currently | sedang |
to learn | belajar |
I am learning right now. | Saya sedang belajar sekarang. |
in | di |
the class | kelas |
every | setiap |
the morning | pagi |
You learn in class every morning. | Awak belajar di kelas setiap pagi. |
to watch | menonton |
the television | televisyen |
tonight | malam ini |
I want to eat rice tonight. | Saya mahu makan nasi malam ini. |
He/She is watching television tonight. | Dia sedang menonton televisyen malam ini. |
with | bersama |
the friend | teman |
They watch television with their friends. | Mereka menonton televisyen bersama teman-teman mereka. |
this morning | pagi tadi |
This morning, he/she sat here. | Pagi tadi, dia duduk di sini. |
the work | kerja |
with | dengan |
the car | kereta |
This morning, I went to work with my car. | Pagi tadi, saya pergi kerja dengan kereta saya. |
to work | kerja |
until | sampai |
the night | malam |
He/She likes to work until night. | Dia suka kerja sampai malam. |
Do you work there until night? | Awak kerja di sana sampai malam? |
to chat | berbual |
new | baru |
We are chatting with a new friend here. | Kita sedang berbual dengan teman baru di sini. |
right now | sekarang |
to listen | mendengar |
the music | muzik |
I am listening to music now. | Saya sedang mendengar muzik sekarang. |
slow | perlahan |
He/She likes to listen to slow music. | Dia suka mendengar muzik perlahan. |
Right now, I am listening to slow music. | Sekarang, saya sedang mendengar muzik perlahan. |
to listen | dengar |
fast | cepat |
before | sebelum |
He/She likes to listen to fast music before work. | Dia suka dengar muzik cepat sebelum kerja. |
the cat | kucing |
to sleep | tidur |
inside | dalam |
empty | kosong |
My cat is sleeping in an empty classroom. | Kucing saya sedang tidur di dalam kelas kosong. |
the dog | anjing |
under | di bawah |
His/Her cat is sleeping under the car now. | Kucing dia tidur di bawah kereta sekarang. |
the table | meja |
His/Her dog is sitting under the table now. | Anjing dia duduk di bawah meja sekarang. |
the bus | bas |
to | untuk |
the city | bandar |
I take a fast bus to go to the city. | Saya naik bas cepat untuk pergi ke bandar. |
My new friend also takes the bus to work. | Teman baru saya juga naik bas ke kerja. |
under | bawah |
My cat likes to sit under the car. | Kucing saya suka duduk bawah kereta. |
an | sebuah |
This cat likes to sleep under an empty table. | Kucing ini suka tidur bawah meja kosong. |
quietly | perlahan |
so that | supaya |
the child | anak |
small | kecil |
to be able | boleh |
They chat quietly so that the small child can sleep. | Mereka berbual perlahan supaya anak kecil itu boleh tidur. |
to ask | tanya |
the question | soalan |
to | pada |
the teacher | guru |
He/She asks a question to the teacher in class. | Dia tanya soalan pada guru di kelas. |
about | tentang |
I also want to ask the teacher about that small child. | Saya juga mahu tanya guru tentang anak kecil itu. |
to bring | bawa |
I bring the car to the market now. | Saya bawa kereta ke pasar sekarang. |
the book | buku |
important | penting |
I buy an important book. | Saya beli sebuah buku penting. |
to | kepada |
You ask the teacher a question about the book. | Awak tanya soalan kepada guru tentang buku itu. |
the history | sejarah |
I bring an important book to my friend so that he/she can learn about history. | Saya bawa buku penting kepada teman saya supaya dia boleh belajar tentang sejarah. |
to read | membaca |
He/She is reading a history book before sleeping tonight. | Dia sedang membaca buku sejarah sebelum tidur malam ini. |
the magazine | majalah |
I buy a magazine at the market. | Saya beli majalah di pasar. |
the home | rumah |
He/She reads that magazine at home. | Dia membaca majalah itu di rumah. |
for | untuk |
to return | pulang |
I go to the city by car to return home. | Saya pergi ke bandar dengan kereta untuk pulang ke rumah. |
to rest | berehat |
the house | rumah |
He/She returns home now. | Dia pulang ke rumah sekarang. |
after | selepas |
long | panjang |
They are resting at home after a long day of work. | Mereka sedang berehat di rumah selepas kerja panjang. |
a | sebuah |
I buy a new car. | Saya beli sebuah kereta baru. |
the trip | perjalanan |
for a while | sebentar |
I sit here to rest for a while. | Saya duduk di sini untuk berehat sebentar. |
the dinner | makan malam |
I buy rice for dinner. | Saya beli nasi untuk makan malam. |
After a long trip in the city, we rest for a while before dinner. | Selepas perjalanan panjang di bandar, kita berehat sebentar sebelum makan malam. |
very | sangat |
That music is very slow. | Muzik itu sangat perlahan. |
enjoyable | menyeronokkan |
My trip by this car is very enjoyable. | Perjalanan saya dengan kereta ini sangat menyeronokkan. |
to make | membuat |
I make rice for dinner. | Saya membuat nasi untuk makan malam. |
the experience | pengalaman |
more | lebih |
Soft music makes that experience more enjoyable. | Muzik perlahan membuat pengalaman itu lebih menyeronokkan. |
This experience is enjoyable. | Pengalaman ini menyeronokkan. |
the day | hari |
You like to eat rice every day. | Awak suka makan nasi setiap hari. |
slowly | perlahan |
This morning, I drink water slowly. | Pagi ini, saya minum air perlahan. |
him/her | dia |
I eat rice with him/her. | Saya makan nasi bersama dia. |
earlier | tadi |
I bought a magazine earlier. | Saya beli majalah tadi. |
I listened to slow music this morning. | Saya dengar muzik perlahan pagi tadi. |
outside | luar |
He/She is sitting outside now. | Dia duduk di luar sekarang. |
My dog is sitting outside the house now. | Anjing saya duduk di luar rumah sekarang. |
and | dan |
I like rice and you like bread. | Saya suka nasi dan awak suka roti. |
We sit here and chat quietly. | Kita duduk di sini dan berbual perlahan. |
that | yang |
I want rice that is more delicious. | Saya mahukan nasi yang lebih sedap. |
throughout | sepanjang |
The music is slow throughout this morning. | Muzik perlahan sepanjang pagi ini. |
I want to rest all day. | Saya mahu berehat sepanjang hari. |
not | tidak |
His/Her dog is not sleeping under the table now. | Anjing dia tidak tidur di bawah meja sekarang. |
to forget | lupa |
You forgot to bring that important book. | Awak lupa bawa buku penting itu. |
They learn slowly so they won't forget. | Mereka belajar perlahan supaya tidak lupa. |
to choose | pilih |
I choose rice for dinner. | Saya pilih nasi untuk makan malam. |
You choose a book that is enjoyable to read. | Awak pilih buku yang sedap dibaca. |