
Part of speech

Usages of itu

Itu air.
That is water.
Itu roti sedap.
That bread is delicious.
Mereka berbual perlahan supaya anak kecil itu boleh tidur.
They chat quietly so that the small child can sleep.
Saya juga mahu tanya guru tentang anak kecil itu.
I also want to ask the teacher about that small child.
Dia membaca majalah itu di rumah.
He/She reads that magazine at home.
Muzik perlahan membuat pengalaman itu lebih menyeronokkan.
Soft music makes that experience more enjoyable.
Awak tanya soalan kepada guru tentang buku itu.
You ask the teacher a question about the book.
Muzik itu sangat perlahan.
That music is very slow.
Awak lupa bawa buku penting itu.
You forgot to bring that important book.
Kedai di seberang jalan itu menjual laptop dengan harga mahal.
The shop across the street sells laptops at an expensive price.
Saya rasa harga nasi di sini tidak mahal seperti di pejabat itu.
I feel the price of rice here is not expensive like at that office.
Bolehkah awak tulis tarikh hari ini di buku itu?
Can you write today's date in that book?
Saya perlu tulis tarikh penting itu sebelum saya hantar laporan.
I need to write that important date before I send the report.
Keluarga itu boleh bercuti pada tarikh yang akan datang dengan harga murah.
That family can go on vacation on a future date at a cheap price.
Saya rasa kereta baru itu cepat.
I feel the new car is fast.
Buku itu menarik.
That book is interesting.
Namun, saya masih perlukan buah segar untuk hidangan itu.
However, I still need fresh fruit for that dish.
Di hotel itu, biliknya agak panas, namun saya masih suka tinggal di situ.
At that hotel, the room is quite hot, however I still like staying there.
Saya suka teman serumah itu kerana dia sering tolong saya bersihkan dapur.
I like that roommate because he/she often helps me clean the kitchen.
Pasar itu terletak sejauh dua kilometer dari tempat kita tinggal.
That market is located as far as two kilometers from where we live.
Kita akan berjumpa di tempat lapang itu esok, sejauh mana pun kita perlu pergi.
We will meet at that spacious place tomorrow, no matter how far we need to travel.
Bangku panjang di taman itu dibersihkan setiap pagi, jadi orang ramai gembira duduk di sana.
The long bench in the park is cleaned every morning, so people are happy sitting there.
Sungai itu agak besar, tetapi lantai jambatannya masih kemas dan selamat untuk dilalui.
That river is quite large, but the floor of its bridge is still neat and safe to cross.
Kadangkala, fail itu dibawa oleh bos ke pejabat berlainan untuk mesyuarat penting.
Sometimes, that file is taken by the boss to a different office for an important meeting.
Peti sejuk itu dibersihkan seminggu sekali supaya makanan kekal segar.
That fridge is cleaned once a week so that the food stays fresh.
Laporan syarikat itu disiapkan pantas dan akan dibawa ke pejabat pusat esok.
That company report is completed quickly and will be taken to the head office tomorrow.
Kasut itu kelihatan cantik, jadi saya mahu membelinya untuk dipakai ke pejabat.
Those shoes look pretty, so I want to buy them to wear to the office.
Saya perlu mencuba basikal itu dahulu sebelum membelinya.
I need to try that bicycle first before buying it.
Saya berasa kek itu agak masin, mungkin kerana garam tertumpah tanpa sengaja.
I feel that cake is somewhat salty, perhaps because salt was spilled accidentally.
Bilik pejabat itu kemas dengan dinding hiasan.
That office room is neat with decorative walls.
Saya tinggal di pangsapuri dekat bandar, dan pangsapuri itu sangat selesa.
I live in an apartment near the city, and that apartment is very comfortable.
Saya cari kunci itu di tangga, dan akhirnya saya jumpa di bawah sehelai selimut.
I searched for that key on the stairs, and I finally found it under a blanket.
Saya pinjam buku itu semalam, tetapi saya harus pulangkannya sebelum kelas tamat.
I borrowed that book yesterday, but I must return it before class ends.
Bilakah kita akan melawat taman bunga di tepi sungai itu?
When will we visit the flower garden by that river?
Bunga yang cantik di taman itu sebenarnya milik mak cik saya.
The beautiful flowers in that garden actually belong to my aunt.
Saya akan selesaikan tugasan itu nanti, tetapi sekarang saya perlu cari idea baharu.
I will finish that task later, but right now I need to look for a new idea.
Saya mahu pinjam telefon itu untuk menghubungi abang saya, tetapi saya rasa ia bukan milik saya.
I want to borrow that phone to contact my older brother, but I think it does not belong to me.
Mereka belum tiba di pangsapuri itu, jadi mungkin saya akan turun tangga untuk menyambut mereka.
They have not arrived at that apartment yet, so maybe I will go down the stairs to greet them.
Bagaimana awak selesaikan isu kunci hilang itu semalam?
How did you solve the issue of the lost key yesterday?
Saya sedar kelas itu kosong.
I realize the class is empty.
Siapakah menulis laporan itu?
Who wrote that report?
Taman itu indah.
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