Saya menunggu teman dengan sabar.
I wait for a friend patiently.
Part of speech
Breakdown of Saya menunggu teman dengan sabar.
the friend
to wait
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Questions & Answers about Saya menunggu teman dengan sabar.
What is the function of dengan sabar in the sentence?
Dengan sabar is an adverbial phrase that describes the manner in which the subject is waiting. It translates to "with patience" or "patiently," specifying how the action is carried out.
How does the Indonesian language convey tense in this sentence?
Indonesian verbs are not conjugated to indicate tense. The verb menunggu remains the same regardless of whether the action is past, present, or future. Instead, context or additional time markers are used to clarify the timing of the event.
Why is there no article (like a or the) before teman?
In Indonesian, nouns generally do not require articles. The word teman can mean "friend" or "a friend" depending on context, so additional words like a or the are unnecessary.
Can you explain the structure of the word menunggu?
Certainly. Menunggu is derived from the root word tunggu, which means "to wait." The prefix me- is added to form the active verb. Thus, menunggu means "to wait" or "waiting."
Does the word order in Saya menunggu teman dengan sabar align with typical English sentence structure?
Yes, it does. The sentence follows the Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) order, similar to English. Saya (I) is the subject, menunggu (wait) is the verb, and teman (friend) is the object, with dengan sabar serving as a concluding phrase that describes how the action is performed.
Is there an alternative way to express patiently waiting in Indonesian?
Yes, another common variant is Saya sabar menunggu teman. In this version, sabar directly modifies the verb menunggu, effectively conveying the same meaning as dengan sabar. The difference is subtle and mainly a matter of emphasis and style.
Can the adverbial phrase dengan sabar be moved within the sentence without changing its meaning?
Absolutely. Indonesian allows for flexibility with adverbial phrases. For instance, you could say Dengan sabar, saya menunggu teman and the overall meaning remains the same, though the slight shift in word order may adjust the emphasis.
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