Breakdown of Kaka yangu aliniuliza ikiwa ninaweza kumkopesha kitabu, kwa sababu amekikosa katika maktaba.
Questions & Answers about Kaka yangu aliniuliza ikiwa ninaweza kumkopesha kitabu, kwa sababu amekikosa katika maktaba.
Aliniuliza is a compound verb form. It breaks down as follows:
• a- is the subject prefix for he.
• -li- is the past tense marker.
• -ni- is the object marker for me.
• uliza is the verb root meaning ask.
Altogether, it means "he asked me."
Ninaweza means "I can" or "I am able to." It is formed by combining:
• ni- (first person singular marker, meaning I)
• na- (the present tense marker)
• weza (the verb root meaning to be able)
Thus, it expresses the ability to perform an action.
Kumkopesha is an infinitive form. It consists of:
• ku-, the infinitive marker,
• m-, the object prefix referring to him (in this context, the brother),
• kopesha, the verb root meaning to lend.
So, kumkopesha kitabu translates as "to lend him a book."
Certainly. Amekikosa is built as follows:
• a- is the subject prefix for he.
• me- is the perfect tense marker, indicating a completed action.
• ki- is an object marker that refers back to kitabu (book), matching its noun class.
• kosa is the verb root meaning to miss or fail to get.
The phrase katika maktaba means "in the library." Taken together, the clause means that he failed to get the book (or missed it) in the library.