Usages of kerja
Pagi tadi, saya pergi kerja dengan kereta saya.
This morning, I went to work with my car.
Dia suka dengar muzik cepat sebelum kerja.
He/She likes to listen to fast music before work.
Teman baru saya juga naik bas ke kerja.
My new friend also takes the bus to work.
Mereka sedang berehat di rumah selepas kerja panjang.
They are resting at home after a long day of work.
Mereka membaca majalah sambil menunggu saya siapkan kerja.
They read a magazine while waiting for me to complete my work.
Selepas berjalan pagi ini, kita rehat sebentar dan siapkan kerja pejabat.
After walking this morning, we rest for a while and complete office work.
Kita berkumpul di taman selepas kerja.
We gather in the park after work.
Saya baca dokumen penting sebelum kerja.
I read the important document before work.
Mereka rehat selepas kerja.
They rest after work.
Pada waktu petang, saya berasa gembira kerana saya sudah selesai kerja di pejabat.
In the evening, I feel happy because I have finished my work at the office.
Saya menjadi letih selepas kerja.
I become tired after work.
Saya kekurangan tenaga selepas kerja.
I lack energy after work.
Tolong tanya dia: “Bilakah awak akan berhenti kerja hari ini?” supaya kita boleh keluar bersama.
Please ask him/her: “When will you stop working today?” so that we can go out together.
Saya sebenarnya perlu berehat selepas kerja.
I actually need to rest after work.
Saya selesaikan kerja ini dengan cepat.
I finish this work quickly. is an online learning platform
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