
Usages of pagi

Awak belajar di kelas setiap pagi.
You learn in class every morning.
Pagi ini, saya minum air perlahan.
This morning, I drink water slowly.
Saya dengar muzik perlahan pagi tadi.
I listened to slow music this morning.
Muzik perlahan sepanjang pagi ini.
The music is slow throughout this morning.
Setiap pagi, saya berjalan dengan keluarga saya di taman.
Every morning, I walk with my family in the park.
Saya bangun awal pagi untuk menulis nota tentang pengalaman semalam.
I wake up early in the morning to write notes about yesterday’s experience.
Kedai yang buka awal pagi sering menjual sarapan yang murah.
The shop that opens early in the morning often sells cheap breakfast.
Selepas berjalan pagi ini, kita rehat sebentar dan siapkan kerja pejabat.
After walking this morning, we rest for a while and complete office work.
Setiap pagi, saya makan sarapan.
Every morning, I eat breakfast.
Pagi ini, saya sudah membeli buah di pasar yang sibuk.
This morning, I have already bought fruit at the busy market.
Saya masih perlu berehat, namun pukul lapan pagi nanti saya akan mula bekerja.
I still need to rest, but at eight o’clock in the morning I will start working.
Dia bersenam setiap pagi.
He/She exercises every morning.
Bangku panjang di taman itu dibersihkan setiap pagi, jadi orang ramai gembira duduk di sana.
The long bench in the park is cleaned every morning, so people are happy sitting there.
Ibu saya memasak nasi setiap pagi, manakala ayah saya bekerja di pejabat.
My mother cooks rice every morning, while my father works at the office.
Saya rasa kita harus berangkat awal pagi esok, kerana perjalanan ke pejabat agak jauh.
I think we should depart early tomorrow morning, because the trip to the office is rather far. is an online learning platform
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