Question | Answer |
who | siapa |
Who has the important book? | Siapa ada buku penting? |
next to | di sebelah |
I sit next to my cat. | Saya duduk di sebelah kucing saya. |
Who is the person next to you? | Siapakah orang di sebelah awak? |
why | mengapa |
not yet | belum |
Why has he/she not yet entered the class? | Mengapa dia belum masuk ke kelas? |
comfortable | selesa |
I live in an apartment near the city, and that apartment is very comfortable. | Saya tinggal di pangsapuri dekat bandar, dan pangsapuri itu sangat selesa. |
the apartment | pangsapuri |
must | harus |
to be careful | berhati-hati |
to go up | naik |
This apartment has tall stairs, so I must be careful when going up. | Pangsapuri ini ada tangga yang tinggi, jadi saya harus berhati-hati apabila naik. |
the chair | kerusi |
sturdy | kukuh |
My house is sturdy. | Rumah saya kukuh. |
The chair in my apartment’s kitchen is quite sturdy, so I like sitting there. | Kerusi di dapur pangsapuri saya agak kukuh, jadi saya suka duduk di situ. |
soft | empuk |
I sleep in a soft bed. | Saya tidur di katil empuk. |
to whistle | bersiul |
the song | lagu |
I am listening to a song. | Saya sedang mendengar lagu. |
favorite | kegemaran |
My favorite book is interesting. | Buku kegemaran saya menarik. |
I sit on a soft chair while whistling my favorite song. | Saya duduk di kerusi empuk sambil bersiul lagu kegemaran saya. |
how | bagaimana |
the car key | kunci kereta |
I forgot to bring the car key. | Saya lupa bawa kunci kereta. |
lost | hilang |
How do you go to the market if your car key is lost? | Bagaimana awak pergi ke pasar jika kunci kereta awak hilang? |
to search for | cari |
the key | kunci |
finally | akhirnya |
I finally arrive at the office. | Saya akhirnya tiba di pejabat. |
a | sehelai |
I give you a note. | Saya bagi sehelai nota kepada awak. |
the blanket | selimut |
I searched for that key on the stairs, and I finally found it under a blanket. | Saya cari kunci itu di tangga, dan akhirnya saya jumpa di bawah sehelai selimut. |
thick | tebal |
I read a thick book when studying history. | Saya baca buku tebal ketika belajar sejarah. |
to help | membantu |
This thick blanket helps me sleep soundly even though the weather is cold. | Selimut tebal ini membantu saya tidur lena walaupun cuaca sejuk. |
to borrow | meminjam |
I borrow a hat from my roommate. | Saya meminjam topi dari teman serumah saya. |
or | atau |
to have the chance | sempat |
Have you already borrowed the important book from the teacher, or have you not had the chance yet? | Adakah awak sudah meminjam buku penting kepada guru, atau awak belum sempat? |
to borrow | pinjam |
to return | pulangkan |
I return the book to the teacher. | Saya pulangkan buku kepada guru. |
to end | tamat |
Class ends now. | Kelas tamat sekarang. |
I borrowed that book yesterday, but I must return it before class ends. | Saya pinjam buku itu semalam, tetapi saya harus pulangkannya sebelum kelas tamat. |
when | bilakah |
to visit | melawat |
I visit the park tomorrow. | Saya melawat taman esok. |
the garden | taman |
flower | bunga |
When will we visit the flower garden by that river? | Bilakah kita akan melawat taman bunga di tepi sungai itu? |
dusk | senja |
pleasant | nyaman |
My mother likes walking in the flower garden at dusk because the air is pleasant. | Ibu saya suka berjalan di taman bunga pada waktu senja kerana udaranya nyaman. |
the flower | bunga |
beautiful | cantik |
My friend is beautiful. | Teman saya cantik. |
actually | sebenarnya |
I actually need to rest after work. | Saya sebenarnya perlu berehat selepas kerja. |
to belong | milik |
the aunt | mak cik |
Aunt is cooking rice now. | Mak cik sedang masak nasi. |
The beautiful flowers in that garden actually belong to my aunt. | Bunga yang cantik di taman itu sebenarnya milik mak cik saya. |
the pillow | bantal |
soft | lembut |
My pillow is soft. | Bantal saya lembut. |
He/She brings a new pillow and a soft blanket to class because he/she wants to rest for a while. | Dia membawa bantal baharu dan selimut lembut ke kelas kerana dia mahu berehat sebentar. |
vegetable | sayur |
the canteen | kantin |
I eat rice at the canteen. | Saya makan nasi di kantin. |
I haven’t eaten lunch yet, so I feel we must buy rice or vegetable curry at the canteen. | Saya belum makan tengahari, jadi saya rasa kita harus membeli nasi atau kari sayur di kantin. |
delicious | enak |
I eat delicious rice. | Saya makan nasi enak. |
He/She learned to cook a delicious vegetable curry last weekend. | Dia belajar memasak kari sayur yang enak pada hujung minggu lalu. |
whereas | sedangkan |
I eat rice whereas he/she drinks water. | Saya makan nasi sedangkan dia minum air. |
Why are you sitting here whistling, whereas we have an important task to complete? | Mengapa awak duduk di sini dan bersiul, sedangkan kita ada tugasan penting untuk disiapkan? |
to finish | selesaikan |
to look for | cari |
the idea | idea |
I have a new idea. | Saya ada idea baru. |
I will finish that task later, but right now I need to look for a new idea. | Saya akan selesaikan tugasan itu nanti, tetapi sekarang saya perlu cari idea baharu. |
the owner | pemilik |
The owner sits in the office now. | Pemilik duduk di pejabat sekarang. |
maybe | mungkin |
to put back | letak semula |
I put the car key back on the table. | Saya letak semula kunci kereta di meja. |
to take by mistake | tersalah ambil |
Whose phone is this? Maybe we can put it back on the table so it is not taken by mistake. | Siapakah pemilik telefon ini? Mungkin kita boleh letak semula di meja supaya tidak tersalah ambil. |
to contact | menghubungi |
I contact the boss. | Saya menghubungi bos. |
to think | rasa |
not | bukan |
He/She is not a teacher. | Dia bukan guru. |
I want to borrow that phone to contact my older brother, but I think it does not belong to me. | Saya mahu pinjam telefon itu untuk menghubungi abang saya, tetapi saya rasa ia bukan milik saya. |
to stop | berhenti |
I stop chatting and start studying. | Saya berhenti berbual dan mula belajar. |
Please ask him/her: “When will you stop working today?” so that we can go out together. | Tolong tanya dia: “Bilakah awak akan berhenti kerja hari ini?” supaya kita boleh keluar bersama. |
should | harus |
to depart | berangkat |
He/She departs for the city with a new car. | Dia berangkat ke bandar dengan kereta baru. |
rather | agak |
The weather today is rather hot. | Cuaca hari ini agak panas. |
far | jauh |
I walk far in the park. | Saya berjalan jauh di taman. |
I think we should depart early tomorrow morning, because the trip to the office is rather far. | Saya rasa kita harus berangkat awal pagi esok, kerana perjalanan ke pejabat agak jauh. |
to go down | turun |
the stair | tangga |
to greet | menyambut |
them | mereka |
They have not arrived at that apartment yet, so maybe I will go down the stairs to greet them. | Mereka belum tiba di pangsapuri itu, jadi mungkin saya akan turun tangga untuk menyambut mereka. |
to solve | selesaikan |
the issue | isu |
I write a report about the issue. | Saya tulis laporan tentang isu. |
How did you solve the issue of the lost key yesterday? | Bagaimana awak selesaikan isu kunci hilang itu semalam? |
to realize | sedar |
I realize the class is empty. | Saya sedar kelas itu kosong. |
missing | hilang |
to go up | menaiki |
then | lalu |
I eat rice then drink fresh water. | Saya makan nasi lalu minum air segar. |
immediately | terus |
I immediately go to the office. | Saya terus pergi ke pejabat. |
to search | cari |
He/She searches for an umbrella in the car. | Dia cari payung di kereta. |
around | sekitar |
I realized my key was missing when going up the stairs, so I immediately searched around the flower garden. | Saya sedar kunci saya hilang ketika menaiki tangga, lalu saya terus cari di sekitar taman bunga. |
that/which | yang |
hard | keras |
This table is hard. | Meja ini keras. |
to want | ingin |
I want to go to the park. | Saya ingin pergi ke taman. |
to ask | bertanya |
I am asking my mother about the hat. | Saya sedang bertanya kepada ibu tentang topi. |
the friend | kawan |
I chat with a friend in the park. | Saya berbual dengan kawan di taman. |
The pillow I use is quite hard, so I want to ask my friend if I can borrow his/her pillow. | Bantal yang saya guna agak keras, jadi saya ingin bertanya kawan jika saya boleh pinjam bantalnya. |
Why do you feel tired today? Have you not slept enough? | Mengapa awak berasa letih hari ini? Adakah awak belum tidur cukup? |
to make | menjadikan |
cheerful | ceria |
He/She walks cheerfully. | Dia berjalan ceria. |
My cat sleeps comfortably on the bench. | Kucing saya tidur dengan selesa di atas bangku. |
Flowers and a blanket in my room make the atmosphere more cheerful and comfortable. | Bunga dan selimut di bilik saya menjadikan suasana lebih ceria dan selesa. |
who | siapakah |
Who wrote that report? | Siapakah menulis laporan itu? |
Who is cooking the vegetable curry for us tonight? | Siapakah yang memasak kari sayur untuk kita malam ini? |
to appreciate | hargai |
I appreciate my mother. | Saya hargai ibu saya. |
willing | sudi |
He/She is willing to help me. | Dia sudi tolong saya. |
to share | berkongsi |
I share bread with you. | Saya berkongsi roti dengan awak. |
again | lagi |
I want to eat again. | Saya mahu makan lagi. |
We must appreciate the person who is willing to share delicious food, so that he/she will be happy to help us again. | Harus kita hargai orang yang sudi berkongsi makanan sedap, supaya dia gembira membantu kita lagi. |
the stairs | tangga |
He/She goes up the stairs quickly to class. | Dia naik tangga dengan cepat ke kelas. |
the younger sibling | adik |
Adik goes home after studying. | Adik pulang ke rumah selepas belajar. |
My younger sibling searches for a note in class. | Adik saya cari nota di kelas. |
the sky | langit |
beautiful | indah |
That park is beautiful. | Taman itu indah. |
The dusk sky is beautiful. | Langit senja indah. |
quickly | cepat |
He/She goes down the stairs quickly. | Dia turun tangga cepat. |
I finish this work quickly. | Saya selesaikan kerja ini dengan cepat. |
to arrive | sampai |
I arrive home before dinner. | Saya sampai ke rumah sebelum makan malam. |
o'clock | pukul |
I arrive at the office around seven o'clock. | Saya sampai di pejabat sekitar pukul tujuh. |
smart | pandai |
He/She is smart at studying history. | Dia pandai belajar sejarah. |
This book makes me smart. | Buku ini menjadikan saya pandai. |
night | malam |
I see the night sky. | Saya lihat langit malam. |
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