Usages of supaya
Mereka berbual perlahan supaya anak kecil itu boleh tidur.
They chat quietly so that the small child can sleep.
Saya bawa buku penting kepada teman saya supaya dia boleh belajar tentang sejarah.
I bring an important book to my friend so that he/she can learn about history.
Mereka belajar perlahan supaya tidak lupa.
They learn slowly so they won't forget.
Jika saya bangun lewat, saya akan tutup pintu dan jendela supaya tidur lebih tenang.
If I wake up late, I will close the door and window so that I can sleep more calmly.
Saya akan memandu kereta baru ke tempat kerja esok, supaya saya tidak letih.
I will drive a new car to work tomorrow, so I won’t be tired.
Dia juga rajin bersukan pada waktu pagi supaya badannya sihat.
He/She is also diligent in doing sports in the morning so that his/her body is healthy.
Pinggan yang sudah bersih kemudian saya simpan di atas rak supaya lantai kekal kemas.
The plates that are already clean are then kept on the rack so that the floor remains tidy.
Peti sejuk itu dibersihkan seminggu sekali supaya makanan kekal segar.
That fridge is cleaned once a week so that the food stays fresh.
Sila mencuba baju ini supaya ayah awak boleh lihat saiznya.
Please try on this shirt so that your father can see the size.
Tolong gantung tuala basah di dinding bilik mandi supaya lantai kekal kering.
Please hang the wet towel on the bathroom wall so the floor stays dry.
Jangan lupa untuk menyimpan telefon di dalam laci supaya kakak tidak tersalah ambil.
Do not forget to store the phone in the drawer so that older sister does not take it by mistake.
Saya menunggang basikal di taman supaya saya sihat.
I ride a bicycle in the park so that I am healthy.
Siapakah pemilik telefon ini? Mungkin kita boleh letak semula di meja supaya tidak tersalah ambil.
Whose phone is this? Maybe we can put it back on the table so it is not taken by mistake.
Tolong tanya dia: “Bilakah awak akan berhenti kerja hari ini?” supaya kita boleh keluar bersama.
Please ask him/her: “When will you stop working today?” so that we can go out together.
Harus kita hargai orang yang sudi berkongsi makanan sedap, supaya dia gembira membantu kita lagi.
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