
to sit
Part of speech

Usages of duduk

Kita duduk di sini sekarang.
We sit here now.
Mereka duduk di sana.
They sit there.
Anjing dia duduk di bawah meja sekarang.
His/Her dog is sitting under the table now.
Pagi tadi, dia duduk di sini.
This morning, he/she sat here.
Anjing saya duduk di luar rumah sekarang.
My dog is sitting outside the house now.
Saya duduk di sini untuk berehat sebentar.
I sit here to rest for a while.
Kucing saya suka duduk bawah kereta.
My cat likes to sit under the car.
Kita duduk di sini dan berbual perlahan.
We sit here and chat quietly.
Dia duduk di luar sekarang.
He/She is sitting outside now.
Kita duduk di jalan sambil berbual perlahan.
We sit on the street while chatting slowly.
Dia duduk di situ sekarang.
He/She sits there now.
Saya duduk di kelas pada pukul enam.
I sit in class at six o’clock.
Saya duduk di tempat kerja sambil menulis laporan.
I sit at the workplace while writing a report.
Saya duduk bersama enam teman di taman.
I sit with six friends in the park.
Saya duduk di taman pada waktu malam.
I sit in the park at night.
Bangku panjang di taman itu dibersihkan setiap pagi, jadi orang ramai gembira duduk di sana.
The long bench in the park is cleaned every morning, so people are happy sitting there.
Di tepi sungai, saya suka duduk di bangku sambil menikmati udara pagi yang nyaman.
By the river, I like sitting on the bench while enjoying the comfortable morning air.
Awak dapat duduk bersama saya di kelas.
You can sit with me in class.
Saya pergi ke pejabat kemudian saya duduk bersama bos.
I go to the office then I sit with the boss.
Kami sedang duduk di taman sambil mendengar muzik.
We are sitting in the park while listening to music.
Saya duduk di meja dapur bersama teman saya.
I sit at the kitchen table with my friend.
Saya duduk nyaman di tepi sungai.
I sit comfortably by the river.
Saya duduk lama di kelas.
I sit in class for a long time.
Saya duduk di pejabat pada waktu siang.
I sit in the office during the daytime.
Saya duduk di ruang tamu.
I sit in the living room.
Kerusi di dapur pangsapuri saya agak kukuh, jadi saya suka duduk di situ.
The chair in my apartment’s kitchen is quite sturdy, so I like sitting there.
Saya duduk di kerusi empuk sambil bersiul lagu kegemaran saya.
I sit on a soft chair while whistling my favorite song.
Mengapa awak duduk di sini dan bersiul, sedangkan kita ada tugasan penting untuk disiapkan?
Why are you sitting here whistling, whereas we have an important task to complete?
Saya duduk di sebelah kucing saya.
I sit next to my cat.
Pemilik duduk di pejabat sekarang.
The owner sits in the office now.
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