Usages of penting
Saya bawa buku penting kepada teman saya supaya dia boleh belajar tentang sejarah.
I bring an important book to my friend so that he/she can learn about history.
Saya beli sebuah buku penting.
I buy an important book.
Awak lupa bawa buku penting itu.
You forgot to bring that important book.
Saya perlu tulis tarikh penting itu sebelum saya hantar laporan.
I need to write that important date before I send the report.
Saya ada tugasan penting.
I have an important task.
Semua buku penting.
All books are important.
Saya baca dokumen penting sebelum kerja.
I read the important document before work.
Latihan ini penting, namun saya letih kerana cuaca terlalu panas di luar.
This practice is important, however I am tired because the weather is too hot outside.
Saya buat tugasan penting di pejabat.
I do an important task at the office.
Saya memulakan tugasan penting di pejabat.
I start an important task at the office.
Saya perlukan buku penting.
I need an important book.
Saya akan menyiapkan laporan penting malam ini.
I will complete the important report tonight.
Sebelum bersenam, adik saya meletakkan fail penting di atas bangku dekat pejabat.
Before exercising, my younger sibling places an important file on the bench near the office.
Kadangkala, fail itu dibawa oleh bos ke pejabat berlainan untuk mesyuarat penting.
Sometimes, that file is taken by the boss to a different office for an important meeting.
Saya simpan buku penting di meja.
I keep the important book on the table.
Saya menyimpan fail penting di meja.
I store the important file on the table.
Saya susun fail penting di meja.
I arrange the important file on the table.
Pastikan awak bawa buku penting untuk belajar sejarah.
Make sure you bring an important book to study history.
Saya ubah fail penting di pejabat.
I change the important file at the office.
Saya sentuh fail penting.
I touch the important file.
Saya hampir lupa bawa buku penting.
I almost forgot to bring the important book.
Adakah awak sudah meminjam buku penting kepada guru, atau awak belum sempat?
Have you already borrowed the important book from the teacher, or have you not had the chance yet?
Mengapa awak duduk di sini dan bersiul, sedangkan kita ada tugasan penting untuk disiapkan?
Why are you sitting here whistling, whereas we have an important task to complete?
Siapa ada buku penting?
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