
Part of speech

Usages of na

Mimi ninaishi na baba na mama mjini.
I live with father and mother in town.
Asha na Juma wanakuja nyumbani sasa.
Asha and Juma are coming home now.
Mama anasafisha nyumba leo, na mimi nitamsaidia kufagia chumba hiki.
Mother is cleaning the house today, and I will help her sweep this room.
Kesho asubuhi, tutapika chakula kitamu na kuandaa meza kwa wageni.
Tomorrow morning, we will cook delicious food and prepare the table for guests.
Nitamwita kaka yangu, ili tuweze kufagia na kusafisha sebule pamoja.
I will call my brother, so that we can sweep and clean the living room together.
Mbwa wangu anapenda kucheza nje wakati jua linawaka na upepo unavuma polepole.
My dog likes to play outside when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing gently.
Mama na baba wanapumzika karibu na bahari.
Mother and father are resting near the ocean.
Mama na baba wanarudi nyumbani jioni.
Mother and father are returning home in the evening.
Leo asubuhi, mimi ninataka kunywa kahawa na kula mkate.
This morning, I want to drink coffee and eat bread.
Katika mgahawa huu, mimi ninasubiri mhudumu ambaye atanihudumia kitunguu na karoti vilivyopikwa jikoni.
In this restaurant, I am waiting for the waiter who will serve me onion and carrot that were cooked in the kitchen.
Hoteli hii inauza kahawa na mkate, lakini haikuhudumia vitafunio jana usiku.
This hotel sells coffee and bread, but it did not serve snacks last night.
Kabla ya kuingia darasani, hakikisha umebeba kitabu na kalamu.
Before entering the classroom, make sure you have brought a book and a pen.
Je, ungependa kuingia jikoni kusaidia kupika mkate na kitunguu leo?
Would you like to enter the kitchen to help cook bread and onion today?
Tukimaliza chakula, tutasubiri mgahawa ufunguliwe tena ili tuchukue karoti na kahawa.
When we finish our meal, we will wait for the restaurant to open again so that we can take carrots and coffee.
Mimi na Juma tunapika chakula cha jioni.
Juma and I are cooking dinner.
Nimefanya mazoezi nyumbani leo asubuhi, na sasa ninajisikia mwenye nguvu.
I have done exercises at home this morning, and now I feel strong.
Nimefurahi sana leo kwa sababu sikuchelewa kazini, na nimepata zawadi ndogo.
I am very happy today because I was not late to work, and I have received a small gift.
Leo nimemwona baba akicheza mpira na marafiki zake, nami ninataka kujiunga nao.
Today I have seen father playing ball with his friends, and I want to join them.
Nimeenda dukani kununua nyama na kuku, ili tuandae mlo mzuri jioni.
I have gone to the shop to buy meat and chicken, so that we can prepare a good meal in the evening.
Tangu nimepoteza mfuko huo, nimekuwa makini sana kupunguza uoga wangu na kujifunza kutunza vitu vyangu.
Since I lost that bag, I have been very careful to reduce my fear and learn to take care of my belongings.
Kumbatio hilo limenisaidia kuondoa uchovu mchana huu, na sasa ninahisi amani.
That hug has helped me remove my tiredness this afternoon, and now I feel peace.
Mimi na wewe tunakubaliana.
You and I agree.
Unapaswa kuzingatia afya yako kwa kula vizuri na kupumzika.
You should consider your health by eating well and resting.
Mimi na Juma tunasaidia ujenzi wa nyumba.
Juma and I help the construction of the house.
Mimi napenda kujaribu na kukosea kila siku.
I like to try and make mistakes every day.
Bustani yetu imejaa maua mazuri na vipepeo wenye rangi za kuvutia.
Our garden is full of beautiful flowers and butterflies with captivating colors.
Mara nyingi, mimi hupenda kuketi katika kibanda hicho na kutazama maji ya mto yakitiririka.
Often, I like to sit in that kiosk and watch the river’s water flowing.
Ninapenda rangi za samawati na kijani kwenye nguo zangu za likizo.
I love the colors blue and green on my holiday clothes.
Bustani hii ina majani ya kijani na mawingu ya samawati juu yake.
This garden has green leaves and blue clouds above it.
Kitambaa hicho kinasafishwa kwa uangalifu, na kitufe kinaonekana maridadi.
That fabric is carefully cleaned, and the button looks elegant.
Mama anapenda kupika ugali na wali katika jiko letu jipya.
Mother likes to cook ugali and rice in our new kitchen.
Nimejifunza kwamba kusamehe marafiki zetu hutuleta karibu na kutusaidia kupendana zaidi.
I have learned that forgiving our friends brings us closer and helps us to love each other more.
Nitamshukuru dada yangu na kumkumbatia kwa kuwa amekubali kushirikiana nami kumsaidia mama.
I will thank my sister and hug her because she has agreed to cooperate with me to help mother.
Dada yangu alinunua shuka mpya na pazia refu ili upambe chumba chake cha kulala.
My sister bought a new bedsheet and a long curtain to decorate her bedroom.
Baada ya kuoga, yeye hutandika shuka hilo kitandani na kufunga pazia kabla ya kulala.
After bathing, she spreads that bedsheet on the bed and closes the curtain before sleeping.
Wanafunzi wengine walipendekeza tufanye kikao cha maswali na majibu, ili kila mtu asikose uelewa.
Other students suggested that we hold a question and answer session, so that nobody misses understanding.
Mimi na wewe tunasameheana kwa upendo.
You and I forgive each other with love.
Mimi na wengine tunacheza mpira.
I and others are playing ball.
Mimi na Juma tunatumia jembe shambani.
Juma and I use a hoe on the farm.
Mimi ninapika nyanya na karoti jikoni.
I am cooking tomatoes and carrots in the kitchen.
Mimi na Juma tunatembea wakati mwingine katikati ya mji.
Juma and I sometimes walk in the middle of town.
Hii ni sinema yangu ya kwanza, na ninatarajia kufurahia filamu nzuri.
This is my first cinema experience, and I hope to enjoy a good movie.
Sinema hiyo ina teknolojia ya kisasa, ambayo inaboresha sauti na picha.
That cinema has modern technology, which improves sound and picture.
Baada ya semina, tutakuwa na kongamano la walimu na wazazi kujadili mustakabali wa elimu.
After the seminar, we will have a conference of teachers and parents to discuss the future of education.
Hii ni mechi yetu ya sita ya mpira wa miguu, na tunajitahidi kushinda.
This is our sixth soccer match, and we are striving to win.
Leo, mimi na Juma tunaenda safari.
Today, Juma and I are going on a journey.
Ninapohisi baridi, ninavaa kofia na sweta.
When I feel cold, I wear a hat and a sweater.
Mimi na Juma tunatembea karibu na bahari.
Juma and I are walking near the ocean.
Mama yangu anaandaa bidhaa mbalimbali, kama vile vikapu na vikombe, ili kuuza kwa wateja wa eneo hili.
My mother prepares various goods, such as baskets and cups, to sell to customers in this area.
Tulijaribu kubeba kuni nyingi, lakini mvua ilinyesha na zikaanza kuharibika.
We tried to carry a lot of firewood, but it rained and they began to spoil.
Mpishi mpya ameajiriwa hotelini, na wateja wanasema chakula chake ni cha kusisimua.
A new cook has been employed at the hotel, and customers say his food is thrilling.
Mama yangu alienda hospitali tena leo, na akaguswa na jitihada za madaktari kumsaidia.
My mother went to the hospital again today, and she was touched by the doctors’ efforts to help her.
Mimi na Juma tunatembea upande wa barabara.
Juma and I are walking on the side of the road.
Mazungumzo kati ya walimu na wazazi yalidumu hadi jioni.
The conversation between teachers and parents lasted until the evening.
Mpaka uliopo kati ya nchi yetu na jirani umewekwa bendera mpya.
The border between our country and the neighbor has a new flag placed.
Mama na baba wanaishi katika nyumba yenye upendo.
Mother and father live in a loving house.
Mimi na Juma tuna mradi mpya.
Juma and I have a new project.
Mimi na Juma tunazungumza darasani.
Juma and I speak in the classroom.
Kupika mkate ni mchakato unaohitaji uvumilivu na umakini.
Baking bread is a process that requires patience and focus.
Tumeangalia michezo mingi, na mpira wa miguu ni mojawapo ninayopenda.
We have watched many sports, and soccer is one of them that I like.
Wanyama wengi wanaishi msituni, na tembo ni mojawapo mwenye nguvu kubwa.
Many animals live in the forest, and the elephant is one of them with great strength.
Mafanikio yake yametokana na bidii na uvumilivu.
His/Her success has come from hard work and perseverance.
Bwana Khalid ni jirani yetu, naye anapenda kulima bustani.
Mr. Khalid is our neighbor, and he loves to cultivate the garden.
Hatimaye, tulimaliza zoezi la kukimbia na tukapumzika kando ya barabara.
Finally, we finished the running exercise and rested on the side of the road.
Bila bahati, pia unaweza kufikia malengo yako kwa bidii na mipango mizuri.
Without luck, you can also reach your goals through hard work and good planning.
Uaminifu ni msingi mzuri wa urafiki na familia.
Honesty is a good foundation for friendship and family.
Mama anachanganya kitunguu saumu na tangawizi ili chakula kiwe na ladha nzuri.
Mother mixes garlic and ginger so that the food has a nice flavor.
Je, utachuma matunda zaidi, kama mapera na parachichi, ukirudi nyumbani jioni?
Will you pick more fruits, such as guavas and avocados, when you return home in the evening?
Mimi nina uwezo wa kusoma na kuandika.
I have the ability to read and write.
Sakafu ya chumba hiki inang’aa kwa sababu mama aliifagia na kupiga deki asubuhi.
The floor of this room shines because mother swept and mopped it this morning.
Dada amejiandikisha chuo kikuu, ambacho kina ghorofa nyingi na vyumba vikubwa vya kujifunzia.
My sister has enrolled in a university, which has many floors and large study rooms.
Akiwa chipukizi katika somo la falsafa, kaka anafurahia kujadili mawazo mapya na kutazama nuru ya ufahamu.
As a beginner in philosophy, my brother enjoys discussing new ideas and seeing the light of understanding.
Ninapokosa matumaini, ninajikumbusha kwamba kujitolea na juhudi vitanisaidia kuendelea mbele.
When I lose hope, I remind myself that volunteering and effort will help me move forward.
Mara nyingi, kusoma chuo kikuu huongeza akili na uwezo wa kudhibiti changamoto za kimaisha.
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