
Part of speech

Usages of dan

Kita duduk di sini dan berbual perlahan.
We sit here and chat quietly.
Saya suka nasi dan awak suka roti.
I like rice and you like bread.
Saya akan siapkan tugasan ini dan hantar kepada bos di pejabat.
I will complete this task and send it to the boss at the office.
Jika saya bangun lewat, saya akan tutup pintu dan jendela supaya tidur lebih tenang.
If I wake up late, I will close the door and window so that I can sleep more calmly.
Saya buka pintu dan jendela pada waktu siang kerana udara segar.
I open the door and window during the day because of the fresh air.
Selepas berjalan pagi ini, kita rehat sebentar dan siapkan kerja pejabat.
After walking this morning, we rest for a while and complete office work.
Saya ada kucing dan anjing di rumah.
I have a cat and a dog at home.
Teman serumah saya akan memasak nasi dan kari malam esok.
My roommate will cook rice and curry tomorrow night.
Saya suka bermalam di sana kerana suasananya sejuk dan saya tidak perlukan kipas.
I like to stay overnight there because the atmosphere is cold and I do not need a fan.
Saya perlukan tenaga yang cukup untuk bersukan, jadi saya makan sayur dan buah.
I need enough energy to do sports, so I eat vegetables and fruit.
Sungai itu agak besar, tetapi lantai jambatannya masih kemas dan selamat untuk dilalui.
That river is quite large, but the floor of its bridge is still neat and safe to cross.
Kami menyimpan buah dan sayur dalam peti sejuk, manakala fail kerja disusun di rak tinggi.
We store fruits and vegetables in the fridge, whereas work files are arranged on a tall shelf.
Cawan kopi dan pinggan bersih disusun rapi sebelum makan tengahari bermula.
Coffee cups and clean plates are arranged neatly before lunch begins.
Laporan syarikat itu disiapkan pantas dan akan dibawa ke pejabat pusat esok.
That company report is completed quickly and will be taken to the head office tomorrow.
Rakan dan saya berbual sambil minum air di taman.
My friend and I chat while drinking water in the park.
Marilah kita menjemput ayah, kakak, dan abang untuk makan malam bersama.
Let us invite Father, older sister, and older brother to have dinner together.
Abang saya suka memakai seluar kemas dan baju segar ketika pergi ke mesyuarat.
My older brother likes to wear neat pants and a fresh shirt when going to a meeting.
Tolong buka laci di ruang tamu dan susun perabot hiasan di atas meja.
Please open the drawer in the living room and arrange the decorative furniture on the table.
Marilah kita jemput kakak untuk makan kek di rumah baharu ayah dan ibu.
Let’s invite older sister to eat cake at Father and Mother’s new house.
Saya memandu ke pejabat ketika hujan dan hampir lupa payung di dalam kereta.
I drove to the office when it was raining and almost forgot my umbrella in the car.
Mari kita fikir bersama tentang cara membersihkan tuala basah dan dinding kotor dengan lebih cepat.
Let’s think together about how to clean the wet towel and dirty wall more quickly.
Ibu dan ayah suka naik basikal bersama pada hujung minggu sambil memakai topi dan baju sukan.
Mother and Father like to ride bicycles together on weekends while wearing hats and sports shirts.
Ia minum air segar dan makan nasi sedap.
It drinks fresh water and eats delicious rice.
Saya tinggal di pangsapuri dekat bandar, dan pangsapuri itu sangat selesa.
I live in an apartment near the city, and that apartment is very comfortable.
Saya cari kunci itu di tangga, dan akhirnya saya jumpa di bawah sehelai selimut.
I searched for that key on the stairs, and I finally found it under a blanket.
Dia membawa bantal baharu dan selimut lembut ke kelas kerana dia mahu berehat sebentar.
He/She brings a new pillow and a soft blanket to class because he/she wants to rest for a while.
Mengapa awak duduk di sini dan bersiul, sedangkan kita ada tugasan penting untuk disiapkan?
Why are you sitting here whistling, whereas we have an important task to complete?
Bunga dan selimut di bilik saya menjadikan suasana lebih ceria dan selesa.
Flowers and a blanket in my room make the atmosphere more cheerful and comfortable.
Saya berhenti berbual dan mula belajar.
I stop chatting and start studying.
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