
to bring
Part of speech

Usages of bawa

Saya bawa buku penting kepada teman saya supaya dia boleh belajar tentang sejarah.
I bring an important book to my friend so that he/she can learn about history.
Saya bawa kereta ke pasar sekarang.
I bring the car to the market now.
Awak lupa bawa buku penting itu.
You forgot to bring that important book.
Dia bawa nota ke kelas sekarang.
He/She brings a note to class now.
Kadangkala, fail itu dibawa oleh bos ke pejabat berlainan untuk mesyuarat penting.
Sometimes, that file is taken by the boss to a different office for an important meeting.
Saya fikir hujan akan turun petang ini, jadi bawalah payung apabila keluar.
I think it will rain this afternoon, so bring an umbrella when you go out.
Hujan lebat membuat saya susah untuk menunggang basikal, walaupun saya sudah bawa payung.
Heavy rain makes it hard for me to ride a bicycle, even though I have already brought an umbrella.
Pastikan awak bawa buku penting untuk belajar sejarah.
Make sure you bring an important book to study history.
Saya hampir lupa bawa buku penting.
I almost forgot to bring the important book.
Dia membawa bantal baharu dan selimut lembut ke kelas kerana dia mahu berehat sebentar.
He/She brings a new pillow and a soft blanket to class because he/she wants to rest for a while.
Saya lupa bawa kunci kereta.
I forgot to bring the car key. is an online learning platform
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