Kelas tamat sekarang.

Breakdown of Kelas tamat sekarang.

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Questions & Answers about Kelas tamat sekarang.

How is the sentence Kelas tamat sekarang structured in Malay?
The sentence follows a typical Malay subject-predicate-adverb order. Kelas (class) serves as the subject, tamat (finished/over) is the predicate, and sekarang (now) acts as a time modifier. Notice that unlike English, Malay often omits linking verbs like is.
Why is there no linking verb (such as is) in the sentence?
In Malay, the copula is usually left out when the roles of the subject and predicate are clear. The context and word order eliminate the need for an explicit linking verb, so Kelas tamat sekarang straightforwardly communicates that the class is over now.
What does the word tamat mean, and are there any alternatives?
Tamat means “finished” or “ended.” It is a common term used to indicate that something has come to an end. While Malay also uses berakhir in similar contexts, tamat is more often used in formal or institutional contexts such as concluding a class or course.
How does Malay express tense in this sentence?
Malay does not use verb conjugation to indicate tense. Instead, time is conveyed through context or time indicators. In this case, the adverb sekarang (now) establishes that the action has occurred in the present moment.
How can this statement be turned into a question in Malay?
There are a couple of ways to form a question. For an informal style, you can simply add tak at the end, resulting in Kelas tamat sekarang tak? For a more formal construction, you can begin with Adakah, forming Adakah kelas tamat sekarang? Both versions ask if the class is over now.

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