
Part of speech

Usages of di

Awak belajar di kelas setiap pagi.
You learn in class every morning.
Kucing saya sedang tidur di dalam kelas kosong.
My cat is sleeping in an empty classroom.
Dia tanya soalan pada guru di kelas.
He/She asks a question to the teacher in class.
Selepas perjalanan panjang di bandar, kita berehat sebentar sebelum makan malam.
After a long trip in the city, we rest for a while before dinner.
Saya ada keluarga besar di bandar ini.
I have a big family in this city.
Sekarang saya guna laptop baru untuk bekerja di rumah yang tenang.
Now I use a new laptop to work at home that is calm.
Setiap pagi, saya berjalan dengan keluarga saya di taman.
Every morning, I walk with my family in the park.
Bolehkah awak tulis tarikh hari ini di buku itu?
Can you write today's date in that book?
Kita berkumpul di taman selepas kerja.
We gather in the park after work.
Dia baca laporan di pejabat.
He/She reads the report in the office.
Saya sedang tidur di katil.
I am sleeping in bed.
Dia akan pergi ke hotel mewah di tempat yang sibuk esok.
He/She will go to a luxurious hotel in a busy place tomorrow.
Saya akan bersenam di tempat lapang agar boleh buat latihan.
I will exercise in a spacious place so I can do some practice.
Saya belajar di bilik.
I study in the room.
Saya duduk di kelas pada pukul enam.
I sit in class at six o’clock.
Saya masak nasi di dapur.
I cook rice in the kitchen.
Kedai baru terletak di bandar.
The new shop is located in the city.
Saya suka suasana tenang di taman.
I like the calm atmosphere in the park.
Saya guna kipas di bilik.
I use a fan in the room.
Saya duduk bersama enam teman di taman.
I sit with six friends in the park.
Anak saya pandai bermain bola di taman sebelum waktu senja.
My child is clever at playing ball in the park before dusk.
Selepas makan tengahari, saya mencuci pinggan di dapur.
After lunch, I wash the plates in the kitchen.
Bangku panjang di taman itu dibersihkan setiap pagi, jadi orang ramai gembira duduk di sana.
The long bench in the park is cleaned every morning, so people are happy sitting there.
Saya berasa letih selepas berjalan di taman.
I feel tired after walking in the park.
Awak dapat duduk bersama saya di kelas.
You can sit with me in class.
Saya berjalan di taman pada waktu senja.
I walk in the park at dusk.
Badan saya letih selepas berjalan di taman.
My body is tired after walking in the park.
Kami sedang duduk di taman sambil mendengar muzik.
We are sitting in the park while listening to music.
Rakan dan saya berbual sambil minum air di taman.
My friend and I chat while drinking water in the park.
Saya duduk lama di kelas.
I sit in class for a long time.
Saya duduk di pejabat pada waktu siang.
I sit in the office during the daytime.
Abang saya menggunakan telefon baharu untuk berbual dengan ibu di dapur.
My older brother uses a new phone to chat with Mother in the kitchen.
Kakak saya menyiapkan kek manis di dapur untuk sambutan ulang tahun ibu.
My older sister prepares a sweet cake in the kitchen for Mother's birthday celebration.
Tolong buka laci di ruang tamu dan susun perabot hiasan di atas meja.
Please open the drawer in the living room and arrange the decorative furniture on the table.
Saya memandu ke pejabat ketika hujan dan hampir lupa payung di dalam kereta.
I drove to the office when it was raining and almost forgot my umbrella in the car.
Saya lihat anjing di taman.
I see a dog in the park.
Saya gemar bersenam di taman.
I like to exercise in the park.
Saya menunggang basikal di taman supaya saya sihat.
I ride a bicycle in the park so that I am healthy.
Saya gantung baju di bilik.
I hang clothes in the room.
Terdapat kucing comel di rumah.
There is a cute cat in the house.
Saya duduk di ruang tamu.
I sit in the living room.
Mari belajar di kelas sekarang.
Let's study in class now.
Saya tulis laporan di bilik pejabat.
I write a report in the office room.
Saya tinggal di pangsapuri dekat bandar, dan pangsapuri itu sangat selesa.
I live in an apartment near the city, and that apartment is very comfortable.
Kerusi di dapur pangsapuri saya agak kukuh, jadi saya suka duduk di situ.
The chair in my apartment’s kitchen is quite sturdy, so I like sitting there.
Saya duduk di kerusi empuk sambil bersiul lagu kegemaran saya.
I sit on a soft chair while whistling my favorite song.
Ibu saya suka berjalan di taman bunga pada waktu senja kerana udaranya nyaman.
My mother likes walking in the flower garden at dusk because the air is pleasant.
Bunga yang cantik di taman itu sebenarnya milik mak cik saya.
The beautiful flowers in that garden actually belong to my aunt.
Bunga dan selimut di bilik saya menjadikan suasana lebih ceria dan selesa.
Flowers and a blanket in my room make the atmosphere more cheerful and comfortable.
Saya tidur di katil empuk.
I sleep in a soft bed.
Adik saya cari nota di kelas.
My younger sibling searches for a note in class.
Pemilik duduk di pejabat sekarang.
The owner sits in the office now.
Saya berjalan jauh di taman.
I walk far in the park.
Dia cari payung di kereta.
He/She searches for an umbrella in the car.
Saya berbual dengan kawan di taman.
I chat with a friend in the park.
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