
Part of speech

Usages of katika

Yeye anapika nyumbani jioni.
He/She cooks at home in the evening.
Mimi ninapenda chai jioni.
I like tea in the evening.
Wewe unataka maziwa asubuhi?
Do you want milk in the morning?
Sisi tunacheza jioni nyumbani.
We are playing at home in the evening.
Yeye anakunywa maziwa asubuhi.
He/She drinks milk in the morning.
Baba anakuja nyumbani jioni.
Father is coming home in the evening.
Mimi navaa shati hili jioni.
I am wearing this shirt in the evening.
Ninapenda paka wangu, lakini paka huyo anapenda kulala katikati ya kitanda.
I like my cat, but that cat likes to sleep in the middle of the bed.
Mvua itanyesha jioni, kwa hiyo tulete mwavuli sokoni.
It will rain in the evening, so let’s bring an umbrella to the market.
Je, unajua kuogelea baharini wakati wa mchana, au unaogopa maji mengi?
Do you know how to swim in the ocean during the afternoon, or are you afraid of a lot of water?
Mvua itaanza kunyesha jioni.
The rain will start falling in the evening.
Daktari atakuja nyumbani jioni.
The doctor will come home in the evening.
Mama anafikiri kutoogelea baharini mchana ni muhimu.
Mother thinks not swimming in the ocean in the afternoon is important.
Mimi ninapenda kusoma kitabu kizuri jioni.
I like to read a good book in the evening.
Mama na baba wanarudi nyumbani jioni.
Mother and father are returning home in the evening.
Katika mgahawa huu, mimi ninasubiri mhudumu ambaye atanihudumia kitunguu na karoti vilivyopikwa jikoni.
In this restaurant, I am waiting for the waiter who will serve me onion and carrot that were cooked in the kitchen.
Ninapenda kubadilisha ladha ya kitunguu kwa kuongeza karoti wakati napika chakula jikoni.
I like to change the flavor of onion by adding carrot when I cook food in the kitchen.
Baada ya kusubiri taratibu, mhudumu alimleta mkate mtamu katika mgahawa huo.
After waiting patiently, the waiter brought tasty bread to that restaurant.
Mimi pia niliona mwandishi huyo akipeleka gazeti lake katika hoteli kubwa jana.
I also saw that writer taking his newspaper to a big hotel yesterday.
Mama yangu, anayependa kupika, atafurahi tukimtembelea jikoni leo.
My mother, who loves to cook, will be happy if we visit her in the kitchen today.
Ninapendelea kusoma vitabu jioni, lakini kaka yangu anasoma taratibu asubuhi.
I prefer to read books in the evening, but my brother reads slowly in the morning.
Mimi ninatoka nyumbani asubuhi.
I leave home in the morning.
Mimi nitaenda safari asubuhi.
I will go on a trip in the morning.
Nimefanya mazoezi nyumbani leo asubuhi, na sasa ninajisikia mwenye nguvu.
I have done exercises at home this morning, and now I feel strong.
Nimeenda dukani kununua nyama na kuku, ili tuandae mlo mzuri jioni.
I have gone to the shop to buy meat and chicken, so that we can prepare a good meal in the evening.
Baada ya kujadiliana na rafiki zangu, tumekubaliana kufurahia wikendi yetu kijijini bila wasiwasi.
After discussing with my friends, we have agreed to enjoy our weekend in the village without worry.
Mimi ninataka kuepuka mvua jioni.
I want to avoid the rain in the evening.
Tunahitaji kukaribisha watu wapya katika darasa letu ili wajisikie salama.
We need to welcome new people into our class so that they feel safe.
Katika jaribio hili la ujenzi, tunahitaji zana bora ili kazi iwe rahisi.
In this construction attempt, we need good tools so that the work becomes easier.
Mimi ninawasha taa nyumbani jioni.
I am turning on the light at home in the evening.
Mimi ninapenda kupumzika bustanini, nikitazama vipepeo wakiruka juu ya maua.
I like to rest in the garden, watching butterflies flying over the flowers.
Mara nyingi, mimi hupenda kuketi katika kibanda hicho na kutazama maji ya mto yakitiririka.
Often, I like to sit in that kiosk and watch the river’s water flowing.
Mimi ninakula mahindi jioni.
I am eating maize in the evening.
Mwalimu anatarajia wanafunzi kujifunza darasani.
The teacher expects the students to learn in the classroom.
Vijana wengine wanavaa viatu vya michezo wanapokimbia asubuhi.
Some young people wear sports shoes when they run in the morning.
Mama anapenda kupika ugali na wali katika jiko letu jipya.
Mother likes to cook ugali and rice in our new kitchen.
Wewe unaona jiko hilo mjini?
Do you see that stove in town?
Ninapenda kutembea karibu na msitu asubuhi, ili nione wanyama wadogo wanavyoamka.
I like to walk near the forest in the morning, so that I can see the small animals waking up.
Kaka yangu aliniuliza ikiwa ninaweza kumkopesha kitabu, kwa sababu amekikosa katika maktaba.
My brother asked me if I can lend him a book, because he has missed it in the library.
Mimi ninataka kutayarisha chakula kitamu jioni.
I want to prepare delicious food in the evening.
Dereva wetu anajaribu kuepuka trafiki asubuhi, ili tufike kazini mapema.
Our driver is trying to avoid traffic in the morning, so that we arrive at work early.
Tumejadili mada ya kusaidia masikini katika kikundi chetu leo.
We have discussed the topic of helping the poor in our group today.
Teknolojia imeleta mabadiliko makubwa katika shule ya msingi, hasa kwenye ufundishaji.
Technology has brought big changes in primary school, especially in teaching.
Kesho itakuwa mara yetu ya tano kukutana katika kikundi hiki.
Tomorrow will be our fifth time meeting in this group.
Mama anaamini kuwa elimu bora inatufungulia fursa nyingi maishani.
Mother believes that good education opens many opportunities in our lives.
Tafadhali funika chakula ili harufu yake isienee chumbani.
Please cover the food so that its smell does not spread in the room.
Sekunde zako za mwisho darasani zinapaswa kutumika kujipanga.
Your final seconds in class should be used to get organized.
Mimi nanusa maua katika bustani.
I smell flowers in the garden.
Mimi ninatumia kitambaa jikoni.
I use a cloth in the kitchen.
Mimi ninapenda kukaanga mayai jioni.
I like to fry eggs in the evening.
Walimu katika shule ya sekondari wanawapa wanafunzi tahadhari kuhusu mitihani migumu.
The teachers at the secondary school give the students caution about difficult exams.
Katika kijiji chetu, wakulima huuza mazao yao baada ya kuyachanganya kufuatana na ubora.
In our village, farmers sell their produce after mixing them according to quality.
Wakati mwingine mimi hushangaa ni kwa jinsi gani watu hukubali kuingiza mifano migumu katika mijadala rahisi.
Sometimes I am surprised by how people agree to insert difficult examples into simple discussions.
Mwalimu anajaribu kuzuia makosa darasani.
The teacher tries to prevent mistakes in class.
Kiongozi wetu anahamasisha maendeleo katika kijiji hiki.
Our leader is promoting development in this village.
Katika hifadhi ya wanyama, tuliona simba wakitafuta chakula.
In the wildlife reserve, we saw lions searching for food.
Kusoma vitabu vingi kunaleta fursa nzuri za kufanikiwa maishani.
Reading many books creates good opportunities for success in life.
Urafiki huu umeleta fursa zaidi za kushirikiana katika miradi mbalimbali.
This friendship has brought more opportunities to cooperate in various projects.
Mtoto anaanguka nyumbani jioni.
The child is falling at home in the evening.
Wanafunzi wanakaa darasani.
The students are staying in class.
Mimi ninapanda mlima asubuhi.
I climb the mountain in the morning.
Mandhari ni nzuri asubuhi.
The view is beautiful in the morning.
Mama na baba wanaishi katika nyumba yenye upendo.
Mother and father live in a loving house.
Mimi ninajifunza Kiswahili darasani.
I study Swahili in the classroom.
Ni heri uonyeshe usikivu, ili upate matokeo mazuri katika mtihani.
It is better for you to show attentiveness so you get good results in the exam.
Nataka uanze mwanzo mpya katika masomo yako, ili ufaulu vizuri.
I want you to start a new beginning in your studies, so that you succeed well.
Furaha yangu hupungua jioni.
My happiness decreases in the evening.
Katika mchakato wa kujifunza Kiswahili, kila siku unahitaji kufanya mazoezi.
In the process of learning Swahili, you need to practice every day.
Tafadhali usiwe umechelewa katika kipindi cha mwisho ili usipoteze maelezo muhimu.
Please do not be late to the last lesson so that you do not miss important explanations.
Wanyama wengi wanaishi msituni, na tembo ni mojawapo mwenye nguvu kubwa.
Many animals live in the forest, and the elephant is one of them with great strength.
Mtoto huyu anapenda kuiga wazazi wake akipika jikoni.
This child likes to imitate his/her parents when cooking in the kitchen.
Leo nimepata bahati ya kuona upinde wa mvua asubuhi.
Today I got lucky to see a rainbow in the morning.
Unapaswa kutoa tabasamu unapomsalimia mwalimu wako asubuhi.
You should give a smile when you greet your teacher in the morning.
Mimi ninapita daraja jioni.
I pass the bridge in the evening.
Je, utachuma matunda zaidi, kama mapera na parachichi, ukirudi nyumbani jioni?
Will you pick more fruits, such as guavas and avocados, when you return home in the evening?
Watoto wenye furaha wanacheza uwanjani leo, wakishirikiana kuunda michezo mipya.
Happy children are playing in the field today, collaborating to create new games.
Mimi ninapenda mwanga asubuhi.
I like light in the morning.
Mimi ninasoma ukurasa katika kitabu.
I am reading a page in the book.
Mimi ni chipukizi katika somo la falsafa, lakini ninatumia juhudi kubwa kuyafahamu mawazo magumu.
I am a beginner in philosophy, but I am putting in a lot of effort to understand the complex ideas.
Akiwa chipukizi katika somo la falsafa, kaka anafurahia kujadili mawazo mapya na kutazama nuru ya ufahamu.
As a beginner in philosophy, my brother enjoys discussing new ideas and seeing the light of understanding.
Nuru ya jua ikiwaka sakafuni, tunapata hisia nzuri za amani asubuhi.
When the sunlight shines on the floor, we get a peaceful feeling in the morning.
Kusukuma watu wanaokuja kuwasaidia si tabia njema; tafadhali uwe nadhifu katika mawasiliano yako.
Pushing away people who come to help is not good behavior; please be decent in your communication.
Unapotabasamu kwa chipukizi anayetaka kujifunza, unamwongezea juhudi katika masomo.
When you smile at a beginner who wants to learn, you increase his/her effort in studies.
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