantar semua dokumen ke pejabat sebelum pintu tutup malam ini.
We can send all documents to the office before the door closes tonight.
Selepas berjalan pagi ini, kita rehat sebentar dan siapkan kerja pejabat.
After walking this morning, we rest for a while and complete office work.
Kita berkumpul di taman selepas kerja.
We gather in the park after work.
Kita duduk di jalan sambil berbual perlahan.
We sit on the street while chatting slowly.
Pasar itu terletak sejauh dua kilometer dari tempat kita tinggal.
That market is located as far as two kilometers from where we live.
Kita akan berjumpa di tempat lapang itu esok, sejauh mana pun kita perlu pergi.
We will meet at that spacious place tomorrow, no matter how far we need to travel.
Sila jangan lupa telefon awak di atas meja sebelum kita keluar.
Please do not forget your phone on the table before we go out.
Marilah kita menjemput ayah, kakak, dan abang untuk makan malam bersama.
Let us invite Father, older sister, and older brother to have dinner together.
Mencuba masakan masam seperti sup asam pedas boleh mengubah selera kita.
Trying sour dishes like sour and spicy soup can change our appetite.
Marilah kita jemput kakak untuk makan kek di rumah baharu ayah dan ibu.
Let’s invite older sister to eat cake at Father and Mother’s new house.
Mari kita fikir bersama tentang cara membersihkan tuala basah dan dinding kotor dengan lebih cepat.
Let’s think together about how to clean the wet towel and dirty wall more quickly.
Mari kita pergi ke pasar sekarang.
Let's go to the market now.
Bilakah kita akan melawat taman bunga di tepi sungai itu?
When will we visit the flower garden by that river?
Saya belum makan tengahari, jadi saya rasa kita harus membeli nasi atau kari sayur di kantin.
I haven’t eaten lunch yet, so I feel we must buy rice or vegetable curry at the canteen.
Mengapa awak duduk di sini dan bersiul, sedangkan kita ada tugasan penting untuk disiapkan?
Why are you sitting here whistling, whereas we have an important task to complete?
Siapakah pemilik telefon ini? Mungkin kita boleh letak semula di meja supaya tidak tersalah ambil.
Whose phone is this? Maybe we can put it back on the table so it is not taken by mistake.
Tolong tanya dia: “Bilakah awak akan berhenti kerja hari ini?” supaya kita boleh keluar bersama.
Please ask him/her: “When will you stop working today?” so that we can go out together.
Saya rasa kita harus berangkat awal pagi esok, kerana perjalanan ke pejabat agak jauh.
I think we should depart early tomorrow morning, because the trip to the office is rather far.
Siapakah yang memasak kari sayur untuk kita malam ini?
Who is cooking the vegetable curry for us tonight?
Harus kita hargai orang yang sudi berkongsi makanan sedap, supaya dia gembira membantu kita lagi.
We must appreciate the person who is willing to share delicious food, so that he/she will be happy to help us again. is an online learning platform
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