Adik pulang ke rumah selepas belajar.

Adik pulang ke rumah selepas belajar.
Adik goes home after studying.
Part of speech

Breakdown of Adik pulang ke rumah selepas belajar.

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Questions & Answers about Adik pulang ke rumah selepas belajar.

What does adik mean in this sentence?
Adik typically refers to a younger sibling in Malay. It is used to denote someone younger—often a brother or sister—and in informal contexts, it can also address a junior person.
Why is the preposition ke placed before rumah?
In Malay, ke is a directional preposition meaning “to.” Therefore, ke rumah translates to “to the house” or “home,” indicating the destination of the action.
What does the phrase selepas belajar indicate about the timing of the action?
Selepas belajar means “after studying.” It specifies that the action of returning home occurred following the period of studying. Malay expresses time through context words rather than by altering verb forms.
How is tense expressed in this sentence given that the verb is unchanged?
Malay does not conjugate verbs to indicate tense. Instead, the timing of an action is conveyed through context or time expressions like selepas (“after”). So, even though pulang isn’t modified, the phrase selepas belajar provides the necessary temporal reference.
What is the basic sentence structure in "Adik pulang ke rumah selepas belajar"?
The sentence follows a straightforward Subject-Verb-Complement order. Adik is the subject, pulang serves as the verb, and ke rumah selepas belajar functions as the complement—combining the destination (ke rumah) with the time phrase (selepas belajar). This type of structure is common in Malay.

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