Usages of baru
Kita sedang berbual dengan teman baru di sini.
We are chatting with a new friend here.
Teman baru saya juga naik bas ke kerja.
My new friend also takes the bus to work.
Saya beli sebuah kereta baru.
I buy a new car.
Sekarang saya guna laptop baru untuk bekerja di rumah yang tenang.
Now I use a new laptop to work at home that is calm.
Saya rasa kereta baru itu cepat.
I feel the new car is fast.
Saya akan memandu kereta baru ke tempat kerja esok, supaya saya tidak letih.
I will drive a new car to work tomorrow, so I won’t be tired.
Kedai baru terletak di bandar.
The new shop is located in the city.
Kedai baru terletak sejauh dua kilometer dari pejabat.
The new shop is located as far as two kilometers from the office.
Ayah saya membeli baju baru di kedai yang murah.
My father buys a new shirt at the cheap shop.
Sila jangan sentuh dinding baru yang masih basah dengan cat.
Please do not touch the new wall that is still wet with paint.
Abang saya mencuba seluar baru di kedai, kemudian dia pulang untuk menukar kasut sebelum mesyuarat.
My older brother tried on new pants at the store, then he returned home to change his shoes before the meeting.
Dia sapa teman baru.
He/She greets a new friend.
Saya pakai baju baru.
I wear a new shirt.
Saya menukar baju lama dengan baju baru.
I change my old shirt for a new shirt.
Dia naik kereta baru ke pejabat.
He/She rides a new car to the office.
Saya beli topi baru.
I buy a new hat.
Saya ada idea baru.
I have a new idea.
Dia berangkat ke bandar dengan kereta baru.
He/She departs for the city with a new car. is an online learning platform
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