
Part of speech

Usages of sekarang

Dia minum air sekarang.
He/She drinks water now.
Dia di sana sekarang.
He/She is over there now.
Kita duduk di sini sekarang.
We sit here now.
Saya mahu makan sekarang.
I want to eat now.
Saya pergi ke pasar sekarang.
I go to the market now.
Saya sedang belajar sekarang.
I am learning right now.
Anjing dia duduk di bawah meja sekarang.
His/Her dog is sitting under the table now.
Saya sedang mendengar muzik sekarang.
I am listening to music now.
Anjing saya duduk di luar rumah sekarang.
My dog is sitting outside the house now.
Kucing dia tidur di bawah kereta sekarang.
His/Her cat is sleeping under the car now.
Saya bawa kereta ke pasar sekarang.
I bring the car to the market now.
Dia pulang ke rumah sekarang.
He/She returns home now.
Dia duduk di luar sekarang.
He/She is sitting outside now.
Anjing dia tidak tidur di bawah meja sekarang.
His/Her dog is not sleeping under the table now.
Sekarang saya guna laptop baru untuk bekerja di rumah yang tenang.
Now I use a new laptop to work at home that is calm.
Kereta saya rosak sekarang.
My car is broken now.
Saya tidak suka pejabat bising sekarang.
I do not like noisy offices now.
Dia bawa nota ke kelas sekarang.
He/She brings a note to class now.
Cuaca sekarang tenang.
The weather is calm now.
Dia duduk di situ sekarang.
He/She sits there now.
Saya mula bersenam sekarang.
I start exercising now.
Saya keluar rumah sekarang.
I leave the house now.
Dia tiba di pasar sekarang.
He/She arrives at the market now.
Bos pergi ke mesyuarat sekarang.
The boss goes to the meeting now.
Saya sedang menonton video sekarang.
I am watching video now.
Saya masuk ke kelas sekarang.
I enter the class now.
Saya pergi ke bilik mandi sekarang.
I go to the bathroom now.
Mari kita pergi ke pasar sekarang.
Let's go to the market now.
Saya jemput teman saya ke rumah sekarang.
I invite my friend home now.
Mari belajar di kelas sekarang.
Let's study in class now.
Kelas tamat sekarang.
Class ends now.
Pemilik duduk di pejabat sekarang.
The owner sits in the office now. is an online learning platform
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