Usages of tentang
Saya juga mahu tanya guru tentang anak kecil itu.
I also want to ask the teacher about that small child.
Saya bawa buku penting kepada teman saya supaya dia boleh belajar tentang sejarah.
I bring an important book to my friend so that he/she can learn about history.
Awak tanya soalan kepada guru tentang buku itu.
You ask the teacher a question about the book.
Saya bangun awal pagi untuk menulis nota tentang pengalaman semalam.
I wake up early in the morning to write notes about yesterday’s experience.
Mari kita fikir bersama tentang cara membersihkan tuala basah dan dinding kotor dengan lebih cepat.
Let’s think together about how to clean the wet towel and dirty wall more quickly.
Petang ini, saya tanya guru tentang sejarah.
This afternoon, I ask the teacher about history.
Saya tulis laporan tentang isu.
I write a report about the issue.
Saya sedang bertanya kepada ibu tentang topi.
I am asking my mother about the hat. is an online learning platform
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