Saya ubah jadwal supaya saya punya waktu belajar.

Saya ubah jadwal supaya saya punya waktu belajar.
I change the schedule so that I have time to study.
Part of speech
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Questions & Answers about Saya ubah jadwal supaya saya punya waktu belajar.

What does ubah mean, and why is it used in its base form rather than as mengubah?
Ubah means “to change.” In Indonesian, especially in casual conversation, it’s common to use the base form of a verb instead of its full form (like mengubah). This omission of the prefix creates a more succinct, informal expression.
How does the phrase Saya ubah jadwal translate into English, and what is its sentence structure?
The phrase Saya ubah jadwal translates as “I changed my schedule.” Here, saya is the subject (“I”), ubah is the verb (“change”), and jadwal is the object (“schedule”). Indonesian sentences generally do not require articles, so the structure remains straightforward.
What role does supaya play in this sentence?
Supaya is a conjunction that indicates purpose, much like “so that” in English. It connects the main clause to the purpose clause, showing that the schedule was changed with the aim of creating time to study.
How should we interpret the phrase punya waktu belajar?
Punya means “to have,” waktu means “time,” and belajar means “to study.” Together, punya waktu belajar means “to have time to study,” explaining the intended benefit of the schedule change.
Why does the sentence repeat the subject saya in both parts?
Repeating saya in each clause ensures clarity. In Indonesian, it’s common to explicitly state the subject in each clause, even if it refers to the same person, so the connection between the action (changing the schedule) and its purpose (having time to study) is unmistakable.
Could this sentence be expressed differently while retaining the same meaning?
Yes, it can. A more formal version might be: Saya mengubah jadwal agar saya memiliki waktu untuk belajar. In this version, mengubah is the full form of the verb, agar serves as the formal counterpart to supaya, and memiliki is a more formal substitute for punya. Both versions convey that the schedule was changed to allow time for studying.

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