Usages of kelas
Awak belajar di kelas setiap pagi.
You learn in class every morning.
Kucing saya sedang tidur di dalam kelas kosong.
My cat is sleeping in an empty classroom.
Dia tanya soalan pada guru di kelas.
He/She asks a question to the teacher in class.
Dia bawa nota ke kelas sekarang.
He/She brings a note to class now.
Saya duduk di kelas pada pukul enam.
I sit in class at six o’clock.
Awak dapat duduk bersama saya di kelas.
You can sit with me in class.
Saya duduk lama di kelas.
I sit in class for a long time.
Saya masuk ke kelas sekarang.
I enter the class now.
Mari belajar di kelas sekarang.
Let's study in class now.
Mengapa dia belum masuk ke kelas?
Why has he/she not yet entered the class?
Saya pinjam buku itu semalam, tetapi saya harus pulangkannya sebelum kelas tamat.
I borrowed that book yesterday, but I must return it before class ends.
Dia membawa bantal baharu dan selimut lembut ke kelas kerana dia mahu berehat sebentar.
He/She brings a new pillow and a soft blanket to class because he/she wants to rest for a while.
Dia naik tangga dengan cepat ke kelas.
He/She goes up the stairs quickly to class.
Adik saya cari nota di kelas.
My younger sibling searches for a note in class.
Kelas tamat sekarang.
Class ends now.
Saya sedar kelas itu kosong.
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