Usages of teman
Mereka menonton televisyen bersama teman-teman mereka.
They watch television with their friends.
Kita sedang berbual dengan teman baru di sini.
We are chatting with a new friend here.
Teman baru saya juga naik bas ke kerja.
My new friend also takes the bus to work.
Saya bawa buku penting kepada teman saya supaya dia boleh belajar tentang sejarah.
I bring an important book to my friend so that he/she can learn about history.
Saya duduk bersama enam teman di taman.
I sit with six friends in the park.
Saya berjumpa dengan teman di jalan.
I meet with a friend on the road.
Kemudian, saya minum air dalam cawan sambil berbual dengan teman.
Afterwards, I drink water in a cup while chatting with a friend.
Teman saya tinggi.
My friend is tall.
Saya duduk di meja dapur bersama teman saya.
I sit at the kitchen table with my friend.
Dia sapa teman baru.
He/She greets a new friend.
Saya jemput teman saya ke rumah sekarang.
I invite my friend home now. is an online learning platform
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