
Usages of mwalimu

Mwalimu anafundisha watoto kila siku.
The teacher teaches children every day.
Wewe unaandika barua kwa mwalimu?
Are you writing a letter to the teacher?
Shughuli hii itatusaidia kuwasiliana vizuri na walimu wetu.
This activity will help us communicate well with our teachers.
Baba anasema tunapaswa kuwasiliana na walimu kabla ya jaribio lijalo.
Father says we should communicate with the teachers before the coming test.
Tafadhali, usijali kukosea tunapojifunza; badala yake, jaribu kujibu swali la mwalimu.
Please, do not worry about making mistakes when we learn; instead, try to answer the teacher’s question.
Mwalimu anatarajia wanafunzi kujifunza darasani.
The teacher expects the students to learn in the classroom.
Usisite kumsalimia mwalimu wako unapomwona barabarani.
Do not hesitate to greet your teacher when you see him on the road.
Mwalimu anafundisha heshima.
The teacher teaches respect.
Walimu wanasema kushirikiana darasani hutusaidia kusamehe makosa madogo pia.
Teachers say that cooperating in class helps us to forgive small mistakes too.
Mwalimu anasema suluhisho ni muhimu.
The teacher says the solution is important.
Mimi ninashukuru mwalimu.
I thank the teacher.
Mwalimu anafundisha hesabu kwa wanafunzi.
The teacher teaches math to students.
Mwalimu anataka jibu.
The teacher wants an answer.
Mwalimu wa shule ya msingi anahitaji sahihi ya mzazi kwenye ripoti za wanafunzi.
The primary school teacher needs a parent’s signature on the students’ reports.
Baada ya semina, tutakuwa na kongamano la walimu na wazazi kujadili mustakabali wa elimu.
After the seminar, we will have a conference of teachers and parents to discuss the future of education.
Mwalimu anataka fomu.
The teacher wants a form.
Mwalimu anazungumzia hesabu.
The teacher discusses math.
Mwalimu anafundisha jinsi ya kuandika barua.
The teacher teaches how to write a letter.
Walimu katika shule ya sekondari wanawapa wanafunzi tahadhari kuhusu mitihani migumu.
The teachers at the secondary school give the students caution about difficult exams.
Mwalimu anatoa maelekezo.
The teacher gives instructions.
Mwalimu anajaribu kuzuia makosa darasani.
The teacher tries to prevent mistakes in class.
Mazungumzo kati ya walimu na wazazi yalidumu hadi jioni.
The conversation between teachers and parents lasted until the evening.
Mwalimu ni mwenye furaha.
The teacher is happy.
Watoto walifikiria kutoroka mwalimu, lakini waligundua si busara.
The children thought of escaping from the teacher, but they realized it was not wise.
Mwalimu anasifu usikivu wa wanafunzi wakati wa somo la hesabu.
The teacher praises the students’ attentiveness during the math lesson.
Napenda kutoa shukrani kwa mwalimu ambaye alitusaidia kujifunza vizuri.
I like to express thanks to the teacher who helped us learn well.
Mwalimu anainua kitabu darasani.
The teacher lifts a book in class.
Ni muhimu kupata ruhusa kutoka kwa mwalimu kabla ya kuondoka darasani.
It is important to get permission from the teacher before leaving the classroom.
Walimu wanatuambia tupange malengo ili tufikie mafanikio makubwa.
Teachers tell us to set goals so that we achieve great success.
Unapaswa kutoa tabasamu unapomsalimia mwalimu wako asubuhi.
You should give a smile when you greet your teacher in the morning.
Mwalimu anafundisha somo la mwisho.
The teacher teaches the last lesson.
Mwalimu anatoa maelezo muhimu darasani.
The teacher gives important explanations in the class.
Wakati tunajifunza, bidii yetu inaweza kuongezeka ikiwa tutapata mwalimu anayefaa.
When we are learning, our effort can increase if we find the right teacher.
Mwalimu alipendekeza tuboreshe mwandiko wetu, ili tuweze kuandika inavyoeleweka.
The teacher suggested that we improve our handwriting so that we can write clearly.
Mwalimu anatutaka tujifunze msamiati mpya kabla ya mtihani wa kesho.
The teacher wants us to learn new vocabulary before tomorrow’s test.
Mimi ninawashukuru walimu wanaonisaidia kujifunza msamiati mgumu kwa utaratibu.
I thank the teachers who help me learn difficult vocabulary systematically.
Mwalimu anasema ni bora tujiandikishe kwa ada mapema, ili baadaye tusikose nafasi ya kusoma chuo kikuu.
The teacher says it is better to register for fees early, so that we do not lose the chance to study at the university later.
Kama hatuwezi kuunda msamiati vizuri, tunaweza kuuliza mwalimu atusaidie.
If we cannot build our vocabulary well, we can ask the teacher to help us.
Mwalimu anasaidia wanafunzi kufahamu somo.
The teacher helps the students understand the lesson.
Mwalimu anakupa mwanafunzi kitabu.
The teacher gives the student a book.
Mwalimu anasaidia wanafunzi kufanya uchunguzi muhimu darasani.
The teacher helps the students do an important investigation in class.
Mwalimu anataka kukumbusha wanafunzi.
The teacher wants to remind the students.
Mimi ninampa mwalimu kitabu.
I give the teacher a book. is an online learning platform
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