Question | Answer |
although | walaupun |
busy | sibuk |
still | tetap |
Although I am busy, I still eat breakfast in the morning. | Walaupun saya sibuk, saya tetap makan sarapan pagi. |
afternoon | siang |
I am busy at the office today, but I still want to drink afternoon tea. | Saya sibuk di kantor hari ini, tapi saya tetap mau minum teh siang. |
the situation | keadaan |
more | lebih |
calm | tenang |
than | daripada |
the market | pasar |
I go to the market every morning. | Saya pergi ke pasar setiap pagi. |
The situation at the office is calmer than at the market now. | Keadaan di kantor lebih tenang daripada di pasar sekarang. |
most | paling |
peaceful | tenang |
the family | keluarga |
be (progressive) | sedang |
I am reading a book in the garden. | Saya sedang membaca buku di taman. |
My house is the most peaceful in the late afternoon when my family is relaxing. | Rumah saya paling tenang di sore hari ketika keluarga saya sedang bersantai. |
to gather | berkumpul |
the weekend | akhir pekan |
Our extended family will gather on the weekend. | Keluarga besar kami akan berkumpul di akhir pekan. |
the food | makanan |
salty | asin |
it | nya |
Although that food is salty, I still eat it because I am hungry. | Walaupun makanan itu asin, saya tetap memakannya karena saya lapar. |
bitter | pahit |
usually | biasanya |
I usually study in the garden. | Saya biasanya belajar di taman. |
This tea is more bitter than the tea I usually drink. | Teh ini lebih pahit daripada teh yang biasanya saya minum. |
to add | menambahkan |
the sugar | gula |
He adds sugar to the tea. | Dia menambahkan gula ke teh. |
so that | agar |
I eat in the morning so that I am not hungry. | Saya makan pagi agar saya tidak lapar. |
to become | menjadi |
I become calm. | Saya menjadi tenang. |
enough | cukup |
I add sugar so that bitter tea becomes sweet enough. | Saya menambahkan gula agar teh pahit itu menjadi cukup manis. |
the meeting | rapat |
short | singkat |
That story is short. | Cerita itu singkat. |
so that | supaya |
all | semua |
All my cats are small. | Semua kucing saya kecil. |
to be able to | bisa |
soon | segera |
to go home | pulang |
I go home now. | Saya pulang sekarang. |
That meeting will be short enough so that everyone can go home soon. | Rapat itu akan cukup singkat supaya semua orang bisa segera pulang. |
simple | sederhana |
but | tetapi |
I like small cats, but my friend likes dogs. | Saya suka kucing kecil, tetapi teman saya suka anjing. |
have to | harus |
to make | membuat |
quick | cepat |
the decision | keputusan |
This situation may be simple, but we still have to make a quick decision. | Keadaan ini mungkin sederhana, tetapi kami tetap harus membuat keputusan cepat. |
the question | pertanyaan |
that | yang |
can | bisa |
to answer | menjawab |
I like simple questions, because I can answer them quickly. | Saya suka pertanyaan yang sederhana, karena saya bisa menjawabnya dengan cepat. |
many | banyak |
to arise | muncul |
Many questions arise when our extended family gathers at grandma’s house. | Banyak pertanyaan muncul ketika keluarga besar kami berkumpul di rumah nenek. |
clear | jelas |
My sentence is clear. | Kalimat saya jelas. |
I answer that question calmly and clearly. | Saya menjawab pertanyaan itu dengan tenang dan jelas. |
the meeting schedule | jadwal rapat |
to need | perlu |
I need to talk with my friend. | Saya perlu bicara dengan teman saya. |
to change | ubah |
there | sana |
I go there. | Saya pergi ke sana. |
I think the meeting schedule needs to be changed because the food there is too salty. | Saya pikir jadwal rapat perlu diubah karena makanan di sana terlalu asin. |
patient | sabar |
I wait for a friend patiently. | Saya menunggu teman dengan sabar. |
in | dalam |
He/She is the most patient person in our family. | Dia adalah orang paling sabar dalam keluarga kami. |
to make | buat |
I make a cake. | Saya buat kue. |
Although this meeting is simple, many important decisions can be made. | Walaupun rapat ini sederhana, banyak keputusan penting bisa dibuat. |
the bag | tas |
heavy | berat |
That book is heavy. | Buku itu berat. |
to carry | bawa |
yesterday | kemarin |
Yesterday, I went to the market. | Kemarin, saya pergi ke pasar. |
This bag is heavier than the bag I carried yesterday. | Tas ini lebih berat daripada tas yang saya bawa kemarin. |
delicious | enak |
I like delicious food. | Saya suka makanan enak. |
That hot coffee is the most delicious to drink before a morning meeting. | Kopi panas itu paling enak diminum sebelum rapat pagi. |
to be grateful | bersyukur |
I am grateful today because I have a beautiful house. | Saya bersyukur hari ini karena saya punya rumah yang cantik. |
stable | stabil |
My meeting schedule is stable. | Jadwal rapat saya stabil. |
We are grateful that the situation now is stable enough and calm. | Kami bersyukur keadaan sekarang cukup stabil dan tenang. |
daily | harian |
I write in a diary. | Saya menulis di buku harian. |
the schedule | jadwal |
I change the schedule so that I have time to study. | Saya ubah jadwal supaya saya punya waktu belajar. |
to forget | lupa |
house | rumah |
the chore | tugas |
I make a daily schedule so I don’t forget house chores. | Saya membuat jadwal harian supaya tidak lupa tugas rumah. |
a bit | sedikit |
the trip | perjalanan |
smooth | lancar |
Leaving a bit earlier makes this trip the smoothest. | Pergi sedikit lebih awal membuat perjalanan ini paling lancar. |
even though | meskipun |
Even though I already ate in the morning, I feel hungry. | Meskipun saya sudah makan pagi, saya merasa lapar. |
the situation | situasi |
The situation in the office today is very good. | Situasi di kantor hari ini sangat baik. |
we | kita |
must | harus |
I must study in the morning. | Saya harus belajar di pagi hari. |
to be careful | berhati-hati |
Even though the situation is smooth, we still have to be careful. | Meskipun situasi lancar, kita tetap harus berhati-hati. |
the habit | kebiasaan |
I have a habit of drinking coffee in the morning. | Saya punya kebiasaan minum kopi di pagi hari. |
useful | berguna |
Learning Indonesian is useful. | Belajar bahasa Indonesia berguna. |
Being careful is the most useful habit in a busy situation. | Berhati-hati adalah kebiasaan yang paling berguna dalam keadaan sibuk. |
still | masih |
This coffee is still hot. | Kopi ini masih panas. |
with | bersama |
I play with my friend. | Saya bermain bersama teman saya. |
Although we are busy, we can still gather with family every weekend. | Walaupun kita sibuk, kita masih bisa berkumpul bersama keluarga setiap akhir pekan. |
to speak | bicara |
I speak patiently. | Saya bicara dengan sabar. |
I can speak Indonesian. | Saya bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia. |
to | bagi |
That meeting schedule is important to me. | Jadwal rapat penting bagi saya. |
to bring | bawa |
I forgot to bring a book. | Saya lupa bawa buku. |
I bring a bag to the office. | Saya bawa tas ke kantor. |
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