
Part of speech

Usages of ya

Ninapenda paka wangu, lakini paka huyo anapenda kulala katikati ya kitanda.
I like my cat, but that cat likes to sleep in the middle of the bed.
Sipendi kulala katikati ya mchana.
I do not like to sleep in the middle of the afternoon.
Ninapenda kubadilisha ladha ya kitunguu kwa kuongeza karoti wakati napika chakula jikoni.
I like to change the flavor of onion by adding carrot when I cook food in the kitchen.
Mimi ninapenda ladha ya mkate.
I like the flavor of bread.
Tafadhali, usisahau ahadi yako ya kunisaidia kusafisha vyombo leo jioni.
Please, do not forget your promise to help me wash the dishes this evening.
Wazazi wangu wanapenda kujadiliana kuhusu masuala ya familia wakiwa wameketi kwenye kiti kikubwa sebuleni.
My parents like to discuss family matters while seated on a large chair in the living room.
Tumeshafanya mazoezi ya kukimbia asubuhi, sasa tunaandaa kiamsha kinywa kitamu.
We have already done running exercises this morning, now we are preparing a tasty breakfast.
Ninayo hamu ya kukamilisha jaribio hili la kwanza leo.
I have a desire to complete this first attempt today.
Je, unataka kuchora ramani ya mji wetu mpya ili watu waweze kuelewa?
Do you want to draw a map of our new town so that people can understand?
Mimi ninapenda ladha ya supu.
I like the taste of soup.
Chumvi huongeza ladha ya chakula.
Salt enhances the flavor of the food.
Mimi ninashika kamera kwa mkono wangu ili kupiga picha ya daraja.
I am holding a camera in my hand to take a photo of the bridge.
Mimi ninatumia kamera hii kurekodi video fupi ya tulivyopika chakula.
I am using this camera to record a short video of how we cooked the food.
Mara nyingi, mimi hupenda kuketi katika kibanda hicho na kutazama maji ya mto yakitiririka.
Often, I like to sit in that kiosk and watch the river’s water flowing.
Miguu yangu ina maumivu kidogo, lakini bado ninaweza kupumua vizuri ninaposhikilia reli ya basi.
My legs have a bit of pain, but I can still breathe well when I hold onto the bus railing.
Mama ametutayarishia sherehe ndogo ili tusherehekee dada yangu aliyeshinda mashindano ya hesabu shuleni.
Mother has prepared a small party so that we can celebrate my sister who won the math competition at school.
Mama amesema nitumie birika kupasha chai moto, kisha niweke majani ya chai humo.
Mother said I should use the teapot to heat up the tea, then put tea leaves in it.
Ningependa kupendekeza tukutane mapema kesho, ili tushirikiane kufanya mazoezi ya somo letu la hesabu.
I would like to suggest that we meet early tomorrow, so that we can cooperate in doing practice for our math subject.
Njia ya kwenda shuleni ni rahisi.
The way to go to school is easy.
Mimi na Juma tunatembea wakati mwingine katikati ya mji.
Juma and I sometimes walk in the middle of town.
Tumejadili mada ya kusaidia masikini katika kikundi chetu leo.
We have discussed the topic of helping the poor in our group today.
Kuna semina muhimu kesho, itakayozungumzia maendeleo ya shule ya msingi.
There is an important seminar tomorrow, which will discuss the development of the primary school.
Baba alisema kwamba kukosa fahamu ya teknolojia huzuia maendeleo.
Father said that lacking knowledge of technology hinders development.
Harufu hii ya chai inanikumbusha nyumbani.
This smell of tea reminds me of home.
Mama anapenda kubadilisha mapishi ya chapati kila wiki.
Mother likes to change the chapati recipe every week.
Je, unajua idadi kamili ya wageni watakaofika leo jioni?
Do you know the exact number of guests who will arrive this evening?
Mimi ninapenda harufu ya maua.
I like the scent of flowers.
Mimi nina idadi ya marafiki.
I have a number of friends.
Mimi nilikumbuka sherehe ya jana.
I remembered yesterday's celebration.
Kaka yangu alipaswa kuingiza makaratasi kwenye faili, lakini amesahau kutia baadhi ya nyaraka muhimu.
My brother was supposed to insert papers into a file, but he forgot to put in some important documents.
Baba anataka tugeuze mtazamo wetu, ili tusishindwe kuboresha maisha ya jamii.
Father wants us to change our perspective, so that we do not fail to improve the community’s life.
Tulimwona kiongozi huyo akiwasilisha ripoti ya maendeleo jana.
We saw that leader presenting the development report yesterday.
Leo nimepata kumbukumbu nzuri ya utoto wangu nilipofika baharini.
Today I got a pleasant memory of my childhood when I arrived at the ocean.
Katika hifadhi ya wanyama, tuliona simba wakitafuta chakula.
In the wildlife reserve, we saw lions searching for food.
Jarida hili ninalolisoma linazungumzia mabadiliko ya tabianchi.
This magazine that I am reading talks about climate change.
Nimeomba ushauri wa kiongozi juu ya jinsi ya kuanzisha biashara ndogo.
I have asked the leader for advice on how to start a small business.
Jana tulipanda kilima kirefu ili kufurahia mandhari ya kijiji.
Yesterday we climbed a tall hill to enjoy the view of the village.
Kilima hiki kinafaa kwa mazoezi ya kukimbia asubuhi.
This hill is suitable for morning running exercises.
Watoto wanafundishwa misingi ya heshima wakiwa bado wadogo.
Children are taught the foundations of respect while they are still young.
Misingi ya maadili inatusaidia kujenga jamii yenye upendo.
Foundations of ethics help us build a loving community.
Mimi nina daftari jipya la kuandika mawazo yangu ya kila siku.
I have a new notebook to write my daily thoughts.
Tafadhali, nakusihi utoe daftari lako ili tuandike majina ya wageni.
Please, I beg you to bring out your notebook so we can write the names of the visitors.
Nataka uinua ndoo hii ya maji, lakini kuwa mwangalifu isikumwagike.
I want you to lift this bucket of water, but be careful it does not spill.
Mama anapendelea rangi nyekundu zaidi kuliko rangi ya kijani.
Mother prefers the color red more than the color green.
Tabia ya kusoma kila siku inamsaidia Asha kupata mafanikio darasani.
The habit of reading every day helps Asha achieve success in class.
Nimekutana na bwana yule sokoni, tukazungumza kuhusu bei ya mboga.
I met that gentleman at the market, and we talked about the price of vegetables.
Hatimaye, tulimaliza zoezi la kukimbia na tukapumzika kando ya barabara.
Finally, we finished the running exercise and rested on the side of the road.
Leo nimepata bahati ya kuona upinde wa mvua asubuhi.
Today I got lucky to see a rainbow in the morning.
Ili kutekeleza mpango huu, tunahitaji ratiba mpya ya masomo.
In order to carry out this plan, we need a new study schedule.
Vijana wakifanya kazi pamoja, nafasi ya mafanikio inaongezeka mno.
When young people work together, the chance of success increases greatly.
Nauli ya daladala imeongezeka, kwa hiyo tunahitaji kupanga bajeti vizuri.
The fare for the minibus has gone up, so we need to plan our budget carefully.
Asha anapenda kupika wali na karanga ili kupata ladha ya kipekee.
Asha likes to cook rice with peanuts to get a unique taste.
Mimi ninaona uhitaji wa kuandika orodha ya mahitaji kabla ya kwenda dukani.
I see the need to write a list of requirements before going to the shop.
Mimi nina orodha ya maswali.
I have a list of questions.
Ninatumia akili yangu kupanga matumizi ya hela, ili nisipate shida baadaye.
I am using my mind to plan my use of money, so that I do not have problems later.
Sakafu ya chumba hiki inang’aa kwa sababu mama aliifagia na kupiga deki asubuhi.
The floor of this room shines because mother swept and mopped it this morning.
Akiwa chipukizi katika somo la falsafa, kaka anafurahia kujadili mawazo mapya na kutazama nuru ya ufahamu.
As a beginner in philosophy, my brother enjoys discussing new ideas and seeing the light of understanding.
Mwalimu anasema ni bora tujiandikishe kwa ada mapema, ili baadaye tusikose nafasi ya kusoma chuo kikuu.
The teacher says it is better to register for fees early, so that we do not lose the chance to study at the university later.
Nuru ya jua ikiwaka sakafuni, tunapata hisia nzuri za amani asubuhi.
When the sunlight shines on the floor, we get a peaceful feeling in the morning.
Tafadhali usiache kuitumia pakiti hii ya vitabu, kwa maana kuna vitabu muhimu vya uchunguzi huko ndani.
Please do not stop using this packet of books, because there are important investigative books inside.
Mama analipa ada ya shule.
Mother pays the school fee.
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