
to be able
Part of speech

Usages of kuweza

Nitamwita kaka yangu, ili tuweze kufagia na kusafisha sebule pamoja.
I will call my brother, so that we can sweep and clean the living room together.
Mimi ninasoma kitabu ili niweze kujifunza.
I am reading a book so that I can learn.
Mimi nina pesa, hivyo ninaweza kununua baiskeli.
I have money, so I can buy a bicycle.
Je, unaweza kujibu swali hili kabla ya mtihani kuanza?
Can you answer this question before the test begins?
Tafadhali uwashe taa ili tuweze kusoma kitabu changu kipya.
Please turn on the light so that we can read my new book.
Je, unataka kuchora ramani ya mji wetu mpya ili watu waweze kuelewa?
Do you want to draw a map of our new town so that people can understand?
Je, mzigo wako ni mzito sana, au unaweza kuubeba pekee yako?
Is your luggage very heavy, or can you carry it by yourself?
Chura wale wanaweza kuwa rafiki wa bustani, kwa sababu wanakula wadudu wabaya.
Those frogs can be friends of the garden, because they eat harmful insects.
Nitachukua kijiko kikubwa ili niweze kutenga wali kwa urahisi.
I will take a big spoon so that I can separate the rice easily.
Miguu yangu ina maumivu kidogo, lakini bado ninaweza kupumua vizuri ninaposhikilia reli ya basi.
My legs have a bit of pain, but I can still breathe well when I hold onto the bus railing.
Akiwa na mgongo unaouma, hawezi kubeba vitu vizito kama kabla.
Having a back that hurts, he cannot carry heavy things as before.
Mama anasema, “Usisite kumsalimia jirani mpya, kwa sababu hujui unaweza kupata rafiki.”
Mother says, “Do not hesitate to greet the new neighbor, because you don’t know if you might get a friend.”
Kaka yangu aliniuliza ikiwa ninaweza kumkopesha kitabu, kwa sababu amekikosa katika maktaba.
My brother asked me if I can lend him a book, because he has missed it in the library.
Mama anataka kununua jembe jipya kabla ya msimu wa kilimo, ili aweze kulima shamba vizuri.
Mother wants to buy a new hoe before the farming season, so that she can cultivate the farm well.
Masikini wanaweza kujifunza mada muhimu, ili wajipatie ujuzi mpya.
Poor people can learn important topics so that they gain new skills.
Tafadhali badilisha ratiba yako ili tuweze kusafiri pamoja.
Please change your schedule so that we can travel together.
Mimi ninahitaji muda kamili wa mkutano wetu ili niweze kupanga ratiba.
I need the exact time of our meeting so that I can plan the schedule.
Je, unaweza kuniletea chombo kimoja zaidi kwa ajili ya maji?
Can you bring me one more container for water?
Je, unaweza kusimulia hadithi uliyosikia kutoka kwa bibi yako?
Can you narrate the story you heard from your grandmother?
Baada ya kazi ndefu, mimi ninaweza kuchoka sana jioni.
After a long day of work, I can become very tired in the evening.
Unapaswa kuwa mfano mzuri, ili wengine wasiweze kuiga tabia mbaya.
You should be a good example, so that others cannot imitate bad behavior.
Wakati tunajifunza, bidii yetu inaweza kuongezeka ikiwa tutapata mwalimu anayefaa.
When we are learning, our effort can increase if we find the right teacher.
Tafadhali usiketi vibaya; unaweza kuegemea ukuta ili mgongo usiume.
Please do not sit awkwardly; you can lean against the wall so your back does not hurt.
Je, unadhani kula chakula kichafu kunaweza kudhuru afya yako?
Do you think eating dirty food can harm your health?
Vijana wanajifunza jinsi ya kuepuka mambo yanayoweza kudhuru maendeleo yao.
Young people are learning how to avoid things that can harm their progress.
Mwalimu alipendekeza tuboreshe mwandiko wetu, ili tuweze kuandika inavyoeleweka.
The teacher suggested that we improve our handwriting so that we can write clearly.
Samahani, soksi hizi ni safi sasa baada ya kufua, unaweza kuzivaa.
Sorry, these socks are now clean after washing; you can wear them.
Tafuta kitabu chenye kurasa nyingi, ili uweze kusoma kwa muda mrefu.
Look for a book that has many pages, so that you can read for a long time.
Samahani, siwezi kuja darasani leo.
Excuse me, I cannot come to class today.
Matumaini yangu ni kwamba mimi nitaweza kudhibiti muda wangu, ili nihudhurie vipindi vyote.
My hope is that I will be able to control my time, so that I can attend all classes.
Tunapaswa kuyafanyia uchunguzi makosa yetu, ili tuweze kuyarekebisha kabla ya kufanya jaribio jipya.
We need to investigate our mistakes so that we can fix them before taking a new test.
Ninampa dada hela kidogo, ili aweze kulipa ada yake bila mkopo mkubwa.
I am giving my sister a little money so that she can pay her fee without a large loan.
Kama hatuwezi kuunda msamiati vizuri, tunaweza kuuliza mwalimu atusaidie.
If we cannot build our vocabulary well, we can ask the teacher to help us.
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