Usages of kereta
Pagi tadi, saya pergi kerja dengan kereta saya.
This morning, I went to work with my car.
Saya pergi ke bandar dengan kereta untuk pulang ke rumah.
I go to the city by car to return home.
Perjalanan saya dengan kereta ini sangat menyeronokkan.
My trip by this car is very enjoyable.
Kucing dia tidur di bawah kereta sekarang.
His/Her cat is sleeping under the car now.
Kucing saya suka duduk bawah kereta.
My cat likes to sit under the car.
Saya bawa kereta ke pasar sekarang.
I bring the car to the market now.
Saya beli sebuah kereta baru.
I buy a new car.
Kereta saya rosak sekarang.
My car is broken now.
Saya guna kereta untuk pergi ke pejabat.
I use the car to go to the office.
Saya rasa kereta baru itu cepat.
I feel the new car is fast.
Kereta pejabat rosak.
The office car is broken.
Saya akan memandu kereta baru ke tempat kerja esok, supaya saya tidak letih.
I will drive a new car to work tomorrow, so I won’t be tired.
Kereta saya rosak, jadi saya naik bas ke pejabat.
My car is broken, so I take the bus to the office.
Saya memandu ke pejabat ketika hujan dan hampir lupa payung di dalam kereta.
I drove to the office when it was raining and almost forgot my umbrella in the car.
Dia naik kereta baru ke pejabat.
He/She rides a new car to the office.
Kereta rosak menjejaskan perjalanan saya.
My broken car affects my journey.
Saya letak semula kunci kereta di meja.
I put the car key back on the table.
Dia berangkat ke bandar dengan kereta baru.
He/She departs for the city with a new car.
Dia cari payung di kereta.
He/She searches for an umbrella in the car. is an online learning platform
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