
the table
Part of speech

Usages of meja

Anjing dia duduk di bawah meja sekarang.
His/Her dog is sitting under the table now.
Kucing ini suka tidur bawah meja kosong.
This cat likes to sleep under an empty table.
Anjing dia tidak tidur di bawah meja sekarang.
His/Her dog is not sleeping under the table now.
Awak bersihkan meja.
You clean the table.
Saya simpan buku penting di meja.
I keep the important book on the table.
Saya meletakkan buku di atas meja.
I place the book on the table.
Saya menyimpan fail penting di meja.
I store the important file on the table.
Saya meletakkan cawan kopi di atas meja.
I place the coffee cup on the table.
Saya susun fail penting di meja.
I arrange the important file on the table.
Saya susun fail dengan rapi di meja.
I arrange the file neatly on the table.
Saya duduk di meja dapur bersama teman saya.
I sit at the kitchen table with my friend.
Sila jangan lupa telefon awak di atas meja sebelum kita keluar.
Please do not forget your phone on the table before we go out.
Tolong buka laci di ruang tamu dan susun perabot hiasan di atas meja.
Please open the drawer in the living room and arrange the decorative furniture on the table.
Siapakah pemilik telefon ini? Mungkin kita boleh letak semula di meja supaya tidak tersalah ambil.
Whose phone is this? Maybe we can put it back on the table so it is not taken by mistake.
Saya letak semula kunci kereta di meja.
I put the car key back on the table.
Meja ini keras.
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